#tank decor


My bearded dragon is actually a tiny eccentric art collector. She has all of the tiny art. The bearded dragon community is in awe of her collection, but she’s a recluse and declines media attention. As we speak, a tiny team of reptile art thieves are planning a tiny heist.

Roller Skating Beardie by Marie Enger

King Kazul Royal Portrait by Pip Winkle

Frida Beardo by Manylittlepixels on Instagram

Hamlet Beardie by Jessmyne Stephenson

Beardo Morrison by Jules Rivera

Ramen Dragon by SpikeDaysandLeeArthaus

Beardy Warhol by Eric Palicki

Old World Portrait by this Etsy shop

Beardo Devouring His Son by Ethan Kocak

Klingon Dragon by Lupi McGinty

Cameos by Emily Park

Bearded Dragon Victorian Bust by H.D. Harris

Beardo de Milo by Shayne Valencia

Fake bug taxidermy trophies by my dumb ass

I commissioned my friends to make art because I had my going-out budget from the pandemic to burn and I am friends with and have worked with many artists who are struggling in today’s economic climate. If any of this art made you happy, PLEASE check out the creator! Many of these folks are queer and/or PoC and/or members of marginalized genders, and all of them could use any love and support y'all want to throw their way ❤️
