

Title: Pumpkin

Also known as : Not known.

Scientific Name : Cucurbita Pepo

Identification : An Annual plant with twining stems. The flowers are large and a yellow. The fruit needs no description as everyone knows a pumpkin.

Properties : Anthelmintic (kills worms), Diuretic, High in zinc, High in Phytosterol

Uses: Treatment of worms, Reduces Prostate enlargement, Cystitis, Kidney function, helps to prevent cholesterol from getting into the blood stream. Boosts the immune system

Try It : Cystitus cure; 2-3 teaspoons of seeds in a cup of boiling water. Infuse for at least 10 minutes, add honey to taste.

Warnings: None Know, safe to be taken while pregnant.

Parts used: Seeds and Fruit

Magic: Clairvoyance, Dreams, Healing, Protection

Planet : Moon

Element : Water

Deities : None known

Folklore and History: The ancient Mayans used the sap of the pumpkin to treat burns. In Native Indian practice in Northern and Central America it was popular for healing. Especially ground with milk and water to cure worms. A trick they taught the early European settlers that became so popular that it became that standard cure. The tradition of carving pumpkins actually started with a folk practice from Ireland. Stringy Jack was a blacksmith who tried to trick the devil into eternal life, he won but he reward was to wander the earth for eternity with burning coal for light. Caving a turnip or Potato into a scary face or Jack-o-lantern would keep him and other evil spirits at bay.

Plant Tips : If you are thinking of growing a prize winner the secret is the variety. Seek out seeds for the “Atlantic Giant”. Always harvest prior to the first frost as this will kill off the vines.

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