#tag list


I’m thinking of starting a tag list for my fics, so if anyone is wanting to be on it comment on this post and I’ll add you! Xx


Pairing:Bucky Barnes x Female Reader

Genre:Angst / Fluff  |  Word Count: 1,625

Summary:Reader feels lost, and she finds comfort in the arms of someone she didn’t expect.

Warnings:depression, suicidal thoughts, implied attempted suicide (very light, only if you squint real hard) 

Author’s Note: When I started writing this I was in a very bad place. I started wirting it because I felt exactly as reader feels in this fic. And this was my only outlet. Daydreaming as always. It helped a little fantasizing that my very own Bucky would comfort me in my darkest days, so I decided to share this with you all. I hope it helps those who need it, if only a little bit. You’re not alone. Don’t forget to reach out for help. Attempting against your life is never the answer, guys. You matter. You’re important and people do care. We don’t have to live through this alone. And I know it isn’t easy. And I know it can’t be cured with a fanfiction. I know.But knowing people care, sharing the way you feel with people you love and people who love you does help. It makes things easier, lighter. And if you ever need to talk to someone, you can always come to me. It gets better, guys. It really does. Stay safe. I love you all <3

Taglist:Taglists will be added in the reblog



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(under the cut)

General Tag

@angryschnauzer@amf71010 @annadier@avahodge@badassbaker@blogdebooklover16@callingmrsbarnes@ek823@geeksareunique@hellomissmabel@iamkaties111003@i-kneel-for-king-loki@kind-heart-fierce-spirit@lazinessisalliknow@lenavonschweetz@lokiandbuckyaremine@lovely-geek@marvelouslyme96@melissalovesmusicyay@metalarmlover @metalheadspider@price-devant-la-cage@sierramaiki@smurfflynn@specs15@starstar1012@teawithbucky 

Bucky Tag


If your URL is in bold, it’s because I couldn’t tag you

If you want to be added to the the tag lists, hit me up through an ask


Pairing:Sebastian Stan x Female Reader

Genre:Smut |  Word Count: 4,624

Summary:Sebastian’s outfit is a litte bold, but his girlfriend seems to enjoy the sight a bit too much.

Warnings:car sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, choking, name calling, dirty talk, Dom!Seb, spanking, face slapping, oral sex (male receiving), public fingering, Daddy kink (I am so fucking sorry)

Author’s Note: This is long overdue. This fic was inspired by the sin that was Sebastian in that green velvet suit at the 2nd Annual Unitas Gala Against Human Trafficking. This is pure filth. I didn’t think it was going to turn out this fucking filthy. There’s no plot at all, just smut. Blame Seb. Feedback is good for my soul <3

Special mention @twhstuckylover. She wanted me to tag her in this filth. Hope you enjoy <3

Taglist in the reblog



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under the cut

General Tag


Smut Only Tag


Sebastian Stan Tag and Sebastian Stan Smut Only Tag are also open

Let me know here if you want to be added or removed from the tag list. And if you’re okay with Real Life People fics.


Pairing: Bucky Barnes x  Female Reader

Genre: Angst / Smut  |  Word Count:3,891

Summary: Reader loves Bucky. And Bucky loves someone else. That’s how life works sometimes.

Warnings: unprotected sex, a lot of feels, unrequited love, people using people to forget about other people. 

Author’s Note: I’ve been listening to The Weeknd for three weeks now. His songs have sparked a lot of ideas for fanfics in my head of all sorts, but Call Out My Name made me land this fic idea. Can’t believe I’ve written Bucky again after nearly 2 years. I feel like I’m a litte rusty, but I hope you enjoy it anyways <3

Taglist:Tags will be added in the reblog.


[Bucky Barnes Masterlist]


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(under the cut)

General Tag


Bucky Tag


If you want to be added to or removed from the taglist, hit me up through an ask or under this post <3


Prowl pt. 6

[1Hr+ Read/22.4K Words – Human!Jisung x Female Reader, Werewolf!Bang Chan x Female Reader – Monsters!AU, Mostly Plot, NSFW/Smut – Vampires & Werewolves, Suspense, Love Triangles, Jealousy, Developing Feelings, Questionable Coping, Arguments, Sex as Coping, Impromptu Burials, Eavesdropping, Claiming, Car Crashes, Fire, Blood, Knives, Guns, Intense Action, Violence, Personal Injury, Animal Death, Character Death]

Jisung’s hands were warm, if only for the hot water in the tub. These were both assumptions, of course. All you actually felt after the onslaught of events over the course of this night was numb. There was a distant, soothing sensation as Jisung tended to you and not the sting of a cold touch, and there was steam rising from the water, so it only made sense that his hands were warm and the water was hot and this was supposed to be comforting.

Except Jisung was viscerally quiet.

He was gentle, but he was methodical as he examined and helped clean you up after he had heaped you into the tub. You joined him in silence, arms wrapped around your knees as all the discarded dirt and blood that wasn’t yours swirled around you in the water.

Not long before this, back in the study, Felix hadn’t lasted long when Yuna had had enough and ran the iron poker through him again. He’d gasped and reached out, and without knowing what more to do, Lia and Chan had grabbed and held his fumbling hands from where they sat beside him before it was all over. He went quietly, with everyone in the room barely daring to even breathe. Joanne and Lucy still had Judy – Chaeryeong,Lia had hissed back in the hallway – gathered in their laps, Lucy continuing to absently stroke the girl’s hair as if she were only sleeping. Chan had held Felix close before he was finally gone.

And then Yuna wailed.

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[Interested parties: @skzwriternet@channieskzlove94@spookyunwon@the7thcrow@aliceu@jl-micasea-fics@cuokka@wildernessuntothemselves@sluttyten@lavenderbexlatte DM +/-]

A preview, but it only gets worse as you keep reading


Here’s a list of all the tags I use, and what they mean.

Asks- Any ask I answer will be tagged this.

Acespec- Anything relating to the asexual spectrum.

Arospec- Anything relating to the aromantic spectrum

Allonormativity- Any posts relating to allonormativity.

Amatonormativity- Any posts relating to amatonormativity.

Aplatonic- Any posts relating to aplatonicism.

Aromantic- Any posts related to aromanticism.

Asexual- Any posts related to no-sexual-attraction-ever asexuals. Or, used in all my original posts for obvious reasons.

Aroace- Any posts relating to aroaces in specific.

Art- Any art 

Attraction- Any posts about attraction. Including aesthetic attraction,alterous attractionplatonic attraction,romantic attraction,sexual attraction,sensual attraction, and tertiary attraction.

Education- Educational posts about aspecs.

Experiences- Shit aces deal with/can relate to.

Flags- Stuff involving flags of various labels.

Funny- Funny stuff

History- The history of aspecs. Also proof we’re not just some “internet fad.”

Memes- Memes

Issues- Posts about issues aspecs deal with. Or issues within the community. Or issues in general.

Just me rambling- Just me rambling on about whatever is on my mind.

LGBTQIA- Posts that include the other letters of the acronym.

Not aspec- Posts that have nothing to do with asexuality, aromanticism, or aplatonicism. (It’s extremely rare I post/reblog stuff that’s off-topic.)

Original posts- All posts written by yours truly.

Positivity- Anything positive and feel-good stuff. Good for viewing when you’re feeling like shit for being aspec.

SAM- Anything relating to the split attraction model.

Sex repulsed,sex averse,sex indifferent,sex favorable,sex ambivalent - All self-explanatory. 

Sex positive,Sex negative - Also self-explanatory.

tw sex- Posts involving sex talk.

tw aphobia- Posts containing aphobia/diskourse.

I generally tag common triggers, though it’s rare I post triggering content.

Labels- For all posts relating to labels. Any definition posts of a term will be tagged this, along with any posts that mention labels.

Below are the most commonly used labels, though you can do a search for the prefix of any label to find posts about it. The prefix includes both sexual and romantic variants. (Ex: Demi would be posts relating to demisexual and/or demiromantic.)





















Oriented Aroace







Pairing: Ezra x female mute!reader
Warnings: cussing, angst, spoilers for Prospect
Requested?: Yes from this ask - I loved Speak!!’ Ezra is such a dad. Maybe when your done with all your other requests can you do a part 2 where it’s set after the movie where they make it to the station and Ezra teaches her how to speak and maybe she tells him why she didn’t talk. You could come why she didn’t talk before
Author’s note: I slightly changed it to where she knows how to speak yet refuses.
Speak - Part One;Pedro Pascal Masterlist
I don’t give permission for my work to be posted on another site with the exception of tumblr and AO3 (where I post the stories myself). If you find it elsewhere then it has been stolen.

After finally getting off the Green by ambushing a group of people to obtain their vessel, you, Cee, and Ezra make it back to the station. Medical personnel were there to greet the three of you. You and Cee watched as Ezra was carted off to have his arm further examined while you and Cee sat in the medical bay, only for observation and to get the two of you fed and hydrated.

Cee consoled you, “It’s okay, Y/N. We are fine. We’ll make it; we’ll survive. We always do.”

You had simply nodded, taking in more food and water. You then sighed and signed, “I know.” It felt as though you haven’t eaten and drank in years when it had only been a couple of weeks since the last decent meal you shared with your father and Cee on the Green before your father died.

The captain had come by to inform you and Cee, Ezra was doing fine and would eventually be given a prosthetic arm since he was an essential digger. She also informed the two of you, you and your older sister could use some rest before you started work back on the station and Cee left for the next departure to another planet to find resources to keep the station afloat until it returned to Earth in three months.

Keep reading

Reblogging for tags:



easter | stepdad!rafe imagine

authors note: i know easter is almost over but HERE

growing up, you didn’t get any of the fancy things for holidays and barely even celebrated them some years. so when you had jake you were determined to give him everything.

that became increasingly easier when rafe joined your family. if someone had thought you went over the top, you had no idea what they would think of what rafe did for jake.

he had organized an egg hunt around the island, making use of the pogues since they were your friends.

he was even making, forcing, jj into an easter bunny suit.

the basket that he had bought for jake was bigger than jake himself. and that was just the beginning of what he had planned, you really didn’t know.

you walked into the bedroom where rafe and jake were getting ready. your heart swelled as you saw them wearing matching button downs and khakis. you smiled widely, “look at my two handsome boys.”

you took a turn and kissed them each on their cheeks. jake was only 4 now.

“thanks mama. i got you somethin to wear too.” rafe said, grabbing a dress out of the closet. it had the same matching print as the boys’ button down.

“oh it’s perfect.” you grinned and kissed rafe on the lips. “what do you think, jakey? can i join the club and match you and daddy?”

jake nodded eagerly, already hyper off too much candy, “yeah! daddy said we’re gonna take a picture with the easter bunny and a real bunny!!”

you looked at rafe and he threw his hands up. you leaned down and kissed your son’s head, “go play. i’ll come get you when it’s time so see the bunnies.”

he ran out and you looked at rafe, “thank you. for making this special for him.”

“you don’t have to thank me darlin,” rafe pulled you into his arms, “just the standard with me, wait till you see what i do for christmas.”

you snorted when he said this and leaned up to kiss him, “i can’t fuckin imagine.”

here’s my taglist link

i’ll be tagging people tonight!

Pied Piper TagList

Chapter 4 Link

Hello everyone! If your namesarebolded, it is because tumblr wont let me link your accounts. The reason is because you have no content on your page and tumblr does not read your blog as existent, therefore I can’t tag you. It also means I can’t message you either. So please reach out to me if your name is on here so we can fix it before I remove it! Thanks so much and happy reading!

21/50 Slots Filled

@paymeinkash                   @toughbook           @ksooed 

@carolinexkpop            @crushedblackroses

@killbillv1                      @bibbykins

@lynnden                      @myloveisdahlia

@maerawrrr                   @loisje123

@kamari09176               @kimsaerom

@tinyoonsblog                 @skyys-universe

@kosmicbomb                 @ot7nem

@sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered      @nuttykittypainter

@marvelovernfan               @black-rose-29

Chapter 3 Link

Hello everyone! If your names are bolded, it is because tumblr wont let me link your accounts. The reason is because you have no content on your page and tumblr does not read your blog as existent, therefore I can’t tag you. It also means I can’t message you either. So please reach out to me if your name is on here so we can fix it before I remove it! Thanks so much and happy reading!

15/50 Slots Filled

@ryumirae                    @toughbook

@carolinexkpop            @crushedblackroses

@killbillv1                      @bibbykins

@lynnden                      @myloveisdahlia

@maerawrrr                   @loisje123






Chapter 2 Link

Hello everyone! If your names are bolded, it is because tumblr wont let me link your accounts. The reason is because you have no content on your page and tumblr does not read your blog as existent, therefore I can’t tag you. It also means I can’t message you either. So please reach out to me if your name is on here so we can fix it before I remove it! Thanks so much and happy reading!

15/50 Slots Filled

@ryumirae                    @toughbook

@carolinexkpop            @crushedblackroses 

@killbillv1                      @bibbykins

@lynnden                      @myloveisdahlia 

@maerawrrr                   @loisje123






Chapter 1 Link

Hello everyone! If your names are bolded, I will reach out to you to let you know shortly after this is posted. If I can’t figure out what the issue is, I’m, unfortunately, going to have to remove your name. I apologize :/

9/50 Slots Filled











Wowowowow does it feel nice to get back behind the keyboard.. Anywayyss this was requested by an anon and I’m so grateful for their idea. IF THAT ANON IS READING THIS I WOULD LIKE TO LET THEM KNOW THAT I WOULD PUT THEIR REQUEST IN THE DESCRIPTION BECAUSE THIS WAS THEIR IDEA BUT I DIDN’T WANT TO SPOIL IT. I LOVE YOU NONNIE. I might stretch this out into a couple parts because knowing me, if I try to fit this all in one fic, I’d be sitting here for hours. Without further ado, here it is. And I love you all. xoxo

Summary: You and Steve have been together for three years and a seemingly pleasant day turned sour when disaster hits the city. When having to choose between saving you or a civilian, he doesn’t choose you.. 

Warnings:It’s literally all fluff. 


It was a Sunday morning, the warm sunlight hitting your cheek through the sheer curtains that hung in front of your bedroom window that looked down on the bustling city. The slight hum of the passing cars pulled you from your blissful sleep, and you turned over on your side to face the other sleeping body in your bed. Your eyes fluttered open, adjusting themselves the rays of light that now adorned your room. The man sleeping by your side had tossled golden hair, his full lips slightly parted. Your heart seemed to burst at the sight of him. But, it always did that. The two of you had been together for two years, almost three, and every morning when you woke up to his sleeping form, it seemed like you were falling in love with him all over again. 

You smiled shyly, placing a light kiss on his nose. His eyes moved beneath his eyelids as his drew out a long exhale. 

He hummed against his lips. “Good morning.” He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest. 

“Good morning, babe.” Your voice was muffled against his soft grey shirt, the comforting smell filling your nose. His hand moved along your back, tracing small circles with his thumb. You tilted your chin up, your soft gaze landing on his. “I know I say it enough but, I love you, Steve Rogers.” This earned a warm chuckle from him. 

“F/N, I could hear you say that all day long.” He placed a kiss on your forehead, and you proceeded to prop yourself up on your elbow, so that you were eye level with him. He watched you as your eyelashes flicked upward as your eyes locked with his. You placed a chaste kiss against his lips, cracking a smile when you pulled away. Steve gawked at you. “What? That’s it? Come on, babe. You gotta give me more than that.” 

Suddenly, Steve’s body was hovering above you as he attacked you with kisses that made the two of you erupt in laughter. 

“Steve!” You giggled as his scruff tickled your neck. His blue eyes met yours when you cupped his face and pulled him into a loving kiss. Your lips seemed to mold perfectly to his, the always blissful moment of kissing him created butterflies in your stomach. You pulled away, studying every inch of his face, almost fearful you would one day forget it. One corner of his mouth pulled into a smile as he leaned down to place another passionate kiss against your lips. You ran your fingers through his hair as you smiled against his lips. 

“Baby, I hate to ruin the mood, but I’m thinking about running down to the coffee shop for some breakfast.” You bit your lip in embarrassment. 

“Somehow, you read my mind.” He began to plant sweet kisses along your neck. “And I’m guessing you already know what I want?” 

You hummed contently as his lips made chills run down your spine. “Mhhm. But, I’ll never make it to the coffee shop if you keep this up.” You laughed, pulling him away from your neck, and placing one more sweet kiss against his lips. He rolled off of you to let you get out of bed. 

You threw on one of the outfits you frequently wore, and walked over to Steve who was still laying in bed. “I love you, and I’ll call you when I’m on my way back.” 

“I love you, too. Be safe, okay?” He furrowed his eyebrows together, and you gave him a quick kiss. With him being an Avenger and all, he was always worried for people’s safety especially yours. 

“I always am.” You gave him a wink, and Steve watched you walk out the door, that beautiful smile of yours being the last thing he saw. It seemed like a perfect Sunday. He woke up next to you, the love of his life. But, whether it would continue to be perfect? That was up for debate. 

I hoped y’all liked it! This is merely the intro, and I’m planning for at least three more parts to this. Let me know what you think :) I love to hear feedback from you all. Just a daily reminder as well that I love you all so much and that I hope you have a fantastic day. <3 

Reminder: If you would like to be added to the taglist for this miniseries or be placed on the permanent one, please either comment or message me and specify which list xoxo 

(My permanent taglist is what has been tagged. If you are on this list and would like to be removed, feel free to message me to be taken off.)





Wowowowow does it feel nice to get back behind the keyboard.. Anywayyss this was requested by an anon and I’m so grateful for their idea. IF THAT ANON IS READING THIS I WOULD LIKE TO LET THEM KNOW THAT I WOULD PUT THEIR REQUEST IN THE DESCRIPTION BECAUSE THIS WAS THEIR IDEA BUT I DIDN’T WANT TO SPOIL IT. I LOVE YOU NONNIE. I might stretch this out into a couple parts because knowing me, if I try to fit this all in one fic, I’d be sitting here for hours. Without further ado, here it is. And I love you all. xoxo

Summary: You and Steve have been together for three years and a seemingly pleasant day turned sour when disaster hits the city. When having to choose between saving you or a civilian, he doesn’t choose you.. 

Warnings:It’s literally all fluff. 


It was a Sunday morning, the warm sunlight hitting your cheek through the sheer curtains that hung in front of your bedroom window that looked down on the bustling city. The slight hum of the passing cars pulled you from your blissful sleep, and you turned over on your side to face the other sleeping body in your bed. Your eyes fluttered open, adjusting themselves the rays of light that now adorned your room. The man sleeping by your side had tossled golden hair, his full lips slightly parted. Your heart seemed to burst at the sight of him. But, it always did that. The two of you had been together for two years, almost three, and every morning when you woke up to his sleeping form, it seemed like you were falling in love with him all over again. 

You smiled shyly, placing a light kiss on his nose. His eyes moved beneath his eyelids as his drew out a long exhale. 

He hummed against his lips. “Good morning.” He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest. 

“Good morning, babe.” Your voice was muffled against his soft grey shirt, the comforting smell filling your nose. His hand moved along your back, tracing small circles with his thumb. You tilted your chin up, your soft gaze landing on his. “I know I say it enough but, I love you, Steve Rogers.” This earned a warm chuckle from him. 

“F/N, I could hear you say that all day long.” He placed a kiss on your forehead, and you proceeded to prop yourself up on your elbow, so that you were eye level with him. He watched you as your eyelashes flicked upward as your eyes locked with his. You placed a chaste kiss against his lips, cracking a smile when you pulled away. Steve gawked at you. “What? That’s it? Come on, babe. You gotta give me more than that.” 

Suddenly, Steve’s body was hovering above you as he attacked you with kisses that made the two of you erupt in laughter. 

“Steve!” You giggled as his scruff tickled your neck. His blue eyes met yours when you cupped his face and pulled him into a loving kiss. Your lips seemed to mold perfectly to his, the always blissful moment of kissing him created butterflies in your stomach. You pulled away, studying every inch of his face, almost fearful you would one day forget it. One corner of his mouth pulled into a smile as he leaned down to place another passionate kiss against your lips. You ran your fingers through his hair as you smiled against his lips. 

“Baby, I hate to ruin the mood, but I’m thinking about running down to the coffee shop for some breakfast.” You bit your lip in embarrassment. 

“Somehow, you read my mind.” He began to plant sweet kisses along your neck. “And I’m guessing you already know what I want?” 

You hummed contently as his lips made chills run down your spine. “Mhhm. But, I’ll never make it to the coffee shop if you keep this up.” You laughed, pulling him away from your neck, and placing one more sweet kiss against his lips. He rolled off of you to let you get out of bed. 

You threw on one of the outfits you frequently wore, and walked over to Steve who was still laying in bed. “I love you, and I’ll call you when I’m on my way back.” 

“I love you, too. Be safe, okay?” He furrowed his eyebrows together, and you gave him a quick kiss. With him being an Avenger and all, he was always worried for people’s safety especially yours. 

“I always am.” You gave him a wink, and Steve watched you walk out the door, that beautiful smile of yours being the last thing he saw. It seemed like a perfect Sunday. He woke up next to you, the love of his life. But, whether it would continue to be perfect? That was up for debate. 

I hoped y’all liked it! This is merely the intro, and I’m planning for at least three more parts to this. Let me know what you think :) I love to hear feedback from you all. Just a daily reminder as well that I love you all so much and that I hope you have a fantastic day. <3 

Reminder: If you would like to be added to the taglist for this miniseries or be placed on the permanent one, please either comment or message me and specify which list xoxo 

(My permanent taglist is what has been tagged. If you are on this list and would like to be removed, feel free to message me to be taken off.)





alright so i am finishing up part two of inked. And I am looking through my inbox and notes to see who wanted to be added to a tag list for it. and want to know if anyone else wanted to be added. feel free message me, or comment/reply on this post to let me know if you want to be added on a tag list. so yea let me know?


Substance 18–KNJ

Idol!AU, Strangers To Lovers

WC: 4k

Rating: Mature, 18+

Warnings: Language, sexting but not the actual texts, allusion to FaceTime sex and oral sex, angst, exhaustion, Jimin is injured but it’s “off-camera” and minor, discussion of outrageous international shipping rates

A/N: Thank you @vyduan@xjoonchildx for reading

Mittens’ Masterlist


Day 2

Korean Air Flight 925, Seat 2A

Dr. : <image.jpg>

Dr. : Got new sheets for our bed today.

Keep reading

@itdoesntmatterwhy@sugalaritae@starbtslove @Bluesharksandfish @Mschievous247 @stepping-into-the-light@rageyoudamnednerd@nochelunaxx@bangtannoonalvg@sahmfanficbts@thatlongspringnight@wwilloww@katieraven@elenorabangtan@socalintrov@yoongii-ah @Coree730 @Highly-functioning-mitochondria @mochimommy2002 @drissteele


Perhaps some Edwardian sapphic vampires to go with the start of pride month?

It’s a repaint I did a while ago of thisone painting I did earlier.

Art tag list: @kainablue@ettawritesnstudies@i-dragonqueen @lostnavarts


Elinor’s lips are dripping blood on Apollo’s throat. Her nails scrape against his arms. Against the spread of her ribs, he presses the tip of his stake.

She smiles.

Under the silvered tip, her skin burns. Under her kiss, he freezes.

“Are you going to kill me, sweet thing?” Her teeth fit themselves around the pulse of his throat, and with a squelch, the stake breaks skin. “Do you know how?”

A staked vampire bursts into flames and turns to ash in his bare hands. A moth dies by the same flame that pulls it, desperate for things it cannot touch. The sun sits low in the sky and in the spilling of her hair. It almost looks red, like this, dripping blood and sunlight.

Keep reading

tag list under the cut:



Hello there! I’m preparing to post a bunch of new fics and I lost access to my tag lists so I made a new form! the old tag lists literally don’t exist any more

Tag list form

new fic drops tonight and the tag list is open!

Hello there! I’m preparing to post a bunch of new fics and I lost access to my tag lists so I made a new form! the old tag lists literally don’t exist any more

Tag list form


hello, does anyone wanna be added to my @riseofasunfallofastarverse tag list? specifically for my gif edits & book posters??? please let me know guess i’ve got a few posts in my drafts that i don’t want flopping!!
