#thank u op



Well, at this point my hand hurts so much but she worth it.


I once again, am not sorry. Its a trash c'anne.


Visionaries + makeupaguy, take 2




Ok so I’ve found a way to describe what Neurodivergent Can’t Do Task Mode™ feels like to neurotypicals

So you know how you can’t make yourselfputyour hand down on a hot stovetop? There’s a part of your brainthatstops you from doing that? That’s what Neurodivergent Can’t Do Task Mode™ feels like

Even if we want to do it, there’s a barrier stopping us from doing it, and it’s really hard to override

Andwhydoesour brain see the task as a hot stovetop? Because when neurotypicals finish a task, they get serotonin, but we don’t get that satisfactionaftercompleting a task. A neurotypical wouldn’t get serotoninfromputting their hand on a hot stovetop, it would just hurt. When we can’t do a task, it’s because our brain knows that the taskwillhurt (metaphorically) and wants to avoid that.

It’snot that we’re choosing not to do the task, it’s that our brain is physically preventing us from doing it.

Neurotypicals can and should reblog but please don’t add anything

(Sorry/not sorry about the random bolding, it makes it easier for us to read)

Oh that’s a great example. It’s not even really a metaphor in some cases. Because this is exactly what some of our brains are doing. For one reason or another the brain thinks that the task in question is dangerous or harmful and the mechanism keeping us from doing it is a survival mechanism.

This makes a lot of sense wrt what I do with ADHD sometimes.

spoopydoodle:I play Milk a lot in Breakout so the idea of Milk collecting case notes to help his idi


I play Milk a lot in Breakout so the idea of Milk collecting case notes to help his idiot friend who got accused of murder is the most HILARIOUS idea to me.

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On one hand, I am loathe to spend money on something as fleeting and useless as a tumblr post. On the other hand, I want to make everyone look at this picture of my cat:


Here’s a full set of blank Figurine stands for you to put in whatever character or item your heart desires! Go ham!!!


“Transandrophobia” Primer

There’s a wild amount of misinformation about the term “transandrophobia” going around, and has been for a long time. So let’s dig in a bit and set the record straight.

What it is

“Transandrophobia” was coined as an alternative to “transmisandry”, and describes the unique oppression targeted at and faced by transmasculine folks (and people perceived to be transmasculine).

Transmascs experience oppression not just on the basis of being trans, or (typically) AFAB, and certainly not on the basis of being men alone. What we experience is unique to being transmasculine, and the way cissexist society categorizes and responds to us: not as women, not as men, but as an “other” that lies between the two.

Some quick examples of transandrophobia:

What it Looks Like

Transmascs are generally placed in one of two categories: confused “girls” they believe can be saved, and evil, dangerous “other” they believe are beyond saving. There’s a ton of overlap in these two categories, both in what they experience, and in the fact that oftentimes the two are experienced simultaneously; even in the same situation.

A quick, incomplete list of how these things can manifest:

  • Infantilization (“soft”, “little”)
  • Removal of autonomy
  • Stereotyping as “whiny”, “hysterical”, or “entitled”.
  • “Butch flight” or “ROGD” - the idea that transmascs are stealing butch lesbians.
  • Pressuring transmascs to be more feminine/womanly, either through overt force, or through subtler manipulation.
  • The desire to “make transmascs women” via sexual assault (corrective rape).
  • The idea that testosterone causes aggression; emotional, physical, and sexual- therefore transition is dangerous, and transmascs who transition are dangerous.
  • Fearmongering around transmasc transitions; “binders can never be safe”, “vaginal atrophy is untreatable”, “you’ll get fat/ugly/acne/sweaty/oily/smelly”, “phalloplasty is too dangerous/expensive/unsatisfying to be worth it”, etc.
  • Medical professionals dissuading transmascs from transitioning; stressing risks that can in actuality be mitigated easily, nitpicking family history without presenting options, etc.
  • The idea that transmascs only become trans to “escape misogyny” or to “gain male privilege”.
  • Erasure of transmasc experiences, esp. experiences with misogyny and transphobia.
  • Lack of resources for transmasc abuse survivors.
  • Lack of resources for transmascs in need of reproductive healthcare on the basis of “male” gender markers, names, voices, and appearances.

Why We Call it That

“Transandrophobia” can be broken down in two ways:

  1. “Trans” + “androphobia” = the “trans version” of “androphobia”, a fear of men or social bigotry toward men.
  2. “Trans-andro” + “phobia” = a social bigotry directly specifically at trans men/transmascs.

The second is the more common interpretation and usage, largely because the first can be interpreted, by some, to mean that those using the word are suggesting that it’s actually (cis) women who oppress (cis) men, that we don’t believe patriarchy exists, etc. This, of course, has never been the intention of the word.

The first break-down above could also be interpreted to refer to patriarchy’s negative stereotyping of men- as aggressive, dangerous, and sexually predatory.

While that doesn’t translate to systemic oppression of cis men, those same feelings- a general disgust and fear toward the concept of manhood- do inform how society responds to transmascs. As a group of people who are oppressed on the basis of being transmasculine, those feelings do play a role in transmasc oppression.

What it Isn’t

“Transandrophobia” is not an attack on, or accusation toward, any other group of people.

The word does not imply that trans women oppress trans men, that transmascs have it worse than anyone else, that transfems are horrible bigots, that transfem issues do not deserve the attention they receive (or, ideally, far more attention than they currently receive).

It does not imply that cis misandry exists, that “MRAs were right”, that patriarchy and misogyny aren’t real, or that feminism isn’t necessary.

It does not signal bigotry toward other groups. Whatever your personal opinion of the word, of who uses it, or of who coined it, the word is a word and it stands alone from those things. It belongs to the transmasculine community.

It does not demand anyone pay any less attention to other important issues. It does not accuse other trans people of oppressing us. It does not dismiss the existence of patriarchy or structural oppression of women. It does not belong to any one individual.

Why We Need it

There are real, tangible issues within the transmasc community- things that are unique to transmascs- and those things happen because of a unique bigotry toward transmasculinity.

In order to address those problems, we have to be able to talk about what they are and why they happen.

In order to talk about that, we need a word for what it is. “Transandrophobia” is that word.

Don’t get me wrong: the word might change at some point, and that’s fine. If the transmasc community as a whole decides that we would like a new word, and creates one together that suits those new needs, that’s fine. But as of now, this is the most common, recognizable, easy-to-understand word we have.

“Transandrophobia” belongs to the transmasc community, and it’s up to transmascs to define, interpret, create or remove associations, revise, and replace, as it sees fit.

What You Can Do

If you’re transmasc:

Talk about your experiences. Connect with other transmascs. Join transmasc community spaces, create new ones, and maintain a positive, productive, and inclusive culture within those spaces. Uplift transmascs with different experiences from you.

Be an ally to other trans people, to people of color, to disabled people, and to other marginalized groups. Do not allow resentment toward the trans community- any part of it, and especially toward transfems- to fester in any space you inhabit.

If you’re not:

Listen to transmascs. Seek transmascs out to listen to. Uplift transmasc voices. Learn. Ask questions, even if they’re scary, and be ready to be surprised by the answers.

Think for yourself. Own your opinions, and own where they’re coming from; don’t blame them on other trans people. Acknowledge your limitations in experience. Know that you don’t need to understand in order to respect us. Try to understand anyway.


Kankri Vantas is mine now and he can have some fanon character development…. as a treat


Self shippers who used to watch those “art criticism” YouTube channels circa 2016-2018 and dreaded making OCs out of fear of making them “Mary Sues” are stronger than the U.S marines. Kudos on the character development my friend go kiss them cartoon characters

jooleah:Fireproof | A “Buddie” Fanmix Songs I’ve been listening to that remind me of Buck and Eddie jooleah:Fireproof | A “Buddie” Fanmix Songs I’ve been listening to that remind me of Buck and Eddie


Fireproof | A “Buddie” Fanmix

Songs I’ve been listening to that remind me of Buck and Eddie from the show 9-1-1. A more upbeat playlist made for driving in your car with the windows down. Enjoy!

Download →[zip]Listen →[spotify]

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mud-muffin: been thinking a lot about Hinata moving to tokyo and living with Kenma lately HE WOULD Lmud-muffin: been thinking a lot about Hinata moving to tokyo and living with Kenma lately HE WOULD L


been thinking a lot about Hinata moving to tokyo and living with Kenma lately 


Post link
hellspawnmotel:dipper and mabel (age 22) go for a drive and have a movies argumenthellspawnmotel:dipper and mabel (age 22) go for a drive and have a movies argumenthellspawnmotel:dipper and mabel (age 22) go for a drive and have a movies argumenthellspawnmotel:dipper and mabel (age 22) go for a drive and have a movies argumenthellspawnmotel:dipper and mabel (age 22) go for a drive and have a movies argument


dipper and mabel (age 22) go for a drive and have a movies argument

Post link


N: Are you okay?

A: I’m ok.


N: Are you okay?

A: I’m ok.


it’s as if they were made for each other :]


XD is able to project his voice into the minds of people without physically manifesting to talk. He’s also able to do this to whomever he picks and choses. 

XD thinks BadBoyHalo is dense and an idiot.

XD got excited at the pitch of endereyes, he has an aesthetic. 

XD does not know what the color green was, and presumably other colors. He does know what grass is and learned grass is green. Whether this is because he’s only hung out with George (colorblind) or is because hes’ so detached from humanity that he doesn’t know is undetermined.

XD frequently gets bored and lonely. He spends most of his time watching people, and he enjoys the randomness of their everyday lives. He especially likes bloodshed and death, but only random bloodshed and death (such as wars, fights, etc). 

XD gets energy from ‘drinking souls’, but only souls of those who have died. Presumably why he enjoys death. He said it gave him energy but he also does it to “pass the time”.

XD hates being referred to as a person or a people of any kind. He views himself separate and above people. (Foolish had said he was talking to two people, and XD got mad and said he was not a people. When asked what he was, he said a God).

XD has no concept of time. He doesn’t know what a week is. He just told Foolish a random timeframe to get the statue done so that it keeps going along. He doesn’t understand the concept of hours or months or any timeframe.

XD doesn’t like most people. 

XD likes watching people lose.

XD definitely is NOT a poet what would give you that idea. (He hesitates on this question, silence is deafening and then he goes ‘nope’).

Foolish told XD you make friends by joking with people. XD had said someone once taught him  how to joke ‘a long time ago’ (again, no concept of time). When asked who, XD said a person. Foolish asked if he normally talked to people and XD said ‘only the ones that sleep the most’, implying George. Foolish said he knew a guy who slept a ton, wore goggles, and XD gave an amused hum. Foolish kept bringing up things about favorite humans, and humans XD liked the most and his answer always involved those who sleep the most without giving a name. 

XD can control and influence a person’s dreams. He can do this positively (implications he made about Bad’s Mother’s dreams) but he usually gives them nightmares. He says its entertaining, fun, and he also gets energy and feeds off of nightmares.

XD doesn’t like to talk about his age. He thinks its rude to ask. However; he stated he’ll live for an infinite amount of time. 

XD gets pure glee from the idea of giving people nightmares- and is especially excited when Foolish accidentally implies he can give Foolish a nightmare. They can ‘nightmare together’. He’s also excited when he eventually leaves to give Bad a nightmare as he senses he’d fallen asleep. 

XD uses up a lot of energy to present himself to people, but especially in his human form, and even more so if it’s physical and in person. He usually visits people in dreams because of this. 

XD’s human form is based on Dream because Dream was the first human he’d ever saw, and so he copied his looks. 

XD had stated ‘life isn’t fair’ to Foolish. Foolish asked if XD’s life was fair then, and XD stopped to say, “I AM Life.” Meaning that it was he who wasn’t fair. 


Shirt? Questionable. Kitten and man? Adorable.
