#thankful i could get somethin out for yall


Sneak peek #1 for Chapter 6 of The Eternal Day : Tales of Arcadia


“That’s not all,” Krel said. “Do you remember what Nari told us? The Hearty Stones of the world were all destroyed before the Titans could do their…uh…Titaning.” He opened all of his hands, face glowing with hope. “We still have a chance!”

“Question is, where are the Heartstones?” Jim asked, rising to stand with Claire. “How will we find them? Blink?”

“I had no prior knowledge of seven Heartstones,” Blinky said. “I can’t begin to wager their whereabouts…”

A tremor in the distance.

Toby glanced out a window and his jaw dropped. “Uh…I think I might know where one is.” The others followed his gaze and echoed his astonishment. 

Through sheets of rain they’d caught shards of fire rising from the town. Nearly every window came alight, flecking the darkness. Jim, Claire, Toby, Blinky, and Aaarrrgghh all gasped, immediately recognizing the massive cluster of orange and red crystals as it completely unearthed itself, toppling nearby structures. It climbed higher and higher until it was totally suspended in the air, much like Camelot was, lighting the night with its fiery glow.

Trollmarket’s Heartstone.


Ooooooof I’m. So. Sorryyy. 

Legends Arceus has finally released its grip on me lol

But also my fatigue has been pretty bad lately. Makes it hard to concentrate, you know? Thankfully I was able to write a bit today. I’m hoping and praying to get two chapters out in March (as I suspect they’ll be on the shorter side but we’ll see). 

Thank you guys for your patience and for sticking around ^^ God bless
