#thats not how it works

pardonmewhileipanic: batkatbrown: sailor-pussy: white het boys are evolving at a rapid rate This fuc




white het boys are evolving at a rapid rate

This fuckboy

stab him

Thank goodness he’s here to explain how feminism works. How would us silly little ladies know what to do, otherwise? Now I know that not sending tit pics is anti-feminist.

(gag me with a spoon)

Post link

Clock into work this morning, and I see a woman looking frustratedly at a pair of red sparkly UGG slippers. “Do you need some help?” I ask.
“What I need is somebody who’s wearing their glasses,” she pipes, “I can’t tell what size these are. The box says size 10, but it says something different inside the shoes.” She has two size ten boxes on the counter and was trying to see which was which.
“No, these are tens.”
“They are?”
“Yes, the tags inside also show the UK, European and Japanese size equivalents; I can see how that might seem confusing.”
“Okay, so that’s the size I need. Alright! So, I’ll take these and be on my way.” She grabs a piece of paper off the counter and one of the boxes.
“Okay,” I grab one of the size tens and walk around to the other side of the counter to ring in her sale… only to watch as this woman breezes towards the front door with the other pair of tens and exits towards her car. My supervisor and another associate are standing right behind me, and I swing around to look at them confused asking, “Wait… did that just happen?”
“What?” My supervisor asks.
“That woman just walked out the door with those slippers.”
“She came in with a pair of size nines. I think she was making an even exchange.”
“BUT SHE DIDN’T DO AN EXCHANGE… She just WALKED OUT THE DOOR! I think she grabbed a receipt off the counter, but I have no idea what’s going on here. I just clocked in and thought she was going to buy a pair. This is not how I want to start my day. I’m so confused.”
“Just do the exchange. Exchange the nines for a pair of tens.”
“But I don’t know who that lady is.”
“She’s shopped here before. I’ve seen her in here before.”
“Well, that still doesn’t help me. Sure I’ll do the exchange so our counts are right… hopefully they’re right. But SERIOUSLY… WHO does that? Just comes in with one thing and thinks it’s okay to just take something new and call it an exchange? That’s not how these things work.”

i honestly would not mind staron if they built up the relationship and stuff not make it like BOOM!! THEY KISSING NOW like ???? ugh

for people writing for eddie munson who dont know about dnd, here are some tips!

a campaign is an ongoing story that’s completed over MANY sessions. campaigns can take months to complete. at dnd club Eddie has sessions, not campaigns unless hes making one shots every time (which he most likely is not)

so eddie finishing a campaign vs finishing a session are very different. a campaign is the closing of a story that hes built for months, a session means progression.

the dice! when it comes to rolling for damage it depends on the weapon but you never use a D20 to roll for damage. Small weapons use a D4, large weapons use a D6 or D8, the biggest weapons can use a D10 or D12, but most of the time youre using a D4.

D20s are used to see if you can do the thing, with the fighting example you roll a D20 to see if you can hit the enemy, then roll damage die (usually a D4) to see how much damage you hit the thing for!

dnd campaigns require a lot of planning and creativity, so eddie would most likely have a notebook or even a binder filled with information on characters if hes doing a homebrew.

homebrew describes when the DM(dungeon master) creates their own campaign instead of using one provided in the books.

congrats you got to the end of the post! as a reward im going to give you the mental image of eddie munsons hairy thigh.
