#tankies gotta wank



Fuck every single person in this post


as a leftist tumblr my most upsetting encounters here have been with tankies/stalinists who have down right denied the mass murder of many ethnic minorities during the great purges. don’t cry about “usa propaganda” to us when the censorship in our countries was done by the soviet union. the fucking nerve of these people who have never lived in ex-russian or ex-soviet countries. do you have any idea how much research it has taken to even find these mass graves or do the actual identification of the victims? it’s still on-going progress and there are still many whose families haven’t gotten the closure.

“it’s so funny when people have intergenerational trauma bc of genocides and war, let me demostrate how many eastern europeans I have met in my life (0) as an american stalinist. I know how it treally is, I was there when the great purges happened, unlike your dead family members.”



i hope people realise this person:

posted also this post:

oh, but you did not include this one:

So let me get this straight.

Holodomor Museum: literally exist to provide facts

this fucking tankie:you need to do better than facts! like, you know, there’s propaganda about stalin and the lies (which I help to spread)

Here’s an archivewith photos, videos, documents.

Here’re 19 books - nine-fucking-teen books, with names of Holodomor victims of 1 year out of all artificial famines in Ukraine. Only the ones that were documented and proven. Just names. Nineteen books. In one of the books, I found my family’s name.

Here’s testimonies. You can choose a place on the map, then be redirected to a page with the testimony.

Here’s one from Luhanska oblast, where I’m from (sorry, it’s auto-translated) - and it’s one of the mild ones.

Keep reading

i hope people realise this person:

posted also this post:


20-year-old american tankies drink up russian propaganda like goddamn sponges, please be mindful of this when browsing. it is mind-bending to see this. they are honest-to-god just ignorant. they don’t know our history, our struggles, our languages. they saw one soviet propaganda poster, took it at face-value and are posting quotes by stalin. they post a piece of russian propaganda between forty posts about anime, warhammer and supernatural. just block silently, we do not need to engage with what is basically the knowledge level of a 3-year-old eastern european toddler.

americans like these


the tankie-to-fash pipeline makes me believe in circle theory. all sorts of posturing about how centrists are the great satan because tankies have more in common with fascists than they’d care to admit

Can there really be a tankie to fash pipeline since tankies already are (literally called) red fascists?

There is no such a thing as an “anti-imperialist marxist-leninist”, the word you’re looking for is a hypocrite. the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation have all been imperialist states.



Things we already knew, but the mask off moments are always appreciated.

Genocide is good if it’s the “Right People”, ackshually.
