

Off Balance - Session ELEVEN is now up on Ao3!

This is a D&D live play of the general Balance storyline with a voidfished Lup and Barry in place of THB!

HEY!If you haven’t kept up lately, lemme tell you what you’ve missed! First, Lup fled the moonbase to rescue her best friend, Brian before he could use a relic and/or be permanently ‘stopped’ by Killian. Along the way she picked up an injured human she met who was looking for the dwarf who’d hired him. She and Barry managed to save Brian and rescue the relic, returning it to the moon for destruction. Also, Merle was there at some point.

THEN, she and her new coworker Barry were sent to Rockport to infiltrate a masquerade ball to try and find another relic. There they met a brilliant boy detective, a terrible butler, and a familiar looking elf in a mongoose mask.

NOW they are deep in the overgrown wilds of what used to be the town of Goldcliff, working with the halfling Hurley and her merry band of himbos. What might happen next? WHO KNOWS! This is OFF BALANCE!


Performed by:
DM, assorted NPCs: Rowan - @jortsman
Lup: Bitsy - @zinglebert-bembledack
Barry: Cor - @youhearstatic

Come join our discord and listen live with us every Wednesday, 9pm EST/6pm PDT! We’d also love to have your Fantasy CostCo ideas!


**LIVE FIC READING - TWO NIGHT EVENT** - Friday, June 19th, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific AND Saturday, June 20th, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific.

We will be reading:

Losing Time - After being missing for three days, Barry has been mysteriously de-aged. Now he looks 20 years old and doesn’t remember anyone. Lup, Kravitz, and Taako are trying to figure things out. (Set after Story and Song)

Come listen live with us on our discord!

Part One Tonight!!

**LIVE FIC READING - TWO NIGHT EVENT** - Friday, June 19th, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific AND Saturday, June 20th, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific.

We will be reading:

Losing Time - After being missing for three days, Barry has been mysteriously de-aged. Now he looks 20 years old and doesn’t remember anyone. Lup, Kravitz, and Taako are trying to figure things out. (Set after Story and Song)

Come listen live with us on our discord!




Letters - a post Story and Song fic about Lup and Barry. By @zinglebert-bembledackand@youhearstatic (@ bitsy on ao3 and @ capitalnineteen on ao3)

It had started simply enough. One little fissure, one little crack, and from there, it was spreading faster and faster, the rot setting in. Like stucco cracked after an earthquake, spreading even after the initial tremors had long since passed. One night of a cold shoulder. Two mornings of silence over coffee. Three little bickering arguments that turned into four days of hurt. Five awkward attempts at apologies. Six friends expressing their concerns.

Seven birds, two of whom are in agony.

Lup has enough, one dreary afternoon. It’s a simple extraction. A packed rucksack and a quiet “I’m going to stay with Taako for a bit, Bear.”

And then…well, a bit turned into a lot longer than that. She couldn’t stay and watch the man she loved with all her soul hurt and hurt and hurt…because of her. That was the bottom line, in her mind. If she hadn’t left, all those years ago, none of this would have happened. She was solely responsible for the look of anguish in Barry’s eyes. So. Easiest thing to do would be to remove herself from his presence. No, not easiest, because it felt like her heart was dissolving into dust in her chest, but the right thing to do.

Surgeons remove tumors. Lup removed herself. Barry deserved better than her. That was all. A simple truth, not spoken. Just lived. 

It was nearly three months before they saw each other again, across a table at a restaurant, with the others there. Nervous glances were exchanged, Angus McDonald looked as if he was about to burst into wet, messy tears, Magnus cheerfully bullied forward and pretended nothing was wrong.

A husband and wife who looked anywhere but at each other, as if the world wasn’t falling apart around them.

They parted, the dinner to patch them up instead turning their cracks into a yawning chasm. And now sometimes, across the chasm between them… there are letters.

(This fic is completed and will be published letter by letter, chapter by chapter, updated every few days. We will be reading it in its entirety, live on the @tazlivereadings​ discord on Saturday, June 6th, 2020, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific. The recording will be posted to ao3 in the days following.)

JUNE 6th, 9pm eastern, 6pm pacific!!!

Definitely want to consider coming out to hear it live because it’s going to be posted over time in text form, broken up into individual letters.

Bits and I are particularly excited about this one and we’d love your support on it!!!


COME JOIN US!! Less than 2 hours until we go live!



Letters - a post Story and Song fic about Lup and Barry. By @zinglebert-bembledackand@youhearstatic (@ bitsy on ao3 and @ capitalnineteen on ao3)

It had started simply enough. One little fissure, one little crack, and from there, it was spreading faster and faster, the rot setting in. Like stucco cracked after an earthquake, spreading even after the initial tremors had long since passed. One night of a cold shoulder. Two mornings of silence over coffee. Three little bickering arguments that turned into four days of hurt. Five awkward attempts at apologies. Six friends expressing their concerns.

Seven birds, two of whom are in agony.

Lup has enough, one dreary afternoon. It’s a simple extraction. A packed rucksack and a quiet “I’m going to stay with Taako for a bit, Bear.”

And then…well, a bit turned into a lot longer than that. She couldn’t stay and watch the man she loved with all her soul hurt and hurt and hurt…because of her. That was the bottom line, in her mind. If she hadn’t left, all those years ago, none of this would have happened. She was solely responsible for the look of anguish in Barry’s eyes. So. Easiest thing to do would be to remove herself from his presence. No, not easiest, because it felt like her heart was dissolving into dust in her chest, but the right thing to do.

Surgeons remove tumors. Lup removed herself. Barry deserved better than her. That was all. A simple truth, not spoken. Just lived. 

It was nearly three months before they saw each other again, across a table at a restaurant, with the others there. Nervous glances were exchanged, Angus McDonald looked as if he was about to burst into wet, messy tears, Magnus cheerfully bullied forward and pretended nothing was wrong.

A husband and wife who looked anywhere but at each other, as if the world wasn’t falling apart around them.

They parted, the dinner to patch them up instead turning their cracks into a yawning chasm. And now sometimes, across the chasm between them… there are letters.

(This fic is completed and will be published letter by letter, chapter by chapter, updated every few days. We will be reading it in its entirety, live on the @tazlivereadings​ discord on Saturday, June 6th, 2020, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific. The recording will be posted to ao3 in the days following.)

JUNE 6th, 9pm eastern, 6pm pacific!!!

Definitely want to consider coming out to hear it live because it’s going to be posted over time in text form, broken up into individual letters.

Bits and I are particularly excited about this one and we’d love your support on it!!!

Hey! Guess who’s slacked about making tumblr posts announcing the podcast has been updated? If you guessed Cor, you win! (The prize is satisfaction in being right.)

ANYWAY! We are now up to episode 9! We finished Gerblins, finished Rockport, and had a lovely, character-interactions-galore Lunar Interlude. There’s lots of surprises in store if you’ve not been keeping up! This isn’t just a retread of the Balance storyline. For example? The Rockport arc isn’t even on a train! Lots of other changes to come experience for yourself as our voidfished heroes continue chasing relics!


And as always: we record live every Wednesday if you’d like to hear it as it happens! We’ve got a lovely group of regulars and we’d love for you to join us!


Letters - a post Story and Song fic about Lup and Barry. By @zinglebert-bembledackand@youhearstatic (@ bitsy on ao3 and @ capitalnineteen on ao3)

It had started simply enough. One little fissure, one little crack, and from there, it was spreading faster and faster, the rot setting in. Like stucco cracked after an earthquake, spreading even after the initial tremors had long since passed. One night of a cold shoulder. Two mornings of silence over coffee. Three little bickering arguments that turned into four days of hurt. Five awkward attempts at apologies. Six friends expressing their concerns.

Seven birds, two of whom are in agony.

Lup has enough, one dreary afternoon. It’s a simple extraction. A packed rucksack and a quiet “I’m going to stay with Taako for a bit, Bear.”

And then…well, a bit turned into a lot longer than that. She couldn’t stay and watch the man she loved with all her soul hurt and hurt and hurt…because of her. That was the bottom line, in her mind. If she hadn’t left, all those years ago, none of this would have happened. She was solely responsible for the look of anguish in Barry’s eyes. So. Easiest thing to do would be to remove herself from his presence. No, not easiest, because it felt like her heart was dissolving into dust in her chest, but the right thing to do.

Surgeons remove tumors. Lup removed herself. Barry deserved better than her. That was all. A simple truth, not spoken. Just lived. 

It was nearly three months before they saw each other again, across a table at a restaurant, with the others there. Nervous glances were exchanged, Angus McDonald looked as if he was about to burst into wet, messy tears, Magnus cheerfully bullied forward and pretended nothing was wrong.

A husband and wife who looked anywhere but at each other, as if the world wasn’t falling apart around them.

They parted, the dinner to patch them up instead turning their cracks into a yawning chasm. And now sometimes, across the chasm between them… there are letters.

(This fic is completed and will be published letter by letter, chapter by chapter, updated every few days. We will be reading it in its entirety, live on the @tazlivereadings​ discord on Saturday, June 6th, 2020, 9pm eastern/6pm pacific. The recording will be posted to ao3 in the days following.)

Off Balance - Session SEVEN is now up on Ao3!

This is a D&D live play of the general Balance storyline with a voidfished Lup and Barry in place of THB!

In this episode: Our daring duo have to convince a rabbit they are trustworthy, find a murderer, face their fears, and reclaim a relic.


Performed by:
DM, assorted NPCs: Rowan - @jortsman
Lup: Bitsy - @zinglebert-bembledack
Barry: Cor - @youhearstatic

Come join our discord and listen live with us every Wednesday, 9pm EST/6pm PDT! We’d also love to have your Fantasy CostCo ideas!



I have come to offer you Bunny Ango


[Start description: a traditional pencil sketch of a humanoid rabbit in a fancy coat with leaf detailing, with what appears to be a ver Angus McDonald head of dark curls between his rabbit ears, a pair of round lensed glasses, and holding a tiny notebook and a feather quill. End description.]


Does the general TAZ Balance storyline but with Lup and Barry as the focus sound interesting to you?

Then, my friend, let me tell you about a thing.

Off Balance is a weekly podcast with just that premise: Voidfished Barry and Lup experiencing the events of the Balance storyline. Kinda. Because… well, this isn’t your brothers’ Balance. The Gerblins arc opens with Lup sneaking off the moonbase where she’s worked for a while. The Rockport arc isn’t on a train! There’s lots of exciting changes in store and now’s a great time to catch up with everything that’s come so far!


(copy and paste please, tumblr blocks posts with links from searches)

And if you’d like to come experience a session live with us? Join our discord were new episodes happen every Wednesday evening!

Does the general TAZ Balance storyline but with Lup and Barry as the focus sound interesting to you?

Then, my friend, let me tell you about a thing.

Off Balance is a weekly podcast with just that premise: Voidfished Barry and Lup experiencing the events of the Balance storyline. Kinda. Because… well, this isn’t your brothers’ Balance. The Gerblins arc opens with Lup sneaking off the moonbase where she’s worked for a while. The Rockport arc isn’t on a train! There’s lots of exciting changes in store and now’s a great time to catch up with everything that’s come so far!


(copy and paste please, tumblr blocks posts with links from searches)

And if you’d like to come experience a session live with us? Join our discord were new episodes happen every Wednesday evening!


This Week on TAZ Live Readings:

Wednesday, May 13th, 9pm EST/6pm PDT

Join us for the next session of OFF BALANCE - the D&D live play with Blupjeans in the Balance(ish) storyline! 

Friday, May 15th, 9pm EST/6pm PDT

HONEY HEIST -  the full TLR Crew (Rowan, Emma, Bitsy, and Cor) will be doing a Honey Heist one shot. We’re looking to add more events like this in the future so we hope you’ll join us! 

Honey Heist Tonight!!
