#tha magpod



what does it all mean?!?? why is his name different?!?!

mag 170 | mag 185 | mag 196

My theory on the names but reduced to a few sentaces per name variation because I can’t be bothered

Mag 170- he is completely alone and looking back on his life, therefore the first name is more personal however more isolated.

Mag185- here he is examining his relationship with his family (hence the importance of the last name) and he is accompanied by another version of himself, so the ‘blackwood’ makes it specific to him

Mag196- the name he chooses for poetry, this episodes statement is very poetic and a theme of the episode is drama (from Martin claiming he expected the location to be more dramatic, to Anabels original plan and her smashing the camera) furthermore, the ‘k’ in is name is his own form of deceit, which he used to make himself seem more professional, further showing his original affiliation with the web.

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Dear god, if tma doesn’t ‘ceaseless watchers special little boy’ merch I’m abandoning the podcast
