#transmisogyny tw




Man, terfs fucking looove to be like “we need to protect and support women! And we all know that women are too fragile and weak to compete against BIOLOGICAL MEN in sports! Those MEN are just too advantaged over us silly weak girlies we could never ever compete against them!”

Fuck I remember when the most progressive thing you could say about gendered sports was that they shouldn’t be segregated by sex because women are just as capable as men at sports. Now they gotta resort to sexist bioessentialist nonsense because they can’t fucking stand the idea that they might have to meaningfully interact with trans people in sports settings.

God it’s incredible they’re saying the quiet part out loud now. Just outright saying saying that afab people are biologically worse at sports

If you don’t love and celebrate trans fems you’re not welcome here.

Trans fems, trans women, my work wouldn’t be where it is today without them. I won’t tolerate ANYONE being here who makes them feel unsafe.

I would be saying this even if my work hadn’t been directly helped, influenced, and shaped by trans women. I will not tolerate anyone being here who won’t celebrate the CHOICE to be feminine. What kind of feminist are you anyway, if you don’t appreciate how other women have made the same choice you have through MUCH harder circumstances.

Point being, this blog is for my sewing work, which is often a celebration of femininity. That celebration is not for ANYONE who will try to say that some women are less deserving of that choice than others. Trans women and trans feminine people are celebrated here.

Terfs, radfems, I don’t know the other words y’all call yourselves, please don’t come back. You’re not welcome here. You’re not celebrated here.




I was watching Shrek 2 and my wife and I were reflecting on how much transmisogyny was in it as jokes (e.g. “gender confused wolf” “ugly step sister” “women’s underwear” etc.) and it’s so extremely ridiculous to me the transphobes’ line that having positive representations of trans people (esp trans women) in children’s media would be “too confusing” for kids—because they are literally already making references to trans women in children’s media, they’re just doing it in the most offensive ways possible. Taking away all the empty cis rationalization of it, really they’re not arguing for kids to not see trans characters, they’re arguing that kids should see trans characters as demonized, fetishized, objects of ridicule and disgust. Like that’s literally the subtext in these “how do I explain this to my kids” conversations. They really mean “let me continue to explain this in ways that groom kids into hating trans people and themselves if they are trans”

This…is a great point

Y'know Shrek the musical straight up drops the t slur


every now and then a terf post will end up on my dash from a mutual who missed the dogwhistles. it happens. usually I let them know and block op and move on.

but I realized I needed to be doing more. SOMEONE brought that post out of terf circles and into regular fandom circles. A couple people at the end of chain failing to recognize regular terf lingo is one thing, but SOMEONE in that chain is following a blatant terf.

just now I followed the reblog chain, and sure enough, the crypto terf had a hogwarts house in their bio.

yall. stop fucking posting about harry potter. I’m serious. stop reblogging from terfs. block people with hogwarts houses in their bios. don’t say anything, don’t send them any messages, just block them.

but also learn the terf dogwhistles so you can keep an eye out and keep terfs away. Pay attention when people talk about “men” or “predators” or “vulnerable women” and figure out who they really mean. Many of them are also hyper critical of porn and sex work. Many of them also make innocuous-sounding posts about body image and anti-makeup issues. Pay attention to phrasing. If you search someone’s blog for the word “trans” and absolutely no results come up, be suspicious. Be quick to block. “terfs DNI” in your bio means jack shit if you don’t actually put in effort towards keeping them out.



can we stop reblogging from boibortion

I hope you dont mind me adding this but this is that same electror*t*rd piece of shit and I’m pretty sure they run multiple of the same accounts cause they were using this url and loveangelwalmartbaby at the same time (loveangelwalmartbaby I think got deleted finally) so be suspicious of that avatar on boibortion’s current blog, it looks like this:

And this Chun Li one:

in conjecture with any of their also recycled URLs cause they use either avatar every time they remake. I’ve blacklisted some of their old URLs and it has been able to catch some of the revamped ones if they’re similar enough. Here’s some they’ve listed themselves; trigger warning for the r slur ahead:

im sorry for being transmisogynistic and potentially harming trans women and transfems with my choice of words. this was never my intention but trans women have every right to be angry at me as i am their oppressor as a man and a tme (transmisogyny exempt) person. i will vow to always uplift and listen to trans womens voices to learn from my mistakes and all my tme followers should do their best to do the same !!

In the past two years, the S.C. General Assembly has ushered in a wave of legislation that discriminates against people in the LGBTQ+ community. One of the most egregious examples of this is H.4608, the so-called “Save Women’s Sports Act,” which seeks to prohibit transgender students from athletics in private and public schools. The bill’s proponents claim that this is a tool to counter harm experienced by female athletes who are competing against transgender girls in school athletic programs.

At one hearing on this bill, a legislator asked, “Where are the feminists on this?”

The feminists were there, and we are still here — and we are saying no to this bill and to any other bill that divides us and discriminates against the LGBTQ+ community. The title of this bill misleads the public about its true intent and impact, and it will be harmful to all of us in South Carolina — especially the children and young adults it targets. The bill’s title and discourse in the Statehouse have attempted to pit feminists against transgender children, and that’s why it is critical that we speak up to say no to this harmful legislation.

I am the CEO of South Carolina’s leading gender justice advocacy organization, and I talk to people across the state about the issues that are most important to them. The people in our network care about the issues that affect their health, economic well-being and opportunities — issues like the gender and racial wage gap, maternal mortality and our state’s domestic violence levels that are among the worst in the nation. The parents I talk with are worried about guns in schools, bullying, mental health and the disruption of education caused by COVID. I have never heard a parent or teacher raise a concern about female student athletes being harmed by trans athletes.

This legislation is not based in the reality of people’s lives or the concerns that are most important to our children and families. It is a copycat bill created by extremist outside interest groups and pundits who are stoking hysteria to score political points.

While the justification for the bill is manufactured, its consequences will be very real. Transgender children are already at a heightened risk for social isolation, discrimination, bullying and suicide. By excluding them from playing on a team that aligns with their gender identity, the state of South Carolina is effectively erasing their identity and making them even more vulnerable to depression and social exclusion.

Transgender kids are not a threat to girls’ and women’s sports, and they are not a threat to our social order. They are kids, and they deserve to play, learn and grow up in peace.

The proponents of this bill cannot get away with cloaking this social weapon in words such as “equality” and “fairness.” If they really want to advance equality and fairness for girls and women in this state, they need to stop targeting vulnerable kids and start focusing on real issues like ending the epidemic of violence against women and trans people, closing the wage gap, improving maternal health and expanding access to education, recreation, health care and economic opportunity for all of us.

Ann Warner is CEO of the Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network.


please block @/gentlegifs and @/rad-moods, they’re terf/radfem blogs who break people’s dnis, make stimboards without crediting gifmakers, and even post gifs without crediting videomakers, and at least one of the two literally has banners that say “dni if trans” while definitely using trans people’s gifs that they stole!!


Also, I forgot to address this too in my first post on the issue (because I was pretty tired when I wrote it), but saying “I’m not TME” does not necessarily mean you’re amab.

To start off- I’m intersex. I’m amab. But my body type happens to be more feminine. I do have breasts. The main reasons I do consider myself to be transfem though is because 1) I was out as a gay cis man for a very long time, 2) I do have a penis too, 3) Everybody in the homophobic and transphobic area around where I live knows me as a man. So when I began to dress more feminine when I came out as nonbinary people began throwing transmisogynistuc slurs at me and more attacks were directed towards me too. But not everybody is seen that way.

For example, there may be an intersex individual who is technically considered “afab” due to having a vagina (or even not fully having one, depends), but may have a more “masculine” body type that leads everybody to perceive them as a man due to being intersex. They may even identify as a man for the time being, and if they choose not to identify as trans, then they should be considered a cis man if they so please due to their relationship with being intersex. But let’s say they want to begin transitioning to look more feminine and realize they’re a trans woman or a feminine nonbinary. There’s still the potential that those around who see them as a man will lash out and use transmisogynistic slurs against them. I would consider that person to be non-TME. That’s not necessarily transfem, only if they consider themselves to be transfem.

Don’t leave intersex people out of your arguments surrounding transmisogyny, you have to remember that every intersex experience is different and it’s possibly close to what you experience. Also, don’t forget about intersex people when claiming things about “TME or non-TME determines your agab”, because that’s simply untrue and is a transmisogynistic statement and borders interphobia.

Do not argue with this post unless you are also intersex.
