#thank you so much

miracu-less: ineedasideblogforfanart: Nino, but like……….turtlier.Bless you



Nino, but like……….turtlier.

Bless you

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Pairing:Sailor!Dean Winchester x Reader


Summary: Y/N was never a big fan of sailors, so when a ship full of them dock at the harbor in her town, she’s anything but happy. However, there is one in particular that is determined to prove to her that not all men of the sea are the same, and dedicates each day of his shore leave to the task of changing her mind. Will the green eyed sailor prove his point, or hers?


Warnings:Fluff, smidge of angst if you squint, swearing, more fluff, some sexy times, sailor dean times, etc.

This series is now complete!

Total word count: 69,594

~Get ahead with Patreon ~ 

Main Masterlist

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four 

Chapter Five 

Chapter Six 

Chapter Seven 

Chapter Eight 

Chapter Nine 

Chapter Ten 


I definitelyNEED to binge-read this gem!!!

Awww@snowlovespie​, thank you so much sweetie! 

I hope you will love it when you do get to read <3 


@anxiously-introverted Everyone in my family is apparently taking a holiday nap, so I decided to play with your Nihilego!Emmet a bit, hope you don’t mind! You made such a good AU, delightfully angsty. Also, I love Nihelego in general, never managed to find one in my Sun/Moon file. Gotta play again.

Still sulking over my lack of drawing tablet, lol. And murdering a dollar store mechanical pencil from overuse.

I love this!!! I love how you incorporated Nihilego’s eyes/markings into Emmet’s jacket and tie. Really really cool!


if you all are bothered by the new update where long posts are cut off by the ‘view post’ thingy, then just follow this:

- settings>dashboard>shorten long posts and toggle it off (browser)


- settings>general/account settings>dashboard preferences>shorten long posts and toggle it off (the app)

yayen-chan:gildracon: Gavin Reed x RK900 Marks RK900: The marks Gavin leaves on RK900′s synthetic skyayen-chan:gildracon: Gavin Reed x RK900 Marks RK900: The marks Gavin leaves on RK900′s synthetic sk



Gavin Reed x RK900



The marks Gavin leaves on RK900′s synthetic skin, left trails of blue on his bullet proof chassis. His heated touches and kisses both possessive and desperate in the still darkness, brought uncharacteristic shivers and delicious thrums from his thirium pump that he never felt before. 

And he was addicted to it.

It was freeing at the same time he felt hopelessly and irrevocably bound by this need. By this man. To touch and be touched. To feel heat against heat, skin against skin. Nothing else could compare to this feeling of elation and crippling desire that Gavin brings.

The marks he wished could remain forever scratched on to him. Ones that he refused to remove even as time passed. Marks only he would allow Gavin to leave.

(Gavin’s under the cut)

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@uppastthejelliclemoon tagged me in a prompt where I mention 3 fun facts about myself and tag 7 people!  Thank you, dearie!!

1. I have a collection of Lord of the Rings/the Hobbit memorabilia, including: a six-movie extended edition set of the LOTR and Hobbit films; a foam Sting sword; a replica of Thorin’s Map; hobbit-footed slippers and a plush of Bilbo my mom hand-sewed for me for Christmas; additionally, I also have a copy of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and a Tolkien biography on my bookshelf

2. I once went kayaking with my family in a bioluminescent lake while on vacation.  My favorite part was when we paddled to the middle of the lake during nighttime and the stars were out.  I had never seen so many stars in my life, it was like we were in a planetarium!

3.  Singing is one of my favorite hobbies, and I have participated in many singing/performing arts events throughout middle, high school and college

Mutuals I tag: @bluemoonfantasiesiii@maidenofbagend@talisman975@storyweaverofgondor@hilli98215 @roxycake  (I know I’m supposed to tag 7 people but it’s late rn, I’m tired and I can’t think of a 7th person XD)  If you’re tagged, feel free to join!

thanks for the tag @l-ovey ! the post got kinda long so i removed the reblogs i hope that’s okay :’)

3 “fun” facts about me (everytime i tell facts about me i realize how fucking boring i am LOL)

(this one’s really random lol i just found it while getting ready) i still have the “dress” i had on for my baptism :’))) i’m not even religious so it’s honestly not that meaningful to me but IT’S SO TINY?!? i can’t bring myself to throw it away i’d feel like i killed an actual baby

as a kid i always wanted to be a veterinarian but then i saw a bird shit on a vet’s face in one of these like vet reality shows (?) and then i reconsidered

i’m really scared of the butler in tomb raider 3 playstation i thought i’ve overcome that fear but i just looked him up again and nope he still scares the shit out of me

anyway here are some people i’d like to know better (as always no pressure though): @momobunni@goudsreblogzone@reapersbarge@arottenwar@flwrem@himbo-beel@adoveamongdemons

Thanks for the tag, Michi! *grudgingly refrains from lecturing you for talking about yourself like that because what’s the point you already know how lovely and fascinating I think you are*

Three fun facts about me would be…

1 ❣ ~ I’m almost nineteen years older than my youngest sibling.

2 ❣ ~ Whenever I find a new song I really like, I need to listen to it on repeat for three days straight or I will cease to exist.

3 ❣ ~ I have literally zero IRL friends because I have the social skills of a very pretty, very useless rock in person. Everyone should just communicate with me online, I’m much less awkward here.

Tagging@anotakugardener@solomons-cooking@property-of-diavolo@reclusiveprincessofsharks@proxyoflucifer@amistytown@darkladylunyxia only if you want to <3

TY for the tag @adoveamongdemons<3

1. I was an exchange student in high school to Finland! 

2. I love languages and especially different alphabets so while English is my mother tongue, I’ve learned/taken classes in Chinese, Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish, Finnish, and German! Not that I can speak them with any fluency but i might understand if you send me an ask lol

3. I never considered myself much of a writer until recently. Y’all have really built my confidence in my writing and I’m so grateful every day that people want to read things I’ve wrote??? tysm i love u guys

anyway here are some tags @guesswhosbitchin@mythsofkairos@roxy-bella@asmos-pet@ready-to-obeyme (no pressure of course)

[ Thank you for the tag @property-of-diavolo! ] ❤️

  1. One of things I have decided I absolutely cannot die without doing is visiting Disneyland. Don’t ask why, it’s just one of things I have been decided with since I was 12.
  2. My mom and brother know that I play otome games. They just don’t have an exact idea about what they are. I regularly rant about the child-friendly parts of Obey Me and Tears of Themis and now my brother thinks I play some really lame games.
  3. I love reading about philosophy, but I also love studying biology. I am good at both, and the result is that I am facing a midlife crisis about what I should pursue in the future as a career. (I am sorry this turned into a personal sobstory)

[Tags:@obeythebutler@amor-immortalem@satans-kitty-says-meow-deactiva@ice-icebaby@demonfamilytherapist@devildomwritersposts@otome-scribbles and anyone else who wants to join! ]

vampyras:          happy birthday,  sandra! another year older,  another year on this frozen hellsca


          happy birthday,  sandra! another year older,  another year on this frozen hellscape of a website writing not one but now  two  iconic muses.  i am so very happy that i was able to connect with you almost  four years ago  on this account, and that it has been such a wonderfully wild journey.  i cannot begin to describe how lucky i am that you opened up to me,  were patient with me,  and accepted my oddities and shortcomings as part of me.   evil laugh on discord and all.   thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of being your friend.   you have always offered sound advice,  an empathetic mindset,  and a world of inspiration that can only come from someone who is a true writer at heart.   i truly wish you only the best.   even though we are oceans apart,   my life is enriched by you, and would certainly not be the same without you in it.     @tharanduil

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one day, you kiss her.

This is my gift for @cuaviaaceves1 - we were partners in the @argo-city-exchange!

Part 1 of the gift is a fic, which can be found here on AO3 :) And since the fic is rather short, I also made this accompanying gifset as a part 2 of Cuavia’s gift :)

omg someone gave me $35 i’m gonna start sobbing



Happy Birthday, @risemaclay​!


Well, just some adorable fanart for this lovely person! – > @jyushimatsurepliez

seriously, i just wanted too make SOMETHING for this dude, sooo…why not just make this-

DA - http://xxfluffywolfgirlxx.deviantart.com/

Requests are now open!

I’ve reached another follower milestone and I want to thank you guys for your love and support. So please send in your requests if you would like me to draw something for you! ☺


it’s my birthday today _(:3 」∠)_

thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!! i may not be able to respond to them all but just know i VERY MUCH appreciate them and you, thank you!

novasaurus: Giftart for @queenchikkibug her bun caaaat!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAA ive always told myself to


Giftart for @queenchikkibug her bun caaaat!!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA ive always told myself to reblog this but my stupid brain always forget?? I’ve loved this when I first saw it and I still love it now, thank you! ;o;

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Nerve || KNJ



Nerve [Namjoon x Reader]



Part 3 || Unsalvageable

Part 3.5 - Trapped

Part 4 || Unanimous


Genre - cheating; aftermath; husband au;

Summary - You would never expect it really. He’s doting. He’s sweet. He’s hardworking. But he’s forgotten his morals. Suspecting it is one thing, but when he confirms it, will you stay or walk away.

Warning - Cheating (Aftermath); Sadness; Pain; Crying; Pure Angst!

Word Count - 3.4k


Keep reading

I forgot how good this chapter was. Sheesh
