
Initially intended this to be for a contest but I ended up putting it off too much, still was fun as

Initially intended this to be for a contest but I ended up putting it off too much, still was fun as some practice, depicts an early permian environment from the tambach formation with a tambacarnifex pursuing a group of eudibamus.

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Bromacker Contest Submission #3


Thuringian Forest Basin - Early Permian

In the shadows of ferns and giant horsetails, primitve lifeforms dream away.

How does sleep look like in prehistoric times? Will they sleep in pairs like this Diadectes sideropelicus or just piled up like the Orobates pabsti? Surely sleeping with fellows provides not only comfort but a certain level of protection from the roaming predators. Meanwhile the varanoid Tambacarnifex unguifalcatus caught one unlucky fellow that slept solo: the amphibian Rotaryus gothae.

While the giants are sleeping, the dwarves get buissy. Long bodied Tambaroter carrolli crawl out their tunnels and all over the sleeping diadectid tetrapods.

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