


It definitely seems time for Cooper and me to return home. Things are still quiet over there, and there have been a couple of attacks closer to here instead. The danger fortunately keeps its distance, from the roads back also.

Thanks for sticking by in these dire times, and especially thanks to the very kind lady who made available her apartment for us to stay in. I will make sure to get everything squeaky clean with no trace left of us ever staying here. I really hope the flat and region stay intact. It is wonderful around here.

Please bear with me as I get back. Some things at home still need fixing, but slowly and surely things will get back to how they used to be, at least when it comes to firmflexing.


From one day to the next, the attacks over at home seem to have come to an end. It may be safe to head home sooner than expected, but I will wait it out a little to make sure of that. I’m both excited and scared to go back. Excited for getting some normality back in my life, scared to find out what remains.

Thank you for sticking by in the meantime. All the love and support is very much appreciated and helps a lot! ❤️


I haven’t been home in over two months now, and by the looks of it I will be here for another while. I wish the internet or mobile data connections were better around here as that would allow me to do a lot more work, but I manage to fill the days alright with reading, working out, following the news and caring for Cooper. We’re still in good health, and thankfully mom and Sonya are as well.


No news really. The weather has stayed great and things have quieted down completely here, while over at home the attacks and shelling are still going on as ever.

To the many of you who have offered me a place to stay abroad, please know that I really appreciate it, no matter the intentions. There just is no way for me to easily and safely get out of the country. I would have. I really hope you offer it to whoever needs it there.

The best way to help out is financially, whether that is me or any organization here. Thank you so very much for the continuous support!


I’m still safe, and so is mom. At least, as safe as we can be in our whereabouts. The danger has been sneaking up on me a little, with some missile strikes nearby, but compared to the situation at home it’s nothing. No reason to panic.

On the bright side, the skies have cleared up, with spring and the perfect workout weather making a return. This time it seems like it will last.

Question of the week.

In case you have pets yourself, how are they?

Just in case you don’t know, Sonya is our cat and Cooper our dog.


Unfortunately, mom went back home. I don’t think I will ever understand it, but seeing how anxious and miserable she ended up becoming here, I hope this at least helps improve her psyche. Thankfully, she arrived safely. She promised to come back here if things get too dangerous again. I just hope and pray for that it wouldn’t be when it’s too late.

The damage at home isn’t as bad as we thought. Apparently, the house was hit by just a blast wave, which blew out the windows on one side. Nothing seems to have happened in the direct neighborhood since we left, but with ongoing attacks in surrounding areas, it’s still far too dangerous for my liking. I will stay put for the time being.


Still safe and sound, as you and Cooper can see.

Mom has gotten incredibly homesick though. She apparently has never been away from home for this long, and I don’t think she can put up with it much longer. Despite the ongoing danger and all the unknown, she really wants to head back. I can’t.


The weather is mirroring the situation these days. Whenever the sun breaks through, there is hope with the conflict seemingly dissolving. Unfortunately, spring didn’t last long with the past days being cloudy with rain. The situation over at home isn’t improving much with lots of attacks and explosions still, and the mood in the country as a whole is rather grim too with the very worst things happening to the most innocent people.

I’m really grateful to still be safe, alive and well, and that my loved ones are too. I just wish it were the same for everyone else.

At least the weather forecasts for the next few days are positive.
