#technically a piece from my wip but i wanted to share



“You can’t possibly know what I have and haven’t done”

“I know more than you think I do”

“That’s the thing, I know exactly how much you know, and what you know doesn’t even scratch the surface. Who I am, what I’ve done, I can’t take it back, I can’t change anything, and I wouldn’t if I had a choice to do so. I’ve started wars, diseases, so many things that you mortals are still so valiantly fighting against, and just when you think you’ve won, another threat comes out. It’s just an endless cycle of fighting and dying, and for what? It all ends the same way, you all go to the same place”

“We do it for the same reason you didn’t leave us all those years ago”

“And what is that reason?”


“Hope”, she spits the word out as if it’s made of poison, “The greatest burden of mankind”

“No dear, the greatest treasure of mankind”
