#target pride





Target’s pride collection this year includes binders for reasonable prices!!! Im crying this is amazing. I’m not a fan of things on my chest but I honestly might get one

I hope tons of young trans/non-binary/2 spirited people get a binder this year!

I hope people who aren’t able to afford most binders are able to get one this year!!

And this is my time to say that TomboyX, a company Target is partnered for binders, is a transphobic company that uses terf rhetoric to veil their transphobia against both ftm and mtf people

I was not aware of that. That is horrible. However we shouldn’t shame those who are going be buying these compression tops this summer. Not everyone has access to online shopping or is able to afford them in general. And not everyone can get away with getting one due to unsupportive family members.

These binders are a decent price and is able to be brushed off as a “sports bra” to a family who isn’t supportive.

We shouldn’t support these companies that do these things however there are times were it can’t be avoided. Sure there’s resources that can help others get binders but not everyone has access to them.

Get them if you need!! Don’t be ashamed of it. Do what you need to be comfortable and happy that’s what matters.

As much as it pains me to say this, I agree.

Yes, we as a society need to move towards ethical consumption. However, in questions like these, access to gender-addirming care can become an issue of life and death, be it safety or mental health.

So yes. Get the binder I’d that’s your only option. But if you can afford to wait and spend twenty more dollars, with shipping - get it online from trans-owned and long-trusted brands like gc2b.


Target’s pride collection this year includes binders for reasonable prices!!! Im crying this is amazing. I’m not a fan of things on my chest but I honestly might get one

I hope tons of young trans/non-binary/2 spirited people get a binder this year!

I hope people who aren’t able to afford most binders are able to get one this year!!

And this is my time to say that TomboyX, a company Target is partnered for binders, is a transphobic company that uses terf rhetoric to veil their transphobia against both ftm and mtf people

We got to do freelance designs for Target’s 2022 pride collection! Thanks for all the love on our designs! ️‍
