#tag your oc


Your OC is at Disneyland! What’s the first thing they do when they arrive?

Your OC learns while away that their significant other has been kidnapped.

A month ago, your OC was told they have a week to live.

A drunk person walks up to your OC and starts flirting with them.

Your OC unlocks the door to their home, steps inside and stops. On the floor appears to be a dead body.

Your OC gets told that a random person likes them. Do they believe that it’s true?

Your OC is about to go to prom. What outfit do they wear?

Your OC one day wakes up in a world where everyone’s personalities are swapped, by they seem to be fine.

Your OC is stuck in a car underwater because of an accident. What do they do? Stay in the car to sink at the bottom, or try to get out of the car as soon as possible?

Your OC has a nightmare where they lose everyone they have ever felt close to. How do they react?

Your OC(s) find a genie, and are given three wishes! What do they wish for?

Your OC meets an alternate version of themselves that’s a robot.

Your OC couple/ship gets pregnant. How do they deal with the news ? How do they react?

Your OC is presented with the trolley dilemma; a train with two directions to turn will hit either one person that the OC cares dearly about, or five random people. Do they kill 5 to save 1, or 1 to save 5?

Your oc is sick and they have no option but to stay home and rest. How do they feel about this? Are they upset or calm? Who, if anyone, is there to help them recuperate?

Your OC must erase a memory from themselves. Do they want to? What memory would they erase?

Your OC just woke up in their living room with hair dye, new shoes, and a note with 1,000 cash taped to it. What happened?

Your OC has been chosen to preside over a specific aspect over reality! This aspect can be anything: Creation, love, decisiveness, he sky’s the limit! What aspect do they preside over? Why? How do they react? How do they fill their new role?

Your OC is now in the Pokémon world!

What Pokémon would they choose as their starter? Do they specialize in a specific type? How far into the ranks do they get?
