#weiding shijian bu xia yan


“Your face, your voice, your body, everything about you, I have remembered it all.”

When four eyes are meeting each other, the heart can’t help but race faster——” “Because you are you!”

Xia Yan:
Hihi, how do you plan on spending the holidays?

MC (Choice 1):
Sleeping in! I’m going to spend the entire day in bed. Hooray for sleeping in!

Xia Yan:
It’s not good for your body to sleep in all day.

Xia Yan:
You need to get up and move around, ah, right! Why don’t we go on a little journey?

Xia Yan:
Like visiting historical sites, or going to a resort to relax, what do you say?

MC (Choice 2):
I wanted to rest at home for two days, and then go on a short trip!

Hm, but I haven’t decided where to go…

Xia Yan:
Haha, I wanna travel too, why don’t we go together!

Xia Yan:
Like visiting historical sites, or going to a resort to relax, what do you say?

MC (Choice 3):
After thinking it through, I still don’t know what I want to do….

Xia Yan:
Is that so? Then do you want to go on a short trip with me?

Xia Yan:
Like going to look around the nearby old garrison post, or look for a vacation resort to relax your body and mind. How about it?

*Note: Thank you to RAN on Discord for sending in the 3rd text! 

MC (Choice 1):
Okay, let’s visit the old garrison post. Have a look around, and we can take a couple photos~

Xia Yan:
Okay, we can also go try out all sorts of folk activities and eat the local specialties!

Xia Yan:
Remind me to make another travel to-do list. This way, we definitely won’t miss anything!

MC (Choice 2):
Let’s go to a relaxing resort, we can eat and drink to our heart’s content, it’s the best~

Xia Yan:
Sounds good, your wish is my command.

Xia Yan:
Let me make a travel to-do list and add all of the resort’s good delicacies and fun places.

Xia Yan:
This way, we definitely won’t miss anything!

MC (Choice 1):
Wow, I’m starting to get excited! Then I’ll leave the planning to you~~

Xia Yan:
Lol, of course.

Xia Yan:
All you have to do is have a good time, and enjoy the relaxing holiday!

MC (Choice 2): 
It’s over, I’ll gain weight for sure!! Yet I still wanna eat more delicious food~

Xia Yan:
You won’t, we’ll have plenty to do, so you’ll be active.

Xia Yan:
The good food will only help refuel us!

Xia Yan:
Alright, I’ll get started on our vacation plans, just wait and enjoy a perfect holiday!
