#t100 for ts



Welcome back for the third annual Bellarke January Joy!

What is Bellarke January Joy?

Simply put; it is a month-long event to bring some joy to you in the form of Bellamy and Clarke!

For the month of January, content creators sign up to create and post a piece of their work on a specific day. Each content creator that signs up will “claim” one day in January for them to post! We welcome fanfiction writers, fan artists, and other type of fanwork creators!

❄️ Sign ups are open until December 30, 2020! ❄️

Read below the cut for more information!

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A Show: has strong female characters and characters of color and lgbt characters, has ships/potential ships based on mutual love and mutual respect and mutually beneficial partnerships, has friendships that have the potential to meaningful and long lasting despite obstacles, has people over coming their hardships and trauma, has deep and meaningful themes about the importance of love and humanity and “doing better,” has women who are unafraid to step into leadership roles, has men who defy toxic masculinity and stereotypes about “strong male characters,” and has SO MUCH POTENTIAL

J@son Rothenberg:
