#i live for this



Me: oh hey it’s that creepy fog siren vide-OOOOOH WHAT THE FUCK 

I love how TDP is queer and doesn’t make a thing out of it. It just is. This scene had me all swooning.


if you ever saw them in canon together, i’d argue this to be their dynamic


crackhead theory.

What if Rex manages to rescue Cody in tbb but in the end Cody decides to join the fight with the Rebels while the others decide against it and 10 years in the future a veteran Clone spots Obi-Wan Kenobi on Daiyu and contacts Cody.


Athy’s dreaming about Claude and Diana holding her The what-ifs are killing me




I felt the sudden urge to draw it despite my many wips so here is a messy sketch

thank you

okay so… About today’s episode…

lot of stuff interesting animation stuff like…

when Gus was using more magic the illusion slipped

tooth gapALT

like, the tooth gap on Luz or the lips on Hunter


Is Hunter able to teleport someone with him? because it looks like he could if he practiced more.

idk if he could before or not

AND Last but not least (idk how the saying goes)

ARTISTS… HE FULL ON GRABBED HER, I thought it was like a tackle but noooo, he picked her up, and I love it

fandomaestheticnet: the academy awards are just around the corner and we decided to use this opportu


the academy awards are just around the corner and we decided to use this opportunity and dedicate this month to our favourite movies ! it does not matter if they are oscar winning movies, oscar nominated movies or movies which are neither but definitely deserved a win or nomination. just share your personal favourites with us and award your own oscars for them during our oscar event!


  • reblog this post
  • everyone can enter this event
  • open from the 07/02 - 29/02


  • create an aesthetic* creation for a movie that deserves/d an acedemy award
  • it does not need to be a movie that was or is nominated
  • you can also make edits for movies that did actually win an oscar
  • mention@fandomaestheticnet in the caption & tag #fandomaestheticnet**

*fandom aesthetics are basically any kind of creations that relate to a specific fandom without using (visual) material from the fandom.
**example caption: @fandomaestheticnet: acedemy award: [category] » [movie]

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A child

Cas meeting his lil’ sister, who is, in fact, a regular human person.

eicinic:The crystal gems and their Steven  | Prints for June! eicinic:The crystal gems and their Steven  | Prints for June! eicinic:The crystal gems and their Steven  | Prints for June! eicinic:The crystal gems and their Steven  | Prints for June!


The crystal gems and their Steven  | Prints for June!

Post link



my favorite kind of fanfics are “canon divergence” because it’s always like handing back a reviewed essay with comments like “I enjoyed the strong beginning but here is where you lost me, I’ve made some notes”

Speaking as the author of several, this combination of helpful, academic, and petty is exactly my motivation. 


Of course I didn’t forget yesterday was Dark Pinky Thursday, what makes you think that? hah

Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34663411

Summary: An unexpected visitor turns Dark Pinky’s mind into a haunted house.

Keep reading


JASKLDJL I wanted to finish this since you posted the fic, I’m late for DP Thursday but eh whatever. That last sentence still hurts meeeeee, I’ll never get over this fic
