


Target’s pride collection this year includes binders for reasonable prices!!! Im crying this is amazing. I’m not a fan of things on my chest but I honestly might get one

I hope tons of young trans/non-binary/2 spirited people get a binder this year!

I hope people who aren’t able to afford most binders are able to get one this year!!

And this is my time to say that TomboyX, a company Target is partnered for binders, is a transphobic company that uses terf rhetoric to veil their transphobia against both ftm and mtf people



[alt text: a tweet by user @/goshdarn.

TomboyX is collabing with Target to put out discreet half binders in stores for Pride season. These will be moderate compression without a lot of branding, so it will look like a sports bra to those not used to seeing binders. A great option for young people who may be figuring things out, for cosplayers, and men with gynaecomastia and uncomfortable with how they look. Ladies and theydies with bigger chests won’t be totally flat, but it gives you an easier silhouette to improve on. Spread this information as you will. ]

also important that OP left out - they have packing underwear too. looks like compression tops (the binder-like items they’re selling) are $25 and packing underwear is $15. the sizing goes up to 4x.

I wear the compression tops basically as normal bras. as someone with a large chest in comparison to my small frame they are the most comfortable bra/etc I’ve ever worn because they actually fit the parts of my body correctly, since the focus is not on fitting my chest but compressing it. I think the amount of compression may be close to that of someone who layers 2 sports bras—Im not anywhere CLOSE to flat but it’s better than a single sports bra.

also, I’m not hugely into exercise but they don’t make my ribs hurt or make it difficult to breathe.

Target has made some shit moves in the past with regards to queer stuff (theft of design from an independent queer artist, anyone?), but this seems potentially okay.



“Inclusive” clothing brands (tomboyx, flavnt, etc.) who consistently flood their “inclusive que*r” clothing with images of transmasc models; being complicit in a lot of TERF ideas that these ways of being don’t match up with trans womanhood (even tho they often do) and the erasure of trans butches and masculine TMA individuals…..like they can burn tbh if they’re gonna just basically be “womyn” brands promoting ugly Transmisogyny.

Like lmao is it that hard to find like a masculine trans person who isn’t a trans man to wear ur “pretty boy” shirt… like where is the actual diversity and care for underrepresented people; like tbh why even buy from them if they do that.


In case you think I’m exaggerating about tomboyx literally following TERF and transmisogynistic bullshit with a pretty “inclusive” cover on front.

