#taeyang imagine


The Nation’s Girl Crush

Idol!Taeyang x Female Idol!Reader AU 

SF9 Masterlist

Main Masterlist



{Requested by anon}

Summary: A revisit of how you, the most beloved idol, met the love of your life who also happens to be an idol.

Genre: Fluffff, Pure Innocent Love

Word Count: 1.8k


“Girls! Y/n needs help again. She’s staring at her phone and laughing like a crazy kid.” Hyomin, the leader of your group teased you. You were sprawled on the couch of the waiting room with your legs over her lap, paying no mind to her nonsense as you are too busy facetiming your boyfriend of two years.

Your two other members immediately stop what they were doing, dashing to your side. You laugh as the rest of your members stuff their faces next to yours to get a good look at your phone screen. They all shout absurdly loud, “Good morning brother in law!!” Yuri, the leader of your group, sported a hair roller holding up her bangs and a mischievous look on her face as she joked, “Stop making our y/n like a giddy kid. She must protect her ‘sexy girl’ idol image.” 

It is currently six in the morning and the staffs look exhausted but your group seem as lively as ever, ready to hit rehearsals for the music broadcast. Initially, you were just as fatigued as the staffs but that all changed after receiving a facetime call from your boyfriend, Taeyang, who always know how to cheer you up despite having an early schedule for an album jacket shooting.

You are a part of a famous Kpop girl group named Lady that consists of four members. It’s been seven years since your debut and your group has grown quite popular. Lady was known in the industry as one of the most seductive, “female fatale” groups with infinite charms. Over the years, you have gained the nickname “the nation’s girl crush” as you always gave unbelievably strong performances as a bold and daring artist who was the embodiment of the girl crush concept. Although you may seem very intense and intimidating on stage, you were quite opposite off stage. 

Around four years after your debut, your group had a colliding comeback schedule with a rising rookie group named SF9. They were promoting their song, Now or Never, and had a similar concept to your group which caught your eye. You admired the way they accentuated their body proportions and incorporated it into their choreography, and most definitely, enjoyed their songs. Over the few weeks of watching their performance in the waiting room TV, your attention naturally shifted to one particular member, Yoo Taeyang.

As you were your group’s main dancer, you instinctively analyzed Taeyang’s dancing skills and was blown away by his talent and charm. Since then, your members picked up on your liking of him and would always tease you about it, especially during the end of every shooting for a music broadcast. Thanks to the three girls who loved to tease you, you ended up having a “fateful” encounter with him. 

It was the last day of your group’s promotion for a hit single on Inkigayo and the four of you gathered on stage to finish the end segment for the show. Confetti filled the stage as the show hosts announced Lady as the week’s #1 winner on the music charts. Fellow artists behind you congratulated your group as they walked off the stage. You politely bowed to them while singing your lines for the encore stage. The artists were amazed at your live singing skills and some rookie idols were bewildered by your sultry voice. You continued to politely return their admiration by thanking them before you turned to your fans in the audience and waved happily to them.

Suddenly, your three cheerful members surrounded you and gave you a big hug. Through the loud audio in the background and the vigorous cheering of your fans, you heard Yuri tell you as the other members gave you an enthusiastic smile, “Look! I found your crush! Say hi!”

Before you knew it, your friend flung you to the moving crowd behind you. You were dressed in an inconveniently tight jumpsuit with tall stiletto heels and almost tripped. Thankfully, another artist caught your arm and prevented the embarrassing fall. You chuckled and thanked the artist before you met his eyes and realized who it was. “Taeyang!” You shouted in surprise, silently cursing at your members for embarrassing you in front of your junior. You quickly muttered a thank you before you removed yourself from his grasp, mindful of the cameras and audience. 

“Hopefully the camera didn’t catch my slip,” you joked. Taeyang chuckled, “I’m glad I caught you in time! By the way,” he spoke with surprise laced in his voice, “you know my name?” 

Your eyes widen, like a deer caught in the headlights. You couldn’t find a believable excuse so you impulsively told him the truth, “Yeah! Actually,” you chuckled, “I’ve noticed you during rehearsals these past couple of weeks.” You tried your best to not sound awkward and decided to stick to your image as a senior artist in the industry, “You’re a great dancer! Keep up the good work!” You finished your encouragement quickly and ran to your members out of sheer embarrassment. They noticed your red ears and started to tease you but you ignored them and continued to sing the song with your fans.

The broadcast finally ended and the four of you went backstage. You groaned in embarrassment and ran back to the waiting room. The three girls chuckled at your contrast in behavior from the daring idol to a shy girl within the first second you got off the stage and took their time walking back.

With your remaining energy, you forced your legs to move as quickly as they can. Your palms hid your face as you mumbled out loud, “Ugh I can’t believe I said that to him. Why did I even say ‘keep up the good work’ like that?”

You continued to run before your head collided into something hard. “Ow.” You mumbled as you removed your hands from your face. You saw a man dressed in a black suit and a harness around his chest and craned your neck upwards to face him. Your face immediately burned bright red once you realized you had just bumped into Taeyang’s chest.

“Are you okay, sunbae?” His voice was laced with concern, “Sunbae, your face is so red, what happened?” You let out a groan, completely defeated with embarrassment by the beautiful and caring man in front of you. As if by habit whenever you saw him, you impulsively told him the truth, “You.”

He looked at you in confusion and you clarified, this time with more confidence as if you were performing on stage, “You happened. You’re the reason why I look like a tomato instead of the glamorous y/n that the world knows.” He was about to reply to you but you cut him off and laid out all the emotions you have been holding back for the past few weeks of promotions, “I thought I liked you because you were talented but every time my eyes meet yours, I get so embarrassed and my heart starts pounding as if I’m having my debut again. So you asked me what happened? You happened.” Taeyang looked so flustered as he began to sport a similar flush on his face. You paid no mind as you continued, “So. Hoobae,” you emphasized the last word dramatically. “You happened. And no, I am not okay. I feel like I consumed too much sugar and now my heart won’t stop jumping like a kid in a Mickey Mouse bounce house.”

You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, relieved to get that off your back before you realized what you just did. Your flushed face returned as you realized what you said to the man you only ever officially met twice. You placed a hand over your mouth in shock at yourself and muttered a quick apology before you took a sharp left turn to enter your waiting room.

Your members filed in soon after and pressed you for details. Yuri grabbed you by the shoulders, violently shaking your lifeless form and whisper-shouted, “Taeyang is outside our waiting room! What is he doing? Did you say something to him on stage earlier??” The girls continued to chatter endlessly in a hushed voice, afraid the man outside would hear, as you fell on the couch, huddled in embarrassment and regret.

Your manager entered the room and told you with slight confusion, “Hey y/n, did you ask for SF9′s Taeyang to come by? He said he needed to see you.”

You groaned and shoved a pillow in front of your face before screaming into it. Everyone in the room, including the staffs, stared at you like you were crazy. Hyomin grabbed your wrist and dragged you off the couch. She rolled her eyes at your limp figure and gave you a push toward the door, “Go get em tiger! The nation’s girl crush is undefeatable!” You glared at her as she winked back at you.

When you opened the door, you saw Taeyang leaning against the wall opposite of your room and your heart picked up its pace again. He looked up and right away, excitement filled his eyes as he walked closer towards you. You approached him cautiously, unprepared for what he was going to say to you. Contrary to your expectations, he ran his fingers over his soft-looking hair and chuckled. “Sunbae, you left so quickly I wasn’t able to ask for your phone number.”

You blinked at the enthusiastic boy in front of you and asked dumbfounded, “Phone number?”

He replied with a soft smile, “Yes, I thought maybe you can give me some advice from time to time.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. “As my sunbae and as the talented and skilled dancer you are.” You let out a chuckle at his cute behavior and he followed along, letting out a shy laugh. “Maybe I can get to know more about you too.” He added cautiously.

You tilted your head, “Oh?” This time, it was his turn to turn into an embarrassing mess and you laughed at his adorable flushed face and told him boldly, “Give me your phone.”

He quickly reached into his suit jacket and pulled out his phone. You grabbed it and entered your phone number. He waited for you in anticipation and you laughed to yourself when you glanced up to look at his nervous face. You gave him a warm smile before handing the phone back to him. “All set.” You opened the door to your waiting room and walked back in. Before you shut the door, you stuck your head out and told Taeyang in a sweet voice, “Let’s grab coffee sometime.”

He was already walking back to his room and almost bumped into a staff passing by after hearing your words. You muffled your laugh with your hand and Taeyang embarrassingly walked back into his room. Once he got back, he looked at his phone and saw the contact name you left: The Nation’s Girl Crush



His eyes rolled as Seunghyun walked into your apartment to find you asleep on the sofa, his jumper wrapped around you still that he had given you earlier.

“I thought you said you’d wait up for me,” Seunghyun muttered under his breath as he neared you.

You were only lightly sleeping, quickly flinching at the sound of Seunghyun’s voice. “I’m awake,” you sighed, reluctantly opening your eyes quickly at him.

“That’s a definite lie,” Seunghyun sniggered as he watched you sit up and shake yourself awake, “I knew that you wouldn’t be able to stay up this late.”

“You’re later than you told me you’d be anyway.”

He placed himself down beside you on the sofa, “you can blame Jiyong for that, he kept going on.”

“You can’t blame your friends,” you laughed back at him. “Anyway, I’ve only been asleep for half an hour maximum, so if you’d come home on time, then you would have seen me awake here.”

His arm wrapped loosely around your frame, “I was expecting to see you wide awake, leaping into my arms when I got home like they do in the movies.”

“It’s far too late for me to dream of doing that.”


A loud laugh came from Youngbae as he walked back downstairs from his shower to see you fast asleep on his sofa, stealing one of his blankets to use too.

“Oi!” He yelled, shaking your figure to wake you up with a proud smile plastered on his face.

You groaned as soon as your body shook, kicking your legs out to try and get at Youngbae. “Why can’t you just let me sleep in peace?” You frowned at him.

“That would be too easy,” Youngbae teased, hovering over you on the sofa, “if you’re that tired, don’t you think it’s time that you went back to your place?”

“Are you really kicking your best friend out right now?”

His shoulders shrugged back at you, “it’s not as if we can hang out if you’re just falling asleep.”

“I’m awake,” you assured him, reluctantly sitting yourself up on the sofa, “and if I fall asleep again then I give you permission to do anything that you want to do to wake me back up too.”

A smug smile quickly appeared on Youngbae’s face. “Anything?” He asked you, already finding himself with plenty of ideas in the back of his mind.

“Don’t be a complete idiot though you fool.”


He rushed across the room as soon as Jiyong saw you laid out, cringing at the uncomfortable position that you were laying in where you’d shuffled around.

“Y/N,” he whispered, kneeling down beside you, grabbing a cushion to try and prop you better.

A hand coming under the back of your head soon made you stir though, slowly opening your eyes and looking around. “When did you get home?” You asked.

“Not too long ago,” Jiyong weakly smiled as he took the opportunity to place the cushion under your head. “I’m sorry that I’m home so late, time just ran away with me.”

“It doesn’t matter, I had a feeling that you’d be working hard.”

A light chuckle came from Jiyong in reply, “you didn’t have to wait up for me on the sofa though.”

“I thought I’d stay up and make sure that you were alright when you got home,” you explained to him, “I’m sorry that I fell asleep, I really did try my best to stay awake to be able to see you.”

His hand rested gently over the top of your stomach, “you don’t need to apologise for falling asleep, if it’s what you needed to do, then that’s alright.”

“I’m awake now, and you’re home too. Perfect.”


His smile was soft as Daesung lowered himself to sit beside you on the sofa. His eyes studied you closely, chuckling slightly at the mess that you were in.

“Let me help you,” Daesung whispered to you, bringing his hands up to either side of your face.

As his hands began to brush your hair out of your face, the feeling tickled against your face. “Dae?” You murmured, unsure as to what was going on.

“It’s just me, I’m home,” Daesung smiled as your eyes slowly opened, relieved to finally see that he was home, reaching your hand out for him to hold.

“I thought you might have been staying out.”

His head immediately shook back at you, “we just lost track of time a little bit, I’m sorry about that.”

“Don’t apologise,” you quickly assured him, offering him a wide smile too, “it’s nice that you had a good time out with your friends, I keep telling you that you should hang out with them more often.”

Daesung nodded in agreement with you, “maybe I enjoy hanging out with you more than I do my friends though,” he noted with a laugh escaping too.

“I never complain about hanging out with you.”



Your eyes looked around as you heard one of Seunghyun’s friends laughing as he moved your study books out the way. You didn’t catch exactly what they said, but you knew what they were hinting at, leaving the room.

“I’m going upstairs for a while,” you told Seunghyun before your tears fell, quickly spinning on your heels to get yourself some space.

Seunghyun followed you up though, knowing that what had been said had got to you. “Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he told you, closing the door, “I had no idea he’d say that.”

Your head shook as Seunghyun wrapped his arms around you, “he’s got a point, hasn’t he? I mean I’m so much younger than you Seunghyun, what are we doing?”

“But I thought we agreed that age didn’t matter.”

“It matters to other people.”

His shoulders shrugged as you spoke, “I’m never going to let someone else’s opinion influence me, it doesn’t change how I feel about being with you at all.”

“Doesn’t it make you worry what your friends think?”

“My real friends adore you Y/N.”


Your body tensed up as you heard a group of fans remark as you walked alongside Youngbae through the shopping centre. You knew they wanted you to hear, but it was a comment that you just couldn’t forget.

“How much longer?” You asked Youngbae as he pulled you into another shop, “can’t we just go back to yours where no one else is.”

Your question immediately brought Youngbae’s eyes back to look at you. “Are you worried because there are fans here?” He asked you, “has someone done something?”

A sigh came from you as you scratched over the top of your head, “I’ve heard four people at least pass comment on the fact that your best friend is too young.”

“But their opinions don’t matter Y/N, it’s just us.”

“Their opinions are everywhere.”

Youngbae threw his arm around you, bringing you towards him. “If someone else says something, tell me, I won’t let them talk about you like that.”

“I don’t want you to get in trouble standing up for me.”

“I won’t, I’m just doing what’s right.”


Your eyes flickered around the room, feeling as if everyone was watching you. As he held onto you, Jiyong could tell that you were feeling unsettled, pulling you to one side to try his best to reassure you.

“I’m sorry,” you whispered as his eyes looked to you with concern, “I feel like everyone is just here judging me to be honest.”

A sympathetic smile formed on Jiyong’s face, shaking his head. “No one here is judging you, or us. This is my company Y/N, they respect the decisions that I make.”

Your head nodded as you tried your best to trust in Jiyong, “some of them are people that I’ve spotted before passing comment about my age and yours.”

“Who? Let me know exactly who they are.”

“I don’t want trouble Ji.”

His head nodded in agreement with you, “I won’t cause trouble, but I can have a polite word to tell them to just mind their business and not worry.”

“Just please don’t create any drama just for me.”

“Nothing bad will happen, don’t worry.”


You shut your laptop down as soon as you heard the bedroom door open, pushing your laptop away from you as Daesung looked at you. His eyes were drawn to your expression, noticing you looking a little bit teary.

“What’s wrong?” Daesung asked as he sat down on the bed beside you, “and don’t say nothing, I can tell with you straight away Y/N.”

You smiled weakly as Daesung moved his arm around your waist. “I thought I’d look through some comments, although that might have been a bit of a bad idea.”

Straight away Daesung knew exactly what you were referring to, “if all they have to moan about is your age, then you must be doing something right Y/N.”

“You should read what they say about it though.”

“I don’t care what they say.”

A gentle chuckle came from you as Daesung answered everything that you fretted about. “These are your fans, you don’t car that they’re unhappy?”

“I care more about you than any of them Y/N.”

“Your kind, thank you Dae.”

