#terf tw




Anyway, if you’re a radfem, stay the fuck away from me

Imagine being such a dipshit that you don’t understand that “#tw radfem” is used to denote content as triggering without shoving it into “#radfem” main tag content, and then screaming and crying when people looking for #radfem content are finding your #radfem tagged content, and then flipping your shit when people tell you this wouldn’t have happened if you simply used the #tw radfem tag instead.

Rub two brain cells together and realize that people who are triggered by radfems are 1. blacklisting the word “radfem” as a whole, meaning actual tagged #radfem content does not need trigger warnings because it’s still removed in the first place, and 2. don’t fucking venture into the #radfem tag in the fucking first place, so again, radfems do not need to tag #radfem tagged content with yet another #tw radfem tag.

Like seriously just admit you’re braindead

I dont know how else to explain this to you. People blacklist tags by using the exact words used in the tags, for example, instead of putting “tw rape” ppl usually just blacklist “rape” it’s the exact same with radfem shit, because no radfems tag their stuff as “tw radfem” most ppl just have the tag “radfem” blacklisted, which is why I put it there.

I’m not freaking out, I’m explaining this to a bunch of idiots who think it’s ok to harass someone (some of you from multiple side accounts btw) because they dont like their cult.



#also reminder that terfs do not care about being logical about these  things and you  cant argue with one because their goal is not #to understand. their goal is to hate trans women

couldn’t agree more. got a lil excited about how well this person phrased it. the best use for this video/these arguments is curbing someone’s interesting in transphobic radical feminism; someone who is firmly a terf will gain nothing from this


please block @/gentlegifs and @/rad-moods, they’re terf/radfem blogs who break people’s dnis, make stimboards without crediting gifmakers, and even post gifs without crediting videomakers, and at least one of the two literally has banners that say “dni if trans” while definitely using trans people’s gifs that they stole!!
