#tdp ethari


I love how TDP is queer and doesn’t make a thing out of it. It just is. This scene had me all swooning.

candyfoxdraws: New Year starts with new events! We’re running Ruthari Week with Ruthari Dicord commu


New Year starts with new events! 

We’re running Ruthari Week with Ruthari Dicord community, join in! 

The event is January 5th to January 12th, link to event tumblr with prompts TBA very soon

Day 1: Moonlight


Post link

Soooooo…. I may have started working on a Runaan and Ethari playlist….. feels are strong with this one

So tell me I’m not the only one still calling Ethari, “Tinker” out of habit?

I love his name though!

From @lilmimifoxx on Twitter, a Ruthari fic! This is for @thenerdyalchemist

They write:  Thank you for this opportunity! My gift is a Ruthari and Baby Rayla fic for the amazing and wonderful @tnerdyalchemist!


This one is for @szallejh! I missed this, somehow, when looking for posts, but here is your gift fro

This one is for @szallejh! I missed this, somehow, when looking for posts, but here is your gift from @raylsheart /@sandsailer5 on Twitter!

Post link

Okay! This is my gift to @tdphttydatlalok


“Where are you taking me?” Ethari asked, stumbling over tree branches and rocks as he was dragged through the forest. The blindfold over his eyes prevented him from seeing anything other than the glowing of the runes dotting the path they walked along and the full moon lighting up streaks of white hair just enough for Ethari to see through the blindfold. Hair belonging to Runaan, the one pulling him through the trees like an excited child.

“Calm down, you’ll love it.” Runaan chuckled in front of him, only pulling Ethari more. “I’ve been meaning to bring you here for quite awhile.”

“Is- Is this an assassin place?” Assassin’s had little hang out and training spots that were practically forbidden for non-assassins, Ethari didn’t want to cause any issues, especially not with-

“Maybe, maybe not. It’s called the Whispering Brooks. I can’t believe you haven’t heard of it.”

Ethari gave an unsure sigh, pulling out of the assassin’s grasp “I have a bad feeling about this.” He admitted.

Runaan stopped momentarily. Before Ethari could even register, he was being kissed lightly.

“Dont.” Was all that was said before Ethari felt Runaan draw back, then began tugging him once again.

At some point, they strayed from the path entirely. Ethari could see absolutely no light at all, only relying on touch and a few of Runaan’s warnings in order to not trip or fall. He was absolutely sure of nothing, he kept his ears strained for odd sounds or alarming noises but all he heard was their footsteps over the leaves and the sound of his own breathing. He was sure he was digging his nails, at least what he had of them, into Runaan’s hands but if the assassin had a response, Ethari couldn’t hear it. 

“We’re almost there.” Runaan said after a time, and sure enough, things became considerably lighter shortly after. So much so that Ethari had to blink even behind the blindfold because of the sharp contrast to the near black moments earlier. 

A hand on his chest stopped him from walking. Runaan himself had stilled. All was silent, except for the crickets and an occasional frog. Ethari tried to focus on that instead of how uneven his own breathing was. Specifically because he suddenly felt Runaan breathing on his shoulder.

“Keep your eyes closed.” Runaan warned in his ear. His voice was clear but quiet, not much more than a whisper. Did he sound… Worried.

Ethari felt a hand reach back to the blindfold’s knot, then slip it off. Ethari almost flinched as even more light filled the area, only to blink once it dimmed. 

He gasped in shock and adoration as he laid his eyes on the scenery in front of him. They were in a clearing filled with many small streams and rocks that cut through the grass.

A single tree with many glowing blue crystals dangling from it like glowing weeping willow leaves hung over the spot and coated everything in a gentle blue light.

Oh wow…

“What do you think?” Runaan asked beside him. When Ethari glanced back, the assassin was smiling brightly, though worry was definitely there, hidden in his eyes and the way he seemed to be fidgeting with his coat. Runaan never worried…

Something was wrong. Or at least off…

“Runaan, is something up?” Ethari asked with concern, forgetting the scenery  for a moment to focus solely on the assassin, who seemed startled at the question.

“Why would something be ‘up?’” The assassin asked haltingly. Well by the reaction, something wasn’t wrong, but clearly Runaan was hiding something!

“You’re acting strange is all.”

“No I’m not.” Was all Runaan said for a moment, only boosting Ethari’s suspicion.

“Fine, then swear on the moon’s face.” Ethari watched Runaan freeze, smirking. Runaan was far too serious and ‘moonshadow-like’ to actively lie in the moon’s very name.

Runaan simply stared for a moment, his ears twitched in alarm before sighing. “… fine. Something is ‘up.’”

“Well?” Ethari prompted.

The assassin went quiet, looking serious as he always did when making decisions, with his eyebrows bunched together and a frown almost like a pout on his face. It always had been adorable for Ethari… When Runaan finally spoke again, it was a quiet fact, leading to an admittance Ethari was sure. “The other assassins like to call this the Promise brooks.” Runaan stepped forward, reaching into his pockets. “They call it the Promise brooks because this is where whispered promises become truth.” Suddenly, the assassin was getting on one knee.

Ethari’s eyes widened in surprise and shock as Runaan pulled something out of his pockets, only to gasp once he saw the large, cylinder-like horn cuffs in Runaan’s hands.

Engagement cuffs.

Ethari brought a hand up to his mouth in surprise, tears were actually begin to form because…

Was this actually happening?

Runaan continued with a smile, seemingly unshaken by Ethari’s reaction. “I want to promise my heart to you. If you will accept it.”

This was actually happening!

“Only if you accept mine in turn.” Ethari managed out. His own voice sounded like it wasunderwater, second to his own heart beginning to thump wildly in his chest. All he could focus on was Runaan’s eyes and his smile-

Oh dear Lunaris Ethari was in so deep…

Runaan rose and stole another kiss, a proper kiss. Deeper and longer than the small pecks of earlier. Ethari held onto Runaan’s hood for dear life, only working to make the kiss continue as Runaan slipped the two clasps onto his horns ever so carefully.

The crystals glowed even brighter than before above them, almost as if they were acknowledging what was happening and blessing it. Now Ethari realized why Runaan brought him here of all places. Not just pretty sights… This must be an assassin thing after all.

When the kiss broke, they stayed like that for a moment, holding each other close and simply standing in the light of the crystals and enjoying the moment of joy.

Ethari was engaged… To Runaan.

That actually happened!

A giddy excitement overtook him, causing him to giggle. 

Giggle, of all things.

With a laugh of his own into Ethari’s cheek, Runaan finally asked “How about we go tell everyone? I’m sure Tiadrin and Lain are waiting to see if you said yes.”

Wait what?

“You told them you were going to propose?” Ethari asked, drawing back with a confused tilt of his head. The clasps on his horns jingled from the movement, not yet properly fitted, but that could be done in time.

“They were the ones who suggested it was time.”

“Oh really?” Ethari asked with a light huff, letting go to cross his arms. He wasn’t mad, just.. interested. “They had to tell you?”

Runaan laughed once again, then left a kiss on Ethari’s cheek next.

Damn those kisses…

“I would’ve been too nervous to do it without them pushing me to.” He admitted. “But whatever the reason, do you still accept?”

Ethari gave a sigh, despite the smile on his face. He rolled his eyes.


Hi Lyn, @lodestarting here is your Secret Santa, a long fic where Callum tries to impress and keep his cool around Runaan. I hope that you like it. - @ladyandherbooks.

Callum was annoyed, this was not how he envisioned his journey to the Silvergrove going.

‘‘Ez are you sure that Opelli can’t handle this? You appointed her your regent while you’re away, let her deal with it.’’

Ezran sighed ‘’I’m sorry Callum but the delegation from Neolandia requires an extra day to finalise their new trade agreements with the elven territories and I need to be there to help them. After what happened with Prince Kasef his father wants to ensure that he mends the bridges that his son tore down in his quest for revenge. I need to be here.’’

‘’It’s okay Ez, I know how important this meeting is to you. Don’t worry I’ll be fine, it’s only one day. One day in the Silvergrove with Rayla and her four scary parents being my only company will be fine.’’

‘’ They aren’t that scary Callum, especially not Ethari, Bait loves him.’’

‘’You weren’t there when he saw Viren try to kill Runaan after he was freed from the coin. Runaan, Tiadrin and Lain might be hardened assassins, but I’d rather go up against them in a fight than Ethari when he gets angry. I think Aaravos might have even been a little bit intimidated.’’

‘’You’ll be fine, they’ve known you for a year and a half now. They know how much you love Rayla, how much you desire peace for Xadia and how much you are willing to risk and sacrifice for both. They like you Callum, they trust you, I’ve seen it.’’

It appeared that he had no choice. Hugging his brother quickly Callum then turned and made his way to the end of the balcony. Strapping his bag around his chest he climbed onto the ledge, raised his painted arms and spoke, his arms turning into wings as he stood in the early morning light.

‘’I’ll see you tomorrow Ez.’’

‘’Bye Callum.’’

He leapt and immediately feeling the wing beneath his wings, soared away from the palace, towards his destination, the Silvergrove.

As they entered the Grove Callum could feel is nerves returning, what if his brother was wrong? What if the four of them decided that he wasn’t a suitable match for their daughter? What would they do to him? Was there an ancient Moonshadow elf test to prove your worth to your girlfriend’s family? He wasn’t as accomplished in Moon magic as he liked but he’d give it a shot if it meant he could show them just how much he cared for Rayla.

‘’Are you alright?’’

‘’Yes, of course I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong, I’m okay. I’m great.’’

‘’Callum.’’ Rayla looked at him, one eyebrow raised as she silently judged him. She knew him too well, he couldn’t lie to her.

‘’Okay, fine I’m a little nervous. I just didn’t expect to be spending a day alone with your parents. What if I mess up, say something stupid or offensive? What if they something funny and I laugh so hard that whatever I’m drinking comes out my nose?’’

‘’Has that ever happened before?’’

‘’No but it might.’’

‘’Callum,’’ She said taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. ‘’It’ll be okay, I promise. And you won’t have to spend time with all four of them. Mum and Dad had to take a quick last-minute trip to Whitegrove to get some supplies for the festival. They won’t be back till tomorrow it’s just Ethari, Runaan and I until then.’’

‘’Oh, okay well, I guess…’’

‘’Callum, it’s going to be okay.’’ She kissed him on the cheek.

‘’Now come on I’ll race you to the tree house.’’

The last time Callum had been here he had only ever ventured into Ethari’s workshop. He had hoped to see Rayla’s childhood home, since she had already infiltrated his and to have a chance to sleep in a bed for the first time since he had left the Moon nexus. However, it wasn’t meant to be, and they left the Silvergrove less than two hours after their arrival. Now however, his reason for visiting were guaranteed to be a much happier instance. Finally, he would get to see the place where Rayla grew up, where she went to school, were she played, he would get to see everything. He was excited.

As he reached the top of the curving staircase he bent down, resting his hands on his knees catching his breath as he tried and failed to keep up with his athletic and acrobatic girlfriend. He looked up and was met with Rayla smirking down at him, the look of triumph plastered all over her face.

‘’You cheated.’’

‘’Did not.’’

‘’Did too.’’

‘’No, I, unlike you just used all the skills I had to win. You for some reason decided not to use your magic to fly to the top. That way you would have at least stood a chance at winning.’’

‘’I thought that it was a running race.’’

‘’I never said it was, you just assumed. Always a fatal mistake.’’

Callum was about to reply when the door behind Rayla opened to reveal Ethari.

‘’Ah Callum you’re finally here, come in, Runaans in the kitchen helping me prepare food for the festival.’’

‘’That sounds dangerous’’ Rayla said as she entered her home.

Ethari laughed ‘’Don’t worry, he’s only helping with the prep work. I’ll be the one doing all the cooking. He is planning on making you a giant Moonberry surprise though.’’

‘’Really? Are you serious?’’

‘’That’’ came a voice from the kitchen ‘’was meant to be a surprise.’’

Callum rounded the corner and entered the kitchen and paused as Rayla rushed past him to Runaan, excitement radiating off her as she approached her second father of her heart.

‘’But you only make it for me on my birthday.’’

‘’Well this going to be the first Solstice festival that we’ve all been together since you were three so I thought that I might surprise everyone.’’

His eyes, which had been bright and full of love for Rayla suddenly turned dark and hard as his gaze found and fell on Callum. Callum gulped and stepped into the kitchen.

‘’Hello Runaan, lovely to see you again. You have a lovely home, nice panelling, sturdy.’’

‘’It is a tree house. We live inside a tree.’’

‘’Of course, yes, how silly of me.’’

Feeling his ace heat up with embarrassment Callum looked around the room, hoping to find something to comment on that wasn’t tree related. As he did, he could feel Runaan’s eyes burning into the back of his head. He turned his back so that the older elf could not see how nervous he was and tried to compose himself. He could do this, he could handle a day or two without his family and friends to distract and take up Runaan’s time. He’d endured and survived much more dangerous and stressful missions than this. Yes, he thought, straightening up, this would be easy.

‘’What are you doing?’’

Callum jumped and spun around to see Runaan standing right behind him.

‘’Oh, uh nothing, just uh looking at things.’’

‘’I see.’’

‘’Yeah, uh, lots of things to look at here.’’

‘’You’re looking at a sink of drying dishes.’’

‘’Oh, well, they’re very interesting, so ahh white, yes, very white and pretty.’’

Runaan didn’t reply, instead he just stood there, arms crossed, one eyebrow slightly raised as he watched him, silently judging him as he bumbled through an obvious lie. Then, as if by magic, and he very much hoped that it was, a smiling Ethari approached the pair and told him to put his bag in his room. Thankful for a chance to escape he hurried away to his bedroom to unpack his things. Once he unpacked Callum made his was back to the kitchen and found the three elves sitting around the small kitchen table, a glass of Moonberry juice in front of each of them as they chatted. Ethari noticed him and smiled.      

‘’Runaan and I were about to go to the market to stock up for the festival. Would you two like to come?’’ He turned to Rayla.

You could show him the centre of the Grove.’’

Rayla smilled and nodded.

‘’I wanted to show Callum around the Silvergrove so I guess that would be a good place to start as any. Let’s get going.’’

Callum sighed, this was going to be a very long day. He couldn’t wait until Ezran arrived.

The Silvergrove was much bigger than Callum had imagined. As the four of them made their way to the market Rayla pointed out various buildings and landmarks, recounting different memorable moments she’s had at each. Despite his nerves and the knowledge that Runaan’s judgemental gaze was constantly fixed on him he soon found himself falling in love with Rayla’s childhood home. His gaze was constantly switching, never lingering, Silvergrove was incredible, filled with such wonder and magic that he felt a slight twinge of jealousy and longing for a childhood filled with such wonder. Then his gaze fixed upon the market and Callum’s awe and excitement grew. This was the place to be. Beside him he felt Rayla gently tug on his arm, guiding him to a fruit stall located on the left side of the market’s entrance.

As they made their way around the market and the various shops found in the heart of the Silvergrove Callum could feel Runaan’s eyes burning into the back of his head and could feel his judgment as if it were a brand on his skin. Runaan may have been a Moonshadow elf but his gaze had the burning intensity that one would expect from a Sunfire elf. More than once Callum found himself stuttering or dropping whatever he had picked up, his nerves were getting the better of him. They followed the two older elves as they walked through the market, stopping every now and then at a stall or a shop to examine and purchase some of the produce and wares on sale. It did not take long for Ethari’s basket/bags to fill up with food for the festival in two days’ time. Adjusting the strap of one of the bags he had slung over his shoulder Ethari turned to them.

‘’We’ve gotten everything we need for the moment so if you two want to head off you better go now. We’ll meet you back here at the Blue Moon in an hour for dinner. Have fun you two.’’

Beside him Rayla grinned and waved to her father’s as they headed off back in the direction of home.

‘’What’s the Blue Moon?’’ he asked.

‘’Only the best place to eat in all of the Silvergrove.’’ She pointed to a large white building on the opposite side of the town square.

‘’This was the place I told you about the first time you came here. This is the where you can get the best Moonberry Surprise. Before my parents left for the Dragon Guard we used to eat here once a week. Runaan and Ethari used to take me there too but not as often, they prefer dinner in. It was the first place that they ate together as a couple though, so we did come here quite often, they even let you order food and take it home with you to eat.’’

‘’That’s unusual.’’

‘’It’s the best, when I was growing up Runaan would take me here after a long day of training and he’d order dinner for us to take home. Now hurry up, there’s still so much of the Silvergrove that I must show you.’’

Over the next hour Rayla led him around most of the grove, showing him her school, the training grounds and parks where she’d learnt to be an assassin, the thermal pools where the elves liked to unwind and the shopping district where Callum saw shops catering to every and any need that a Moonshadow elf might have. Suddenly his eyes fell on one shop and he gasped in excitement.

‘’Rayla, a bookstore. Can we go in?’’

‘’We have a little bit of time left before dinner so as long as we don’t take too long, I don’t see why not.’’

Nodding in agreement Callum raced over to the shop, dragging a surprised Rayla behind him. He opened the door, the little door bell ringing as they entered and Callum immediately felt at home. There were so many books, so much magical knowledge that Callum almost squealed in excitement. He ran over to the nearest bookshelf and grabbed a thick, leather bound book and opened it, finding a book filled with illusion spells and charms for daily life. He grabbed another book, this one a spell book filled with protection charms and runes. Beside it was a book dedicated to illusions to change one or more of an elf’s physical features.

‘’This is incredible, I’ve never seen so many magic books. I want them all.’’

Every other shelf and bookcase had at least one book that caught his eye. From basic spell books, to tomes on potions to gigantic, leather bound box sets that told the history of the earliest uses and developments of Moon magic, this book store had everything that he could have wanted. Each shelf and bookcase was dedicated to a different field, level or speciality of Moon magic. He didn’t want to leave, he could spend an eternity here. He grabbed the books that had first caught his eye, made his way over to the nearest table, pulled out a chair and began to read.  

‘’Easy there Callum, you’ll be here for a week remember. There’s plenty of time to find the perfect book or three.’’

Callum looked up from a book on the basics of Moon magic and instead of seeing Rayla’s face he found himself surrounded by a very tall wall of books. Somehow, in all his excitement he had managed to build himself a book fort without realising what he was doing. Glancing around the carefully constructed fort he found his now exasperated girlfriend watching him. Behind her stood an elf that Callum guessed was the owner of the bookstore. Rubbing the back of his head he jumped up quickly, grabbing the books that he had bumped in order to prevent them from falling.

‘’Sorry, I’ll put these all away right now.’’

The elf chuckled and shook his head ‘’It’s perfectly fine my boy. If there’s one thing, I’ll never be/get angry about it’s someone’s love of books and knowledge. Take all the time that you need and don’t worry about the books, I’ll put them back when you’re done.’’

Fifteen minutes later Rayla, with a great deal of difficulty, managed to drag Callum through the shop’s front door with the promise of spending as all day in the bookshop later in the week. Walking away from the shop Callum heard his stomach growl loudly and he realised just how hungry he was. He didn’t have to wait long as within a few minutes he found himself in front of the restaurant that Rayla had pointed out an hour ago.

‘’Rayla, Callum, perfect timing.’’

Callum turned and saw Ethari and Runaan walking hand in hand towards them. Callum saw Runaan’s gaze go from happy and content to intense and hard as he looked from Rayla to him. He gulped but stood his ground nervously as he felt Runaan’s scrutinising gaze give him a once over before settling back on his husband, a small smile now replacing the hard lines that had just graced his features. Ethari giving no indication that they had noticed the look Runaan had given him smiled at him and led the group inside. When he entered Callum temporarily forgot his nerves as he took in the restaurant and it’s interior. The restaurant was airy yet cosy, filled with, to Callum’s surprise comfortable couches and big cushioned chairs surrounding large and small white tables decorated with traditional Moonshadow patterns and designs. Rayla gently tugged his arm and guided him through the restaurant to a small table nestled in a back corner near a large window.

‘’Best seat in the house.’’ She stated as she made herself comfortable on one of the small couches. Callum went and sat beside her while Runaan and Ethari took the couch opposite them. On the table in front of them were 4 menus, written in elvish. The others picked up their menus and began perusing the meals available, debating what they were going to eat. Callum picked up the final menus and tried to decipher the elvish before him. He’d tried, over the last year and a half to learn as much elvish as he could but there were still many words that he still didn’t know. As he tried to decipher the words in front of him a young Moonshadow elf with a purple apron tied around their waist approached their table

‘’Hello everyone, can I get you anything? Drinks? Food?’’

Ethari looked up at the young waitress and gave her a warm and friendly grinmaking the young elf blush.

‘’Just drinks now, I’ll have a pint of Moonberry mead please.’’

‘’Moonberry juice for me and the same for Callum’’ Rayla replied.

‘’I’ll just have a water.’’ Runaan replied simply.

The waitress nodded and left, promising that she would return with the drinks shortly. As she left Ethari turned to Runaan and spoke

‘’Only a water, you’re being very boring tonight.’’

‘’Well I know what you’re like when you drink, someone has to be the responsible one and make sure that you get home safe.’’

‘’I’m not the lightweight Runaan, I can handle more than few drinks.’’

‘’You know what I’m talking about.’’

Ethari smiled and put an arm around Runaan’s waist and placed a kiss on his cheek.

‘’Don’t worry Runaan, the only one I’ll flirt with tonight will be you.’’

Looking over the edge of his menu Callum saw Runaan’s face soften and, in that moment, he saw all the love, a love which had grown and deepened over many years appear on the former assassin’s face. This was what true love, real love looked like, the kind that his mother and father would have had if tragedy hadn’t struck and taken them far too young. The kind of love Callum hoped that he and Rayla would have one day. It was truly a beautiful site to behold and Callum found himself unable to look away. That is until Runaan, sensing another’s gaze upon him turned to look at Callum, his expression now stern and hard, displaying none of the softness it had had mere moments ago. Not wanting him to know that he had been staring Callum ducked behind his menu, his face almost certainly turning bright red in embarrassment. He couldn’t afford to annoy or upset Runaan, not when he was to be a guest in his house for an entire week. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Rayla look over at him, her eyebrows raised.

‘’What’s wrong? Why is your face red?’’

‘’Nothing, nothing’s wrong I’m perfectly fine. My face just does this sometimes.’’

Rayla didn’t appear to be convinced but she didn’t press the issue, merely shaking her head and muttering about how weird humans could be.  

‘’I think’’ Ethari began ‘’that we should just get a few dishes and a few extra plates so that we can pick and choose what we want. Then Callum can really see and try Moonshadow cuisine for himself.’’

Callum smiled at the older elf as the others nodded in agreement. He’d been struggling to read the menu and even if he had been able to read it, he knew he would have had trouble deciding on one dish. Just then the waitress returned with their drinks and Ethari and Runaan thanked her before giving her their order. The waitress left promptly, and the two adults turned back to the two teenagers and asked them about their tour of the Silvergrove. Soon Callum found himself in a lively conversation as he recounted the last hour as well as all the wonder and amazement he had felt as he had finally explored/toured/discovered Rayla’s childhood home.

‘’We haven’t finished yet though.’’ Rayla continued. ‘’Tomorrow I want to show Callum my old/first home. Not to mention that I promised to take Callum back to the bookstore he found this afternoon.’’

‘’Just if you don’t stay out too long. We need you to help us prepare for the festival in two days’ time. Ethari’s going to need help in the kitchen tomorrow and I need someone to help me set up the pavilions and help with the decorations. So, go out and have your fun in the morning but make sure that you’re back by lunchtime.’’

‘’That shouldn’t be a problem, if all goes well Ezran, Aunt Amaya, Corvus, Gren and Soren should be here by lunchtime tomorrow.’’

‘’Mum and Dad should be back by tomorrow afternoon too so by then we should have more than enough people to help you get ready for the festival.            This is going to be the best festival ever. I can barely remember the last festival that I spent with mum and dad.’’

‘’Well you were three at the time so it’s very surprising that you have any memories of that festival at all.’’

‘’I remember being wet.’’

‘’That’s because you decided that you wanted to play with one of Ethari’s floating decorations in one of the pools and you fell in when you tried to grab it. Lian looked away for a second and when he heard the splash dove in right after you.’’

‘’When he pulled you out you were soaked through, miserable and terrified and that was the end of your time at the Solstice festival.’’

‘’I felt so terrible after you fell in that I fished one of those flowers out of the pool and gave it to you as your parents took you home. You grabbed the flower and didn’t let it go for days.’’

‘’Well I almost drowned to get it, there was no way  I was letting it out of my sight.’’

Listening to this story from Rayla’s childhood Callum wanted to laugh or at least smile but was too nervous, especially with Runaan sitting right in front of him. He didn’t know what to do, his nerves told him to try and find something witty and enlightening to share and add to the conversation, but he knew that if he tried, he’d almost certainly ended up rambling and he knew that this would not help in his quest to get Runaan to like him. So, in order to save face, he kept silent, watching the conversation happening next to him as he did his best not to buckle under Runaan’s harsh gaze. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime of silence their waitress returned carrying three different dishes, each sending out a different but very appealing smell. Behind her another elf followed, carrying one final dish and four plates, setting each of them down in front of them before giving them a small bow before retreating to the opposite end of the restaurant. In front of them sat four very different dishes, each looking and smelling just as appealing as the others. The first dish was a savoury pie, filled with Moon Stag venison, vegetables and herbs was hearty and filling. The next was a curry, vegetarian, with a thick, spicy sauce, served with rice and pickled cucumbers. The third was a salad, made with what Callum believed to be various leafy vegetables of green, red and purple, Xadian oranges and nuts with a simple dressing. The final dish was fish, a type that Callum had never seen or heard about during all his months in Xadia. It was battered and crispy with a large serving of thick cut chips beside it, with a generous serving of a tangy and creamy sauce beside it which Rayla informed him was known as Tartare sauce.  Eager to try everything he piled his plate high with a generous helping of each dish, an act which would have made his little brother proud. Each dish was so delicious that he found it very hard to pick a favourite, the flavours were so different yet so complimentary he loved them all.

‘’I think that it’s that time, Moonberry Surprise time. I knew the chef when we were children and I’ve helped him out now and then when he needs, he needs heat protection charms or a new utensil. In return for my services I’m allowed into the kitchens where I can get fresh Moonberry Surprise straight out of the oven. Come on Rayla, let’s go and get some.’’ He gave Runaan a quick peck and left with Rayla at his heels, leaving Callum no time to protest or to stop his girlfriend from leaving him with her most intense parent. Callum nervously looked over and found Runaan staring at him intently.  

‘’So, uh, dinner was nice. How’s retirement? Must be nice to finally relax and take things slowly. Not that I’m saying that you’re old, you’re still very young, real young, I’m sure you have many more years ahead of you.’’

‘’I need to say something/I want to talk to you.’’

Callum shut up.

‘’Something that I’ve wanted to say for a long, long time.’’

Callum panicked ‘’You see I’’


‘’Wait what.’’

‘’Thankyou for helping Rayla, for saving her life, for helping her and for being there when I could not. I’m glad Rayla found you, that you found each other. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for her, to grow up and find someone that loves her and cares for her as you do. Someone willing to risk it all for her, someone who is willing to die for her. That is what my daughter deserves.’’

‘’So, you like me, you approve of me.’’

‘’Yes, I do. I have for some time now.’’

‘’But what about all your scrutiny and all those scary, Moonshadow death glares?’’

‘’That was Rayla’s idea, not mine.’’


‘’You see you aren’t the first non Moonshadow to fall in love with a Moonshadow elf and in these situations a certain tradition must be followed.’’

‘’Moonshadow death glares.’’

‘’The tradition is to put pressure on the outsider in order to determine if they are worthy of the love of a Moonshadow elf. If you can withstand the pressure then you’ll win the respect and approval of your love’s friends, family and community. If you fail, well, your love was never strong enough to be worthy/to withstand/weather life with one who walks between life and death. All who have failed this test have proved that their love was not as great or enduring as they believed.’’

‘’But if you already approve of me, then I must have already passed your test.’’

‘’Yes, but I’m not the only one you must impress and seek approval from. Lain and Tiadrin have expressed their intent to test you during your stay. Rayla though that it would be a good idea to give you a taste of what was to come, to see how you would handle such pressure and scrutiny when you aren’t in a life or death situation. So, she asked me to put some pressure on you as soon as you arrived to see how you would react.’’

‘’How did I do?’’

‘’Apart from the rambling I believe that you did quite well. I have no doubt that whatever Tiadrin and Lain’s tests are you will pass them with flying colours, just as Rayla predicted.’’

‘’She knew that I’d pass.’’

‘’Of course, she had faith in you. She just wanted to make sure, as did Ethari and I. Lain and Tiadrin can be very intense and stubborn, believe me, I’ve known them for almost my entire life. We all needed to know for certain if you were going to be able to handle them.’’

Runaan stopped and observed him for a moment.

‘’Callum, you earned my approval and respect a long time ago and many times over since then. You earnt it when I leant that you flung yourself off the Storm Spire to save Rayla. You earnt it when you helped free me and tried everything you could to help me heal and recover. You earnt it when you tried to help make Ethari smile when I could not. You earnt it when you let go of the hatred and anger you felt towards me even though you were completely justified in never letting it go, never forgiving me for killing your father. You do not have to prove that you are a worthy recipient of Rayla’s love.’’

‘’Thank you Runaan. That means a lot. But I must ask. If Rayla asked you to do this in secret, why tell me?’’

‘’Well I thought that you might like a bit of a heads up. As I said before I know Lain and Tiadrin. Lain and I have been best friends since we were five years old and I’ve known Tiadrin almost as long and I know that they’ve been planning for this week for quite a while/some time. This is not something that you should be going into unprepared.’’

‘’What are they going to do to me?’’

Runaan was about to reply but closed his mouth quickly, leaning back into the couch as Rayla and Ethari finally made their way back to the table.

‘’Try and look nervous, remember I wasn’t meant to tell you that this is a test.’’

Luckily this wasn’t difficult at all and by the time the other two had returned Runaan and Callum had schooled their features back into that of a judgmental and disapproving father and their nervous, rambling boyfriend. When they got to the table, they set down three plates of what Callum guessed was the famous Moonberry surprise. Ethari also set down a streaming hot cup of tea in front of his husband before snuggling up next to him/sitting beside him, legs touching and offering Runaan the first spoonful of his dessert.

‘’Runaan isn’t a big fan of desserts so he usually just has a bite or two of Ethari’s or mine. He does like fruit tarts though, but they didn’t have any today so we couldn’t bring him one.’’

Callum picked up his spoon and dug into the deep red mousse and its golden crumb base and took a bite. As he bit down something burst inside his mouth. He looked down in surprise but found nothing.


‘’Isn’t it great’’ Rayla said, her mouth filled with the surprising dessert.

‘’Why am I tasting pomegranate? I thought that this was Moonberry Surprise.’’

She grinned ‘’ That’s the surprise in Moonberry Surprise, you think you’re going to get a secret Moonberry treat but surprise, it’s pomegranate. You hide the pomegranate with an illusion so that every bite is a surprise.’’

‘’It is very surprising, but a very tasty surprise. Ez would love this, I can’t wait for him to try it.’’

‘’Just wait until you try Runaan’s, he makes a syrup from unripe, tangy Moonberries and drizzles it on top. It’s the best.’’

Out of the corner of his eye Callum saw Runaan flash him a very quick smile before his face returned to that of the stern and disapproving father, a persona that Callum now knew to be a charade/façade. He fixed his face into what hopefully looked like that of a nervous and awkward teenage boy, a feat which, after the events of the day was not too difficult to achieve.  


As they made their way slowly back to the tree house Callum smiled, today had not been as bad as he had thought it would have been. Silvergrove was beautiful, he’d gotten to spend the afternoon with Rayla, he’d found an amazing bookstore, finally tried Moonberry Surprise and Runaan didn’t hate him/actually liked him. If he had dreamt of a perfect day in this place, then today would have been very close to perfect. Taking Rayla’s hand he strode forward more confidently than before. A few paces/strides behind them Runaan smiled, the small act catching Ethari’s eye.

‘’You told him didn’t you.’’

‘’Of course. Did you expect me to let him deal with Tiadrin and Lain totally unprepared? Rayla might have faith in him but she doesn’t know her parents like we do. The boy needed to know.’’

‘’Of course he does. But what happens when Rayla finds out that you told him what you were doing?’’

‘’She won’t. Callum can keep this secret. I have faith in him.’’

Ethari leaned into him, wrapping an arm around Runaan’s waist.

‘’You really like him don’t you. You wouldn’t have let him in on Rayla’s plan if you didn’t.’’

‘’He’s a good man, loving, protective, smart, creative. He reminds me of you. How could I not like him?’’

Ethari smiled and leant in, giving his husband a gentle kiss.

‘’I’m proud of you.’’

Runaan smiled and returned his husband’s kiss.

‘’Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to tell him what Lain and Tiadrin had planned for him.’’

‘’Oh dear.’’

‘’Yes’’ Runaan agreed, pulling Ethari closer ‘’Suffice it to say that this week is going to be a week none of us will ever to forget.’’

@sunstone-nerding here with a gift of fan fiction for Rem / @gemion (Tumblr) / @rememoryIssues (Twitter).

“Out of the Silvergrove”

