#tera sinube


TERA SINUBE??????? ??????

RIP master sinube

you probably died smuggling younglings out of the temple, katooni, petro, byph, gunji, ganodi and zatt will surely honour your sacrifice through their valiant rebellion of the empire






Today on “How much more can we traumatize this poor man”: Rows upon rows of the dead bodies of almost everyone he once knew and loved.




Nobody talk to me ever again I had to look at what was presumably Tera Sinube’s dead body and also one of the younglings DON’T EVER TOUCH DON’T TALK TO ME DON’T LOOK AT ME I’m gone I’m done that’s it


I keep thinking about how Fortress Inquisitorius isn’t shielded and the show made a point of bringing it up and I keep thinking about that line of entombed Jedi and Force-sensitives, I keep thinking about Jedi Master Tera Sinube and his body being held there.

I’m sure it’s a great tool for intimidating anyone they walk down that long hallway, showing them that there’s no mercy here, this is what will happen to you if you don’t bend to our demands and join the Empire, even the children will be tortured and broken if they resist.

But what if it’s more than that?

I keep looking at that terrible, awful hallway, thinking about Obi-Wan having to stare at the face of an old friend, one who had been around for hundreds of years in the Jedi Order, he probably had at least one class taught by Master Sinube.

How terrifying and grisly the whole thing is.

And how it reminded me of something else.

Of one of the most horrific things the Empire ever did:

They used Luminara Unduli’s body as bait for any Jedi who might sense her and try to rescue her.  The Grand Inquisitor himself lures Kanan and Ezra in, when they’re looking for her to be Ezra’s teacher, and it’s not until they’re face to face with her corpse that they understand that her Force presence is being used to trick them, to make them think there’s another Jedi in the galaxy that they can help and be helped by.

Obi-Wan doesn’t sense them until he’s face to face with them because his Force abilities are weakened from a decade of disuse, but how many other Jedi are out there, sensing something of Master Sinube or a Jedi youngling that they want to help?

How many other Jedi would mount a rescue mission on Fortress Inquisitorius because they thought a Jedi was in need of them and they could use the help of another Jedi in the galaxy?  It’s so tempting, there’s not even any shields, the Inquisitors think they don’t need them, we can do this, we can help a Jedi!

But it’s all lies, it’s the Empire using the dead bodies of Jedi to trick more of them into coming right to them, that torture chamber right down at the end of that very hall.  And by the time you’re close enough to realize what’s truly off about their presence, it’s too late.  There’s an entire Fortress surrounding you.


I keep thinking about how Fortress Inquisitorius isn’t shielded and the show made a point of bringing it up and I keep thinking about that line of entombed Jedi and Force-sensitives, I keep thinking about Jedi Master Tera Sinube and his body being held there.

I’m sure it’s a great tool for intimidating anyone they walk down that long hallway, showing them that there’s no mercy here, this is what will happen to you if you don’t bend to our demands and join the Empire, even the children will be tortured and broken if they resist.

But what if it’s more than that?

I keep looking at that terrible, awful hallway, thinking about Obi-Wan having to stare at the face of an old friend, one who had been around for hundreds of years in the Jedi Order, he probably had at least one class taught by Master Sinube.

How terrifying and grisly the whole thing is.

And how it reminded me of something else.

Of one of the most horrific things the Empire ever did:

They used Luminara Unduli’s body as bait for any Jedi who might sense her and try to rescue her.  The Grand Inquisitor himself lures Kanan and Ezra in, when they’re looking for her to be Ezra’s teacher, and it’s not until they’re face to face with her corpse that they understand that her Force presence is being used to trick them, to make them think there’s another Jedi in the galaxy that they can help and be helped by.

Obi-Wan doesn’t sense them until he’s face to face with them because his Force abilities are weakened from a decade of disuse, but how many other Jedi are out there, sensing something of Master Sinube or a Jedi youngling that they want to help?

How many other Jedi would mount a rescue mission on Fortress Inquisitorius because they thought a Jedi was in need of them and they could use the help of another Jedi in the galaxy?  It’s so tempting, there’s not even any shields, the Inquisitors think they don’t need them, we can do this, we can help a Jedi!

But it’s all lies, it’s the Empire using the dead bodies of Jedi to trick more of them into coming right to them, that torture chamber right down at the end of that very hall.  And by the time you’re close enough to realize what’s truly off about their presence, it’s too late.  There’s an entire Fortress surrounding you.

Yeah, my first thought was Luminara Unduli, as well. So fucking grisly and over the line. Like, this is some medieval shit. And running into this was a full on horror show for Obi-Wan. The thing I find most disturbing was that Anakin probably walks past this all the time—Master Sinube was probably his teacher, too. And Sinube was so gentle and kind, you have to be an outright monster to be cool seeing his body desecrated on the regular.

I’m weirdly relieved Plo Koon got blown up now if this was the alternative. I hope they show us more alive Jedi (or at least name check them, like Quinlan Vos). I know TROS was all about Rey being the last Jedi but perhaps they weren’t counting former Jedi and some of these people are still alive?
