#taz ned chicane




[ID: A digital illustration of Aubrey Little and Ned Chicane from The Adventure Zone: Amnesty, in the front seats of Ned’s car, and through the back window you can see the bright light of a train from the car chase in episode 15. Aubrey is a young dark-skinned Puerto-Rican woman with an undercut and dyed poofy orange hair, multiple ear piercings, a choker, and elbow-high fishnets. She has a sleeveless leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders and is wearing a black tube top underneath. She is slamming the dashboard as she looks back in fear at the train, yelling at Ned, who is an older white man, with slicked back silver hair and a full silver beard. He wears a white button up, a turquoise bolo tie and a dark brown blazer rolled up at the sleeves, and his glasses are crooked as he clenches his teeth, face red with fear as he clutches the steering wheel. There are a large pair of fuzzy pink d6s hanging from the rear view mirror.]
