#the 100 fam






Hi Sunflowerkru!
It’s already well into June, and summer is just around the corner. I had the chance to go to a friend’s house this weekend, and to visit Lyon with them (the 2nd largest city in France), and I was delighted. I didn’t know the city, we went around and I discovered it with happiness.

The picture is a very good summary of my feeling: I am in admiration in front of the ancient theater of Lyon, at one of the windows of the museum of Antiquity.

A little sun and history are enough for my happiness ;-D.

Lots of love to all of you : @pendragaryen​​​​,@natassakar​​​​,@geekyogicheese​​​​,@immortalpramheda​​​​,@kizo2703​​​​,@lee-em-dee​​​​,@carrieeve​​​​,@ninappon​​​​@igotbellarkeforthat​​​​,@infp-with-all-the-feelings​​​​,@bookwormforalways​​​​,@kateemcintyre​​​​,@moreflowersthanweeds​​​​,@foolishnymeria​​​​,@otp-armada​​​​,@isweartobreathe​​​​,@the-suns-also-rise​​​​,@roguetwelve​​​​,@heartbellamy​​​​,@bellamyblake​​​​​,@jeanie205​​,@broashwhat​​​​​ , @imaginetonprincecharmant​​​​​,@brightblakes​​​​​     and a special thought to @julibernardo​​

Happy Tuesday everyone!

This week our city’s football team had its first home game of the season and they turned it into a charity game called “Stand with Ukraine” night. For halftime over 200 students from the city’s Ukrainian bilingual programs sang Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, then we performed Ukraine’s national dance Hopak. It was a really cool experience and nice to visit with the kids after.

Now we get a couple of weeks off from performing and I’m immensely grateful ‍.

Thank you @togetherkru​ for the tag! I’m glad that you got to enjoy a little trip and that you got to explore some really cool ancient architecture. I’m always floored by just how much history there is to see in Europe!

Tagging/sending some love to @ninappon@carrieeve@natassakar@igotbellarkeforthat@writetheniteaway@bellamyblake@pendragaryen@bookwormforalways@heartbellamy@jeanie205​ 

Hello fam!

Summer has arrived in Sweden at last, and yet it kinda caught me by surprise. The first day of our trip to the archipelago started off rainy, but as we were there to enjoy the hotel’s spa (and supsequently get wet) it didn’t matter much. It was a beautiful location, and it was wonderful to be able to enjoy the pool and sauna and to truly relax for a while. Even though it’s bittersweet that it was our last get-together as colleagues, I’m still glad we got the opportunity go to away like this. The rest of the weekend was spent doing another meditative activity: garden work and planting potatoes

Thanks for the tag @togetherkruand@roguetwelve. At first glance it seemed as if you were at an excavation site, Stef! The theater looks incredibly cool, and will along with Lyon be added to my never-ending list of places I hope to see one day.

Laurie, I’m always in awe by your city’s involvement in showing support for Ukraine (and probably any worthy cause). It’s such a beautiful thing to see

Sending hugs to @infp-with-all-the-feelings,@carrieeve,@bookwormforalways,@natassakar,@igotbellarkeforthat,@heartbellamy,@jeanie205,@pendragaryen and anyone else that might’ve slipped my mind tonight, or who would like to join in.

@togetherkru@roguetwelve@ninappon, thank you for tagging me again, my dearies. Hello sunflowerkru! I thought I should give a sign of life again, although my mood hasn’t improved throughout the last weeks. For some reason I can’t put my finger on I’m very depressive for quite a while now, can’t find real joy in anything or the enthusiasm to do anything - besides going to work of course. My holidays in september are still so far away… And the hormone pills I have to take (new ones since last week bc my body refused the first ones) are really taking a toll on me… The slightest cause and I start crying for no big reason. Sometimes… I feel very alone and lost these days. Is that what they call the midlife crisis? I don’t know… Anyway.. one babystep after the other… Seeing your posts every week really lightens my mood. And that counts for something, or not?

Steph, I love history and especially historical architecture too, so I totally get what you mean. Looks awesome there in Lyon.

Laurie, I think I would’ve started crying if I had been there, hearing all these people in the stadium singing THIS song. It’s such a beautiful idea!

Nina, wow… Your photos are holidays for my eyes. Could look at that view forever. How absolutely beautiful sweden is! I’m glad you enjoy your time there and had the chance to relax. And yes, even gardening and planting can be such a relaxing experience.

And now… I proudly present to you my little (and now finally FINALLY complete) The100-Funko!Pop-family! (Including Lexa with and without warpaint and Lincoln “normal” and as reaper, which was a limited edition once at SDCC). It was a long wish of mine to finally have all my fave characters (and characters that mattered to me in a way) together. I only wished that there’d be figures of Monty, Jasper and Murphy too. THAT would have been SO amazing. But these are all that had been produced back then. And now… sniff… they’re reunited. At least in my home.

Have a great week, fam. Stay healthy, stay strong. I love and admire you all from afar, you and the constant positivity you are spreading. Thanks for that! @natassakar@bellamyblake@geekyogicheese@carrieeve@immortalpramheda@infp-with-all-the-feelings





Hey Friends!

I’m bored and I had an idea.

Since so much of our fandom seems to love horticulture, and gorgeous photos of flowers are always a good thing, I thought it might be fun if we shared pictures of our country’s/province’s/states flowers with each other… you know, to spread a little extra beauty on the timeline. And maybe even learn something along the way!

Canada doesn‘t have an official flower, but Alberta‘s (my province) flower is the wild rose - seen here on a walk through my neighbourhood yesterday

Tag some people, share some photos, interpret it however you wish, and we can see how far this goes!


@roguetwelve Laurie, what a lovely idea! So much positivity! It’s what I crave for these days tbh… So… I don’t know if I will participate on a regular basis depending on my psychological condition and mood BUT… For today have some lovely rhododendron blossoms to admire from a park in the city of Hannover over here in Northern Germany. This park is HUGE and its known for the hundreds of rhododendron bushes that are growing there and that are blossoming every spring at the same time. I love to take a walk there then. Or just to sit on a bench marveling in the scents of all the blossoms. It’s just so amazing. I know the rhododendron isn’t a plant that’s growing particularly only here in my country. But I wanted to share the positive vibes of these pictures with you anyway. Lots of love to you all, fam!


Thank you for thinking of me Anne here in South Africa our national flower is the Protea, and it’s a lot like the people ~ resilient in adverse conditions but with a unique beauty.



Thank you so much for tagging me @roguetwelve​,@pendragaryen​​ , @geekyogicheese​​,@ninappon​​ ( i hope i don’t forget anyone ;)). Love your pics !

I love this idea Laurie! Talk to me about flowers and I will always be there!
The flower most associated with France is probably the fleur de lys, because of the French monarchy. But I’m not a monarchist, and I don’t have a white lily in my garden :/. So here is a picture of a day lily I took earlier. It’s enough for me ;-D!

Tagging : @natassakar@kateemcintyre​​,@isweartobreathe​​,@imaginetonprincecharmant​​,@burninghoneyatdusk​​,@carrieeve



Hey Friends!

I’m bored and I had an idea.

Since so much of our fandom seems to love horticulture, and gorgeous photos of flowers are always a good thing, I thought it might be fun if we shared pictures of our country’s/province’s/states flowers with each other… you know, to spread a little extra beauty on the timeline. And maybe even learn something along the way!

Canada doesn‘t have an official flower, but Alberta‘s (my province) flower is the wild rose - seen here on a walk through my neighbourhood yesterday

Tag some people, share some photos, interpret it however you wish, and we can see how far this goes!


@roguetwelve Laurie, what a lovely idea! So much positivity! It’s what I crave for these days tbh… So… I don’t know if I will participate on a regular basis depending on my psychological condition and mood BUT… For today have some lovely rhododendron blossoms to admire from a park in the city of Hannover over here in Northern Germany. This park is HUGE and its known for the hundreds of rhododendron bushes that are growing there and that are blossoming every spring at the same time. I love to take a walk there then. Or just to sit on a bench marveling in the scents of all the blossoms. It’s just so amazing. I know the rhododendron isn’t a plant that’s growing particularly only here in my country. But I wanted to share the positive vibes of these pictures with you anyway. Lots of love to you all, fam!


Thank you for thinking of me Anne here in South Africa our national flower is the Protea, and it’s a lot like the people ~ resilient in adverse conditions but with a unique beauty.

