#t more and more


‧ ₊ ˚ ♡ MORE AND MORE.


     the younger girls reaction is one that pulls an amused laugh out of her, heejins lips curling upwards into an almost delighted smile, and she hopes mina doesn’t take her teasing actions to heart too much. judging by both her words and actions, however, heejin is sure everything is fine. from what she remembered, the younger girl knew how to play well, was honest in her own right, and, thankfully, wasn’t someone who held herself back ( at least, heejin felt like she didn’t hold herself back ).

     while heejin tended to be fairly judgmental of people, especially when it came to first meetings, her first few encounters with mina had gone down a little differently, mainly because the two had a common denominator to help ease them into a more friendly relationship. daniel was nice, someone heejin had come to trust and appreciate pretty quickly from how much time they’d needed to spend together, so by association, mina was easy to approach. of course, she’d had her own reservations, but there wasn’t a need to be too distant or give the cold shoulder while taking in her personality.

     so, she’s happy the two of them are here together now. while they both needed to keep their guards up as they trained to try and secure their own spots within the project, there was still ample time to talk to one another on their own accords. this was a good opportunity, and heejin wouldn’t let it slip by just yet.

     “i’m glad, then, i would’ve been hurt if you’d forgotten about me so quickly.” and really, at the very least, being forgotten would’ve stung at least a little bit. call her conceited, or at the very least overly confident, but heejin felt she wasn’t the type of person people could simply disregard. heejin lets herself mellow out a bit, nodding along as the younger girl speaks. “i’m sure it all feels like a lot trying to adjust to trainee life, only to suddenly be in a debut project.” she can only imagine how much of a whirlwind that must be, and heejin is glad she’d had the time she did to simply be a trainee first before being trained specifically with debut in mind. “you haven’t lost your head yet, so that’s a good sign. and if you ever feel like you are, you can come to me or any of the others girls.”

she feels like she’s validto be nervous. considering the fact that she, compared to her brother, didn’t know heejin as well, she wasn’t really sure on how to impress her. with the fact that she was practically a newbie compared to all the other trainees who have been training far longer than she has, she just wanted to make sure she didn’t seem at all weirdto any of the other girls there. heejinespecially, considering the fact that she was able to see her talents on her tv screen.

so the sound of her laughter eases her worries and she lets out a mentalsigh of relief. thank godshe hasn’t messed up so far today. how unfortunatewould that be if she did! not only did it calm her down, but it makes mina smileto know that she made the other laugh genuinely. the fact that just her awkwardnessgets a positive reaction? it definitely felt comforting. especially if it came from someone as cool as the other.

what heejin says in response makes mina smile, but not in an uncomfortable way. in fact, the other girl summed up her experience thus far better than herself. it was already a huge shock to be acknowledged via the star bright auditions. but now have a chance to debut barelya month into being a trainee? as excited as she is about the amazing opportunity (especially with the fact that she wasn’t the onlyone going through this), it did feel like a lotwas happening to her. it felt comfortingto know that someone was able to sympathize. she’s sure the other girls could understand, but hearing heejin’s words definitelyfelt like how a good senior would talk to a person new to the field. was she admiring the fact that she’s talented andkind? yes. did care? not in the slightest.

“thank you, unnie,” she says in response to her words, soft smile still on her lips. “honestly, i’m just really thankful i get to be apart of this project with such talented people. including you, obviously. because you were amazingon the mgas.” the fact that she’s practically telling heejin that she’s a fan of her is a little peculiar, so decides to end her response with something else. “what i’m trying to say is i hope we get to know each other more through this project. and possibly become better friends by the end of it.” there we go. an excellent response.

‧ ₊ ˚ ♡ MORE AND MORE.


     though it’s been quiet a while since the two of them were last able to speak like this, heejin is glad the younger girl is still as open and receptive to her company. it’s like nothings changed from the way mina was in the brief moments they had when heejin had been working alongside daniel a year ago.

     heejin sometimes still can’t fathom just how much time has gone by since she’d first signed herself away as a trainee, the mark of her first year having come a little over two weeks ago. now, in being apart of a debut project with a high chance of securing her own spot, it feels like she’s moving at a breakneck pace, but still going painfully slow.

     while making new connections to some extent was always a good idea, the thought of putting herself out there to a crowd of strangers never being something she’s found daunting, heejin won’t deny the relaxation that comes with familiar faces, and while there’s still so much for them to learn about each other, they’ve long since broken through first meetings. all that’s left now is to fall back into place and build even more.

     tilting her head to one side, she sports a faux pout, furrowed brows only giving emphasis to the somewhat sad mood she feels she succeeds in putting out. “you can just call me by my name, or even unnie, really, it’s fine or do you not like me anymore?” her words are all in jest, her pout breaking into a light grin the longer she goes on. she hopes it doesn’t throw the other off, her somewhat stiff posture a slight giveaway, but heejin doesn’t comment. “feeling nervous can be good sometimes, it can make you want to work harder to do your best, but i’m glad you’re feeling good being here overall. it can be a little overwhelming at first.” she’s heard from others, at least. “i think you’ll be fine!

she’d be lying if she said she was completely comfortable with the whole decision of letting her become part of the project. while she will admit being in sphere was a great opportunity, let alone being in the projectso soon, she couldn’t help but feel as if it was a little too overwhelming for her. especially because just weeks before she got signed, she was just a normal girl with a normal job and life. 

and though she was willing to get herself to know more faces in hopes of feeling more comfortable and familiarizing herself with everyone, she stillfound herself going to those familiar faces the most. chungha lived with mina and yoorim was basically going through the same trainee experience she was. gahyeon and yuzu were also given to know her more, but even thenthey were busy with royal while she was still bored with how life was going with her. 

so getting to see a familiar face, even if they didn’t get as many opportunities to talk as much, was already relieving enough for her. and the fact that thejeon heejin approached her while also recognizing her was already enough to make mina happy. yes, she knew heejin’s roommate as well as the fact that her brother worked with her before. but it was still a big deal to her! she’s inclined to feel blessed

however, she will note that it was boldof her to assume that mina could ever dislike her. “no! oh my god, never,” she says immediately, ignoring the fact that she used the lord’s name in vain (thanks mom for enforcing that on her). but when the other gives her a smile, it’s more of assurance that she’s not doing anything bad. she sighs in relief and returns the smile. “i’ll call you unnie, then. if that’s okay, i mean,” she answers, her doubt still showing through her answer, but she thinks it’s not much of a big deal for the both of them. “it is a little overwhelming, considering i just signed not too long ago. but i’m trying my best with everything!” she then gives a thumbs up. “i’m really glad to see you, though! it’s nice seeing more familiar faces.”
