#thank youuu



thank you sm for 14k!!! ♡


thank you so much for 13k!!! ily all ♡

kylux-trashpile: chubeveryone: General Hux commission for @general-bunny! Thank you so much lovely!!



General Hux commission for @general-bunny! Thank you so much lovely!! 

Holy crap this is wonderful!!!

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periwinklepromise: shinsyl:homePainted on Procreate [2021.01] round brush + 6B pencil Art Shop / Com




Painted on Procreate [2021.01] round brush + 6B pencil

Art Shop/Commission/Instagram/Tip Jar

[Image Description: a digital illustration of a room bathed in rose and gold light. The desk has a computer, a drawing tablet, and a small black cat. The window in front of the desk has plants in the windowsill. Other plants frame the illustration. End ID]

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You know the drill but if you don’t:

Let your oc be judged by Graile, the hard working bumble bee! State if your troll is 18+ or not, but not because she’s like flirty or anything!! She just has older sister/nice teacher energy when it comes to younger trolls! However, 18+ muns only!!

Multiple reblogs allowed, be sure to put a small description of the oc so I have something to go off of, and feel free to judge first/judge back!! ^^

Bee/ sheep meet Bee/dog. A partying gold girl with some issues making her own power make sure to check her eyes for “power level”

✨⚡️GURL them edges are AMAZING and your hair look so soft and bouncy!⚡️✨⚡️You look like the gal that bring the good AND health stuff to anything from a potluck to full on neon body painting raves.⚡️✨⚡️Just the sweetest.⚡️✨

“<( Oh- uh! Thank you! Geez, I’m not used to all these compliments! Ah! Well uh- I do try to bring some snacks for my friends if we go out somewhere, like. That… uh! You’re very nice! You seem like you really like to have fun a lot! Uh, well um, not in a bad way! Of course! Just like… party girl! *//)”

“<(Oh goodness, 9/10,,>//)”


doctorguilty: ych commission I got from @dino-artsy of Ghostface and my surv oc I’d been looking at


ych commission I got from @dino-artsy of Ghostface and my surv oc 

I’d been looking at it on mobile all day at work and now that I’m on desktop I can appreciate the details even more TToTT she really nailed down stylizing my oc, the facial expression I wanted, and all the little details I asked for!! 5 stars on yelp certified fresh!!!

thank you again dino!!!!!!!  

Awwwn thank you so much! Really happy you liked!

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You stare blankly at where his hand was just seconds ago, gaze zeroing on the engagement ring and white gold band. His warmth is still on your skin. But his love for you apparently has been long gone

Pairing: Todoroki Shoto x Reader

Warnings: Has mature content, mentions of cheating and divorce


Updates: Weekends, no definite time

this is a beautiful ending to a beautiful story! i honestly expected a diffrent ending but this is WAY better!!! <33



Wanted to draw your swapfell babies for a while now so I hope you like it! LOVE YOU!!! <3


I love how you referenced my fransweek comic!!! q7q
I never suspected you to be my secret santa at all!!! XD
Thank you again!! Love ya too!!!! QWQ)/

cchen100:EMERGENCY Commission >< (5 slots)I can only do commissions again, cannot get a job du


EMERGENCY Commission >< (5 slots)

I can only do commissions again, cannot get a job during this pandemic ;;; Plus, I finally got a new laptop to draw haaaa;;; Mind you, I have new art styles ;;; 

Please help reblog ;;; do follow me on twitter @cbingq if you’re an SV fan ^^ Thank you, first come first serve

All slots taken, thank you ! ;;; A;;;)/ 

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I reached 200 followers today :) thank you for your support!! here you go a duck face matt doodle :3

I reached 200 followers today :)
thank you for your support!!

here you go a duck face matt doodle :3

Post link

Aw guys, my friend bought me the cutest knitted wooloo for my birthday and I can’t get over it It’s so cute and fluffy and it makes me so happy

melisa-may-taylor72: -THE HISTORY OF ROCK -1975 (Part 2) “We’re rock’n’rollers at heart” QUEEN work melisa-may-taylor72: -THE HISTORY OF ROCK -1975 (Part 2) “We’re rock’n’rollers at heart” QUEEN work


-THE HISTORY OF ROCK -1975 (Part 2)

“We’re rock’n’rollers at heart”

QUEEN work on a new album, featuring a song called “Bohemian Rhapsody” But has worldwide success gone to Freddie Mercury’s head?‘ “I’m thinking of being carried on stage by Nubian slaves,” he says.


THE TOKYO FANS roared as Queen swaggered across the stage ’midst flashing lights, smoke and dry ice. It was a curious cry, but roughly translated into English it meant “Get your knickers off’, and such debasement of the language was a direct result of coaching from one Freddie Mercury and his trusty intetpreter.

Freddie was inspired to introduce his japanese fans to the art of coarse shouting when he attended a stripclub one night duringQueen’s recent highly successful tour of the land of the rising steel production. To his surprise, the buxom Japanese wenches were shedding kimonos to the swelling rhythms of “Killer Queen”, the hit song that has sent hearts pulsing throughout decadent western-style society.

‘We were shouting, ‘Get ’em off,’ and our interpreter asked what it meant. When we explained they fell about laughing, and translated into Japanese. Soon Queen »…[ ]


…[ ] audiences found themselves encouraged to shout not only “Yeah, yeah” and expressions to the effect that they felt “all right”, but such diverse variations as “Shag out!“

Freddie chuckled at the memory as he sipped tea from a ceremonial bowl. He was clad in adazzling kimono, and sat cross- legged on the floor of his abode, decorated wit h Samurai swords and hand-made parasols, just down the road from Shepherd’s Bush. Rather like the Victorian explorers, he had brought home the lifestyle and artefacts of a foreign culture, and seemed anxious not to lose the magic of a country that had obviously made a considerable impression.

“I loved it there, the lifestyle, the art… I’d go back tomorrow if I could,” insisted Freddie, shooing his catsTom and Jerry off a Led Zeppelin album that had been carelessly exposed.

How has it been these last few months? Freddie seemed just slightly enervated, not quite the garrulous showman I first met on a dark night in Liverpool, on their British tour last autumn.

“It’s been… fun. When we finished the English tour we went to Europe. We came back at Christmas and then we went to America, which was quite a bash. Two months. That’s when I came a cropper. I had voice trouble, these horrible nodules began to form on my vocal cords.

"I went to see specialists in England and America, and they were talking about an operation, but fortunately they seem to have gone down now and it won’t be necessary. Thank God. In America they were talking about giving me laser-beam treatment. They just singe them off, but they still don’t know about the after-effects, which couId be dangerous.

“I had experienced trouble before, and always thought it was just a sore throat. But in America it really started hurting, especially after we did six shows in four nights.A specialist told me I’d have to stop singing or I’d have no voice left at alI. And that really frightened me. So we had to cancel quite a lot of shows. We seem dogged by bad luck.”

Freddie worked out that he had done some 80 shows in the past few months. Hadn’t this led to any protests’ twixt group and management?

Freddie smiled his saturnine smile, and waved a gracious hand: “Well, there’s been the usual, ‘Are you trying to kill me?’, and we protested of course, but it didn’t really kill me, and we had a week’s holiday in Hawaii. And you have to gauge the work against the success we’ve been having.

In Japan we’re quite a hit [Freddie has a way with understatement]. It started the moment we got there-riots at the airport, bodyguards, just like the old Beatle days.

“The organisation was spellbinding, and we loved every minute of it. Yes we needed protection. You couIdn’t go down into the lobby of the hotel, it would be infested, but really nice people, waiting for autographs.

“And I couldn’t believe the crowds at the concerts, all milling about, swaying and smiling. I learnt a few Japanese phrases. It took a lot of practice, but the fans couldn’t believe it. I used to eavesdrop and pick a few things up. You have to make it very fast and snappy.”

Freddie broke off to issue a few fast, snappy instructions to his lady, in Japanese. I think he was asking her for some more tea and strawberries.

How long had th is been going on in Japan?

“Well, Queen II was the L.P of the year, and since then it just built up. We were given so many beautiful presents, dolls, lanterns, and they’re so into rock music. They’ve got some very good groups of their own. They start out by copying ours, and after a while they start to get better. We had a Japanese road crew, and they picked up the routine in two days.“

How did Queen see their position during this breathing space between bursts of activity?

“We’re in the process of seeing how much money we’ve got. I’ve been living in this flat for three years and I’d like to buy a house, but I’d still like to Iive i n London. This place holds a lot of memories. All the songs for the first albums were written on that piano.” A ghostly note struck as he spoke. Thomas the Cat had leapt on the keys and was knocking out an interesting improvisation.

“Yes, Queen II and Sheer Heart Attack were bashed out on that. This is kind of stock-taking, and this is the worst possible time for me. Where do we go from here?

As far as tours are concerned, we’re going to start the album, do another American tour, finish the album and then do a British tour. Japan again next year, but I’d go sooner.

“By the way,” (and here Freddie’s thoughts again turned away from the next L.P despite my holding up a large placard with ‘What’s the next LP like?’ slashed across it in red paint), “when we were in Japan we went to a tea ceremony, I ike the one the Queen went to (THE Queen). And you noticed how she pulled a face after two sips? WelI, it’s a thick green liquid, and it’s bitter as hell! You’re supposed to finish it in three sips.

“We went to a reception. All the top Japanese businessmen were there, and the British Ambassador, and his wife. She told us: ‘We went to see Led Zeppelin, but he was so loud!”

Very interesting, I rejoined, snatching up a Samurai sword and preparing to disembowel the singer, but what about the next LP?

“So much has happened to us, all at the same time, and we are very fussy and particular about everything we do. We’ve been very successful worldwide, and that’s one thing I never did foresee, our success outside Britain. There has been pressure on us and we’ll have to stand up to it. We argue after every gig and there are rows in the dressing room. That’s because we’re temperamental and things go flying.

“I get frustrated and row with my manager, and so many times he’s threatened to leave.

No, I don’t cover it up, or hide anything. I used to seal it up and then explode all over the place. But success has made us see the Iight at the end of the tunnel. It was more frustrating in the early days, when the press were not very favourable towards us. I got very depressed as far as Britain was concerned.

“And then came a time when I hought we were over-exposed in alI the papers. I was talking to…[ ]


Robert Plant about this in New Orleans. We get an older audience in the States; it’s rock as opposed to pop. We get a lot of listeners.

And in LA where we were told they were aII laid- back and stoned audiences, they were all rock’n'rollers. We had to cancel a lot of prestigious gigs because I was ill, but when we go back, we’lI be playing even bigger places.“

What made Queen so attractive to world audiences?

“I believe it’s the music and not gimmicks. Yes, it’s our music actually.” Freddie said it with just a glint of steel in his casual glance up from the ceremonial teapot. “I just feel the music has something sufficiently different about it, some originality and versatility. Our record company in America weren’t billing us as the Next Big Thing. They just said, ‘Have a listen to this; this is British rock in the raw tradition’, not the newest rage. They also said our stage act was very good.

“We do ’Killer Queen’, but only as part of a medley, and that’s because it is only one face to what we do, and to be honest, it’s very hard to recreate those harmonies. We have been thinking of revamping the show to provide two climaxes- I’m giving away my secrets. I was thinking of having the first part in all black and the second in white. We’ve learnt a lot doing a two-hour show. You have to pace it out, or you get whacked.”

Did Freddie still maintain his onstage aggression and ferocity?

“I feel aggressive during aggressive numbers, and subdued in subdued numbers. We’re rock’n’rollers at heart. We don’t want a lot of props on stage. We do a lot of dry ice and throw the odd flower. By the way, we don’t use steam. Was it your man in New York who said we used steam? I had visions of us all boiling kettles backstage.”

You’d alI be scalded to death! I chuckled. “Gosh yes,” said Freddie without enthusiasm. “We’re learning all the time, and we’re all getting our show more polished. Many’s the time I’ve dashed offstage for a costume change and heard Brian finish his guitar solo abruptly, while I’m still putting my trousers on.  I have to rush on stage half-undressed. I’ve been caught quite a few times like that. All good fun, though.’ British fans will experience this spectacle once again next November, but meantime there is wild talk of Queen playing Empire Pool, Wembley, maybe at the end of August.

“I’m wondering whether to wait and do the new LP first.”

Ah yes, now about that album…

” We have been a long time away. The States and Britain want a single, y'know, and we won’t pull another one off an album. But we never go into a studio just to record a single. It always comes from a batch of songs.

I always get depressed when it all stops for us. Then you have to will yourself back into the pace.

“Yes, I’ve been depressed and upset lately. Suddenly you’re back home from a tour, and you have to make your own cup of tea again. And I’m used to being pampered and cossetted..

Re the LP recording scheduled to follow up Sheer Heart Attack…

“Did I ever telI you about the time a girl pushed a dog into my arms while I was singing on stage in Toledo? ”

Well, it was time to go, Freddie, thanks for everything,.

“By the way, just one thing…”

Yes, yes?

"You must come down and hear us record the next album.”

Chris Welch »



⬅PREVIOUS: PART 1  https://melisa-may-taylor72.tumblr.com/post/685172080242720768/the-history-of-rock-1975-part-1-the-next

Keep reading

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Thank you @charmingfury for commissioning me!! ✨









thank you for the tag @grunge-flavored-flowers !! tag some people you want to know better

favorite time of year?

winter! ❄️

comfort food?

so many!! strawberries, ice cream, chocolates, mazapanes or peanut butter. <33

do you collect something?

bookmarks & stuffed animals.

favorite drink?

coffee, strawberry milkshake & lemonade. ❤️❤️

current favorite songs:

duvet by bôa, choreomania by florence + the machine, dreams by fleetwood mac, holidays in the sun by sex pistols, territorial pissings by nirvana.

favorite song of all time:

oofff so hard to choose!! but i’ll go with come as you are by nirvana. :)

i’d like to tag @choreomanla&@hanma-apologist only if you want to!! <33

Thank you Kari!!!!


  • favorite time of year?

Late fall. I like cold & dark weather.
(Getting to wear coats might or might not be one of the reasons why.)

  • comfort food?

My grandma’s cooking. 

  • do you collect something?

Vinyl records, manga, and - this is super specific - niche fragrances.

  • favorite drink?

Flat whites, blue gatorade, very, very cold iced tea, negroni. 
Also, if I’m at home, I live off of peppermint tea. I drink about 4 litres of it every day. I barely drink just plain water because of this lol. 

  • current favorite songs:

Leaving LA by Father John Misty because that’s what’s playing in the background right now and I have absolutely loved this song since I first heard it years ago. 

  • favorite song of all time:

guhhh. this is an awfully difficult question. The ones that always make me happy and have really stood the test of time are This Must Be the Place by Talking Heads and Ceremony by New Order. 

I’m tagging @mulletmitsuya@gennabi@rayfuyu​ and whoever else wants to !!

thank you for the tag kei!! :D also i cant stop giggling over how different our music taste is i havent listened to them fully yet though so ty for the recs!!

favorite time of year?

we only have sunny n rainy season here lmaoo but i love it when its the start of the latter like, rn actually

comfort food?

grandma’s! chocolates!!

do you collect something?

i used to collect choc wrappers. still do, just not as frequent. and ofc, kpop albums :) + lipsticks, rings i think..?

favorite drink?

coffees espc flat whites (blaming kei on this one ☺), teh tarik, hot chocolate, choc milkshake, strawberry milk

current favorite songs:

ke cap gap ba gia - hoang thuy linh ft binz,tomboy - (g)i-dle,good boy gone bad - tomorrow x together,freaks - jordan clarke(tmi but this song reminds me of izana n kaku sm)

favorite song of all time:

why do you like me - beauty & beast,jumping into my world - lollipop* universe,bijin - chanmina,gingamingayo - billlie,darari - treasure. lots of chanmina & txt songs tbh. i listen until i get sick kind of person. and i haven’t gotten sick of these so..

tagginggggg@snakegentleman@pag-alala@virtue-and-beneviolence if u haven’t n want to :> + feel free to join!!

Thanks@gennabiand@kisakiapologist for tagging me and perceiving me in a positive light (so far–sksks no promises)

favorite time of year
easy, fall, I love fall sm. LEAVES!!!! big blanket scarves, leather, apples and caramel hot chocolate? hnng

comfort food?
um a milkshake n fries?

do you collect something?
i am such a collector :\ pens and ink, yarn, fabric are my problematic stashes

favorite drink?
timely sksksks lemon drops usually but i’m not really into legwork so lately i’m just going for shots

current favorite songs: (<- there’s the playlist of idk my top 11?)
COCHISE audioslave
Adrenalize & Blood in this moment
Nearly forgot my broken heart chris cornell

favorite song of all time:
when i’m down chirs cornell
black hole sunsoundgarden
Eat zion.t

@haitani-wrld@hiimviolet@sanzupassthebutter@crybabylisa@hanmasslvt@katsukismelonsons@rae-ryuuguji-sanoand if you see this and you’re not tagged pls im sorry

thank you for the tag @virtue-and-beneviolence<3

favorite time of the year? spring!!

comfort food? pasta, pizza, chocolate, nachos

do you collect something? mangas, anime figures, magnets from the cities i’ve been to and the maps to those cities

favorite drink? water lmao

current favorite songs:

favorite song of all time: i can’t decide there are too much lmao


@minoozi@bontens-cum-slut@invaderzia1@benkeibear@lordofchaosblog@l-tora-l@souyasbabyy@sweetbbyshion@hiimviolet@starwavering and anyone else who wants to :)

thank you for the tag <3

favorite time of year:autumn

comfort food: ice cream, bread, lemon pie

do you collect something? mangas, and anime figures

favorite drink:tea

current favorite songs:

favorite songs or all time:


oh thank you @souyasbabyy ! I was off Tumblr for a couple days xD forgive me

Favorite time of the year: Autumn and Winter! Autumn is a very pretty time of the year plus I have an excuse to go out in hoodies and stuff. And I love winter mainly because of the weather, the aesthetic is gives off, and Christmas ^^

Comfort food: Mostly anything sweet or sour. And certain warm foods such as frito pie or nachos.

Do you collect something: No, but I really plan to.

Favorite drink: Warm sweet drinks. Tea, different kinds of coffee, you name it.!

Current favorite songs: Not sure I have a couple!

Favorite songs of all time:

  • The struts (and the Halsey version): Could have been me
  • HER: Hard place
  • The Weeknd: Earned it
  • Tokyo Revengers theme: Crybaby
  • I have more lol these were just the first to come to mind

Tag list: @mulletmitsuya@izanasupremacy@severellamahottub@tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang@drakenlvr@raamitsu@drendricksonslashauthor

Thank you @etherealaesthetic-anon

Favourite time of year: Spring and Autumn (though I can’t experience them in my country)

Comfort food: Van Houten Chocolate

Do you collect something?: Yes, my basic needs.

Favourite drink: Coffee (I rarely drink it cuz I’ve been consuming vitamins)

Current favourite songs: I’m listening to Jenevieve and UMI’s latest album ^^ No skips btw

@wingekprincessproffssor@lonnie19@l-tora-l@oo-mi-ru-oo@dorayakisanotasty@chifhuyu@nsiversi@yokohamabeans + anyone ❤️

Ahhh thank you again @raamitsu ! I’m typing this in the middle of work

Favourite Time of the Year: I’ve never experienced all 4 seasons (tropical climate hellaaa) so I’m gonna go with Chinese New Year because of the festivities and long holiday break!

Comfort Food: Fried Chicken (specifically—Korean-style fried chicken and Jollibee)

Favourite Drink: Corn Tea, Oolong Milk Tea (with cream topping!) Chai Latte—I’m a tea person!

Things I Collect: Trauma from the recent TR chapters Hmmm I don’t really have anything I collect now, but I used to collect temple seals for a period of time!

Current Favourite Songs: Kahlil Gibran by STRFKR / 一生守候 by Joanna Wang / The main OST of HBO’s Tokyo Vice (it’s sickkk)

Favourite Songs of All Time: it’s impossible for me to choose…….. I’m sorry I can’t answer this

This was really fun!! Tagging @penrose-quinnand@4leafcloverwithawhitecraneforyou and anyone who wants to do this!! (No pressure tho!!)

@gordon-pint ‘s troll Ardora cloud watching

I think the best thing about becoming The Rat Lady™️ is everyone sending me cute rat pics. Thank you

lost of asssssssskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssss *dying* 




drowning ( in responsibilities )

[ID: digital art of an unconscious Maya Fey floating in place on a grey background, lit only by the bright white light of her glowing magatama. She floats as if in water, bubbles coming from her mouth, and one of her sandals has fallen off. End ID]



- The Wait -

Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Smut

Warnings: Explicit Language, smut, some angst.

Summary: Jungkook is in love with you, he’s very vocal about it, but you’re scared to give him your heart.

Requested by: Anonymous


“When are you going to put that boy out of his misery and just let him take you out?” Jimin asks, sitting in the booth across from you, sliding an ice cold beer towards your side.

You glance over at the bar cautiously but he’s staring right at you anyways. Jungkook. He’s friends with Jimin, and started working at this bar a few months ago. Despite being pretty close with Jimin, you’d only hung out with Jungkook a handful of times - though he hadn’t been shy at all in letting you know he had a crush on you.

Keep reading

ohhh this was a great romcom in… maybe… 2k words? the meet cute, the hook up, the relationship, the tension, the break up and the getting back together.

Ahhh@hobigif-ficrecs thank you love!! I’m glad you liked it and 2k words sound fair? This was a product of my “I’m just going to write and save my stories in my tumblr drafts” era before the nasty bitch ate a story I worked hard on so no WC thank you for reading, and for the very kind reblog
