#thank you so much for this addition




i hope people realise this person:

posted also this post:

oh, but you did not include this one:

So let me get this straight.

Holodomor Museum: literally exist to provide facts

this fucking tankie:you need to do better than facts! like, you know, there’s propaganda about stalin and the lies (which I help to spread)

Here’s an archivewith photos, videos, documents.

Here’re 19 books - nine-fucking-teen books, with names of Holodomor victims of 1 year out of all artificial famines in Ukraine. Only the ones that were documented and proven. Just names. Nineteen books. In one of the books, I found my family’s name.

Here’s testimonies. You can choose a place on the map, then be redirected to a page with the testimony.

Here’s one from Luhanska oblast, where I’m from (sorry, it’s auto-translated) - and it’s one of the mild ones.

Keep reading



Shapeshifting serpent husbands in folklore

Because I can only encounter so many magical snake husbands before I start making compilations:

The Girl and the Snake, Sweden

Character: A large snake lives in a hall in a mountain with a large bed and a banquet table. A farm girl finds him there and he offers her to take some food and lie down on the bed if she wants to, but that she needn’t if she doesn’t want to. She does not. He warns her that people are coming to dance with her, but that she mustn’t do so. Strange people come to eat, drink and dance, but the girl ignores them. The same happens the second day.

Transformation: On the third day the girl accepts his offer to eat and drink and lay down on the bed with the snake. He then asks her to hold him and kiss him, which she also does. He transforms into a handsome young man and explains he is a prince that was bewitched, but that her courage has saved him. They go away together and no one sees or hears anything from them ever again.

Umamba, Zulu oral tradition from South Africa

Character: After three of her babies die suspiciously, one of the wives of a village chief protects her fourth child by wrapping him in the skin of a mamba and transforming him into a snake.

Transformation: When it is time for all the chief’s sons to marry, a brave girl agrees to anoint him with fat and stretch his skin as he asks. This allows him to shed his skin and be human again. From then on he can transform at will. He marries the brave girl, later also takes other wives, and lives happily.

The Snake Husband, Chewong oral tradition from Malaysia

Character: A man who possesses a snake bajo (spiritual word for body, closely related to the word coat) and wears it all day, asks several women to marry him but is turned down, until two sisters agree. Whenever they are asleep, he takes off the snake coat and turns back into a man, to eat the leftover food they cooked and rest next to his sleeping wives a while.

Transformation: To find out how the food goes missing, one night the sisters only pretend to sleep. They see their snake husband shed his snake bajo and grab it, crumpling it between their fingers. When he cries out looking for it, they confront him and tell him they have destroyed it because they want a real husband. They give him a real bajo and from then on the snake-man is a real man and a handsome one at that.

Continuar lendo

this is amazing! from where i grew up, in the state of Pará, Brazil, there’s a legend based on the Cobra Grande (Great/Big Snake), an indigenous legend and part of the religion of the tupi-guaranis. the Great Snake is really huge, with dark scales and shiny eyes. it could sinks vessels and could change the water course, create rivers.

i used to read when i was little the legend of the Cobra Norato/Honorato (Snake Norato/Honorato). an indigenous woman got pregnant of the Great Snake and had twins: Maria Caninana and Norato/Honorato. they were both snakes as their father so their mother released them in the river.

the legend tells that Maria Caninana was bad. she attacked people and vessels. she didn’t care about her mother, and liked to hurt animals and people. Norato/Honorato was good, he used to help people that were drowning and fishermans. he used to visit his mother. there’s versions that says he became tired of Maria Caninana’s wickedness and killed her after a lot of problems she caused.

some of them don’t mention if Maria Caninana could do that, but Norato/Honorato always have the ability of taking of his snake skin and turning into a man when it’s night time. he discovers that he could turn into full human if someone gave milk to him while he was a snake. it is said that most of the people, even those who knew him, were afraid of doing that, but one day, a soldier decides to take the challenge and gives him milk. after that, he no longer could turn into a snake. he went to live with the people of the town, who all liked him, and his mother.
