


“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Kain assured her with a small, fond smile. She wasn’t wrong, he hadgotten hurt, and it was uncomfortable at best at this point. More than that, really, was just exhaustion. So, he allowed her to walk him home.

He gave himself time to get a shower and something to eat as well as a full glass of juice to try and boost his energy levels a bit. From there, it was a long conversation with Mamoru, and he was grateful it was early enough in the day that he still had time to contact the others.

How they had come to find each other again - how they had been irresistibly drawn to each other, before Beryl and then after, the only ones who could even begin to understand - had to be the work of whatever power had brought them back to life (the Princess, he would bet, and he was not a betting man.)

It was enough that they had known each other for some time, learned to trust each other again. Because saying there was “hesitation” on their part to meet the reincarnations of the women they had once loved was beyond an understatement.

Jaden was, perhaps not entirely incorrectly, convinced he’d take a fireball to the face on arrival. There would definitely be a burn between he and Rei, of that he was certain. All that was in question was the nature of it.

Zane took immediate refuge in the fact that they had a goal. This was more than just a meeting, more than even just trying to make nice before their prince’s wedding. There was a new threat, and they were - Minako aside as Venus - the only ones with powers left.

Nathan was ominously silent for such a usually emotional man. But he agreed to meet, and that would have to be enough.

They talked late into the night, and it was indeed early morning when Kain was finally able to catch a few scarce hours of sleep.

It was early in the morning when the blond idol arrived at the studio, getting ready to record a song or two. The girl was exhausted, couldn’t sleep much and thought about the reunion and Reis’ words all night. She really wanted everything to go well, after all this wasn’t just a normal reunion, their enemies were back too and they had to figure out what to do now that only she was able to transform. 

It still felt so surreal to her that she reached her eternal form, the warmth she felt, that power.. it was so overwhelming but nice and it was all because of him

Looking at the time her eyes widened, it was already noon. She had been at the studio for too long and decided to take a break to give Kain a call and ask how things went with the guys. She was curious after all.

Dialing his number, she got a small cup of coffee from the vending machine. “Kain..” she smiled when he finally picked up. “I didn’t just wake you up, did i?”
