#thai bl


If you want to keep up with Crush, but you don’t want to follow us on Twitter - Crush (and our other stories) now has its own homepage!

A new chapter of Crush is out & you can find it on AO3andWattpad!

Crush is still being written, social media posts are still being made for it - we just moved it all to Twitter! So join us on Twitter or join us on our Discord! ❤️

Hello lovelies - if you want to keep following us and our content head over to Twitter


The turnout on tumblr wasn’t the greatest and the effort of double posting didn’t feel like it was worth it, we’re still active on Twitter, Crush is being continued over there (along with many other projects at this point - it’s always worth to check out our AO3 for more FighTor fanfiction!) and a new chapter will be released tomorrow evening!

Okay - question - is anyone actually solely following Crush on tumblr and not on Twitter? Because it’s in consideration if it’s even worse keeping up a tumblr at this point!

And another commission done! This time a couple of people invested together and into part II of -

❤️ What if novel!Tutor and series!Tutor suddenly switches places during their respective beach trips? → Part II Series!Tutor x Novel!Fighter!


We told you we would put ur money to good use look at our adorable babies ❤️

Many thanks to the incredible, talented & sweet @pachiary for giving our babies life (& soon )

Read Crush → https://archiveofourown.org/series/1859398

We told you we would put ur money to good use look at our adorable babies ❤️

Many thanks to the incredible, talented & sweet @pachiary for giving our babies life (& soon )

Read Crush → https://archiveofourown.org/series/1859398

Say hi to P’Knight ⚔️

And welcome to a new era of King

Check out Crush - a new chapter dropped today ❤️ → https://archiveofourown.org/series/1859398

Merry Crushmas everyone! ❤️


Go check it out on AO3 → https://archiveofourown.org/works/25953646/chapters/69143454

Please like, share & most of all tell us what you think! We worked really hard on this one

dear doctor ep 11

i loved this ep so much. it started out being such a comforting ep–so much domestic boyfriends! and cuteness! and then veered into angst-city.

i also totally thought the whole uncle-framing-his-father thing would be bigger than it was. but apparently the uncle got fired and that was that? okay. i mean, not the biggest fan of the hospital drama by far so the less we spend on it, the better, imho.

this ep also solidified how much i love metha and nathee together as broken-hearted besties. (i did not like them when they were scheming against prakan but i sure hope that’s over with now.)

they should never allow nathee to drink. ever again. he’s so embarrassing when he’s in love AND drunk.

so nathee remembers his drunk hook-up with keeta but is still under the impression he means nothing to keeta. and now i’m frustrated and disappointed with keeta. smooch that man when he’s sober, pls, and tell him u like him too; i can’t stand seeing nathee miserable, mostly bc he just keeps embarrassing himself when he’s miserable and it’s giving *me* secondhand embarrassment. i also don’t know if keeta really likes nathee, or is just using him, however inadvertently, to get over prakan.

i’m not leaving this tent and this drama can’t make me…

why am i still hoping this drama will give me a HEA???

cutie pie ep.10

i still have an immense love for this show, but ep. 10 was hard to get through knowing that if these idiots just talked to each other, so much would get cleared up and there wouldn’t be as many tears shed. but i was never under the delusion that this was a plot-heavy show so i understand all the angst has to come from the relationships. and I like that this is an emotions-heavy show, that way we spend more time on the characters themselves. (sometimes u need a break from heavy, plot-driven shows.)

i did like that yi and diao talked to each other. hopefully their relationship will move forward and not backwards in these last two eps…

cutie pie ep.9

these mfers…they be making me feel very single each week. i only have myself to blame, i guess

it’s just when this show decides to be romantic, it goes hard. it doesn’t shy away from the intimacy (yes, there is sex and horniness but im also talking about the kind of close intimacy between two people very much in love while also learning there is much they dont know about each other despite the love they both feel.)

i also love that lian is now much more in tune with kuea’s feelings…he knows when he oversteps with his teasing and apologizes readily. he doesn’t take it for granted anymore that he and kuea are on the same wavelength when it comes to the kind of intimacy they’re building.

idk. i just love this show and everything about it–the pacing, the music, the cinematography, all the characters & the intimacy, the second couple that makes me frustrated because they’re just not talking to each other when they should be…

this is the cutest dog ever. i wanna see more of her, less of these idiots that can’t talk to each other.

dear doctor ep 10

ahh, our dear angst muffin just keeps running away. and i get it. i mean, i don’t really because i’ve, thankfully, never been in his situation but. he keeps hurting my baby.

i’m just living for all these jealous moments with metha and nuch, honestly. the moment he told her he didn’t want to be her friend?? i was screaming, “just tell her u wanna be her lover-boy.”

ughhh he was cute, but crypto?? really?? ewww no thanks.

nathee gets stinking drunk when he thinks keeta is quitting?? yeah, tell me how much you don’t like keeta, you liar.


AND THEN IT FADED TO BLACK???? WHAAAAA THEY HAD SEX????????!!! i mean, i’m totally onboard this ship now. it’s not that the first kiss wasn’t awkward and it’s not that nathee isn’t stinking drunk, but…nathee/keeta are kinda hot together???


i’m just so glad we all now know–prakan included–the story behind how prakan got sanya’s heart and that’s why prakan can see tua/sanya. (it really was fate that brought them together, i mean the amount of things that had to go right–or wrong?? depending on how u look at it, i guess?–for prakan to receive tua’s heart instead of other people ahead of him in the queue, the fact that prakan’s young body didn’t reject tua’s heart, the amount of good luck and fortune that prakan didn’t die *before* tua did, i mean *hands* i know it’s not out right said but until canon disproves me, i’m totally calling this love story a red thread of fate, which is why it’d be so incredibly cruel to end this story in a heartbreaking way, universe.)

and i’m so glad we got so many good kisses between prakan/tua and a fade-to-black sex scene. and this hopefully means prakan will stop running away from sanya and pushing him away. tho i am very nervous about what that red card means for sanya. are the consequences of his actions rearing their head??? and am very nervous that this means now sanya will be the one running away from prakan. guhhh the dreaded ep 11 and its curse…

dear doctor ep 9

khett is TOTALLY the number one prakan/tua shipper, i won’t take any criticisms.

but it’s interesting he says he doesn’t care about any of the punishments the underworld doles out to the reapers who go around blabbing about the underworld secrets. miiiighty interesting.

nathee says he doesn’t like keeta but he is a lying liar whose pants are on fire. so. i don’t trust anything that dude says. (ESPECIALLY considering the preview for next ep.)

listen, keeta, those are beautiful flowers, but imma need you to stop.

I WAITED SO LONG for these two to share screen time together this ep and IT WAS ALL WORTH IT. they’re totally holding hands. and i’ve been spoiled for next ep and know that will be my favorite ep of all time for this series. why the sudden romantic eruptions on ALL THREE COUPLES??? when we’ve had such a drought?? idk but am not complaining.

dear doctor ep 8

i keep raving about how much i love tua’s character. but. this ep just solidified the fact that he’s the best character for me. yes, we love characters who learn and grow and all that jazz but i think the characters who are often static throughout narratives often get shunted off to the side and are under-rated as a result (i’m mostly thinking of side-characters, or the best friends who are always wise and always dole out the best advice/friendship/support). and tua, as a character, feels very static–by which i mean he is going to end the show in the same place he started it–as a grim reaper, and not having learned or grown much throughout.

well, most likely he will have to learn how to balance a romantic relationship with prakan and his job as a grim reaper, which often puts the two of them at odds, but i feel like that’s a couple journey they’re going to have to go through instead of an individual journey. and idk if that’s why prakan rubs me the wrong way–he and tua are obviously NOT equals in this story. tua is the much more understanding one, while prakan is always a step or two behind in terms of showing empathy and sympathy. oh, he does care greatly for his patients, don’t get me wrong, but that caring is often presented in a very rigid, black and white manner. like, you’re going to be cured whether u like it or not because i’m your doctor and i say so and i know better than you. prakan IS a great doctor, but an arrogant one who prizes his smartness and greatness AS A DOCTOR above everything else, even his patients.

so this disparity between tua and prakan as characters often leaves me frustrated, mostly at prakan because i want to shake him and ask him to understand tua a bit better as well.

(obviously there’s not going to be a “correct” side when death is involved, and certainly not when someone loses their beloved parent, and maybe i’m more like prakan in that regard but i can’t wait for the moment when he finally shows some understanding and sympathy for tua).

i loved prakan a lot more this ep than in previous ones. his grief was palpable and heart-wrenching and i wanted to give him a hug, when previously all i wanted to do was shake him.

i’m still not totally onboard this ship tho i see the potential but…the North Star talk was very cute, i’ll admit. nathee definitely has a crush on keeta, and i loved that keeta was there for him when he saw his abusive father for the first time in a while again (although that’s just the kinda character keeta is–an adorable precious cinnamon roll) and i loved the backstory we got on nathee.

still maintain metha is a prick, but i do love nuch/metha together so freakin’ much. (srsly our girl nuch throws juuuuust a tiny bit of attention his way and i swear he becomes totally whipped for her. which, same, dude, same.)

ahh, the car crash. a monumentally stupid charade to get our doctor in mortal danger. i know this had to happen so prakan could reevaluate his life and his choices and somehow accept that he can’t win over death, but that that doesn’t mean he should quit being a doctor because he has saved a ton more lives than he has lost but. still. so monumentally stupid and funny.

me, whenever i encounter car accidents and protagonists getting hit by vehicles in dramas:
