#thank youuu


lost of asssssssskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssss *dying* 




drowning ( in responsibilities )

[ID: digital art of an unconscious Maya Fey floating in place on a grey background, lit only by the bright white light of her glowing magatama. She floats as if in water, bubbles coming from her mouth, and one of her sandals has fallen off. End ID]



- The Wait -

Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Smut

Warnings: Explicit Language, smut, some angst.

Summary: Jungkook is in love with you, he’s very vocal about it, but you’re scared to give him your heart.

Requested by: Anonymous


“When are you going to put that boy out of his misery and just let him take you out?” Jimin asks, sitting in the booth across from you, sliding an ice cold beer towards your side.

You glance over at the bar cautiously but he’s staring right at you anyways. Jungkook. He’s friends with Jimin, and started working at this bar a few months ago. Despite being pretty close with Jimin, you’d only hung out with Jungkook a handful of times - though he hadn’t been shy at all in letting you know he had a crush on you.

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ohhh this was a great romcom in… maybe… 2k words? the meet cute, the hook up, the relationship, the tension, the break up and the getting back together.

Ahhh@hobigif-ficrecs thank you love!! I’m glad you liked it and 2k words sound fair? This was a product of my “I’m just going to write and save my stories in my tumblr drafts” era before the nasty bitch ate a story I worked hard on so no WC thank you for reading, and for the very kind reblog
