#tears of themis xia yan



Luke really didn’t think through letting you fix his board with him. Of course Luke can never really think anything through when you’re involved, but he still manages to be surprised by just how much trouble he can get himself into.

The sunlight casting over your face as you concentrate on lifting the board so he can check the truck axle for any damage has his breath hitching in his throat, and there’s only so much self control he really has before his hand impulsively twitches towards his pocket. This really isn’t the time or the place, but just the knowledge of the ring nestled inside has him feeling settled enough to look up at you again.

“You know for someone who has never skateboarded before, you sure are good at helping me fix my own board.” You scoff and he can barely smother the grin edging onto his face.

“Yeah sure, because holding a piece of wood in place is something only skateboarding experts can do.” He thinks he missed this most of all. Just talking to you, getting to ask about your day or seeing the crinkles on the corners of your eyes when you smile as you talk. The way your voice lilts as you speak, all of these things are what makes you, you. And there was only so much imagining he could do, all alone, before he started to miss seeing you in action.

“Tony Hawk only wishes he could be you~” he practically coos at you, leaning over the board to get closer as you throw your head back and laugh. He basks in the sound, something so quintessentially you, and after so long of being starved for the comfort of your voice it makes moments like these all the more special for him.

“Well alright then Sherlock,” you quickly stand up, gently pushing the board forward so he could catch it. “If I’m gonna beat Tony Hawk I better figure out how to stand on the board first.” You reach out your hand to him, and he realizes he hasn’t been this happy in eight years.

He smiles. He takes your hand.

Reblogs are appreciated!!

Been playing lots of Tears of Themis lately (and juggling commissions)! Here’s some fanart of Luke and Rosa/MC <33

[Event PV] A Love Poem to Skadi

【A Love Poem to Skadi】event will be starting soon on January 29!

The snowfields and the Aurora lights - enjoy every scenery together with him. Whether it be warmth or surprise, witness every type of lifestyle with him. No one knows if you’ll encounter the end of the world at the end of time, but every moment within that blurry line of sight is already enough to fulfill the imagination. Under the fast changing lights on the horizon, engrave an eternal promise. This, is the deepest love poem he ever gave you. 

Xia Yan CV:@Jin Xian
Zuo Ran CV:@Zhao Lu
Mo Yi CV:@Jiang GuangTao
Lu JingHe CV:@Yang Tianxiang

 At the end of time, hold each other affectionately——

“Your face, your voice, your body, everything about you, I have remembered it all.”

When four eyes are meeting each other, the heart can’t help but race faster——” “Because you are you!”

Xia Yan:
Hihi, how do you plan on spending the holidays?

MC (Choice 1):
Sleeping in! I’m going to spend the entire day in bed. Hooray for sleeping in!

Xia Yan:
It’s not good for your body to sleep in all day.

Xia Yan:
You need to get up and move around, ah, right! Why don’t we go on a little journey?

Xia Yan:
Like visiting historical sites, or going to a resort to relax, what do you say?

MC (Choice 2):
I wanted to rest at home for two days, and then go on a short trip!

Hm, but I haven’t decided where to go…

Xia Yan:
Haha, I wanna travel too, why don’t we go together!

Xia Yan:
Like visiting historical sites, or going to a resort to relax, what do you say?

MC (Choice 3):
After thinking it through, I still don’t know what I want to do….

Xia Yan:
Is that so? Then do you want to go on a short trip with me?

Xia Yan:
Like going to look around the nearby old garrison post, or look for a vacation resort to relax your body and mind. How about it?

*Note: Thank you to RAN on Discord for sending in the 3rd text! 

MC (Choice 1):
Okay, let’s visit the old garrison post. Have a look around, and we can take a couple photos~

Xia Yan:
Okay, we can also go try out all sorts of folk activities and eat the local specialties!

Xia Yan:
Remind me to make another travel to-do list. This way, we definitely won’t miss anything!

MC (Choice 2):
Let’s go to a relaxing resort, we can eat and drink to our heart’s content, it’s the best~

Xia Yan:
Sounds good, your wish is my command.

Xia Yan:
Let me make a travel to-do list and add all of the resort’s good delicacies and fun places.

Xia Yan:
This way, we definitely won’t miss anything!

MC (Choice 1):
Wow, I’m starting to get excited! Then I’ll leave the planning to you~~

Xia Yan:
Lol, of course.

Xia Yan:
All you have to do is have a good time, and enjoy the relaxing holiday!

MC (Choice 2): 
It’s over, I’ll gain weight for sure!! Yet I still wanna eat more delicious food~

Xia Yan:
You won’t, we’ll have plenty to do, so you’ll be active.

Xia Yan:
The good food will only help refuel us!

Xia Yan:
Alright, I’ll get started on our vacation plans, just wait and enjoy a perfect holiday!
