#the academy first days


Newsletter Is Ago!

To get this information out of the way: I now have a newsletter!

Follow this link to sign up: http://eepurl.com/zuIDj

Remember to confirm your subscription, and you’ll get the latest updates on The Academy and other books coming out first.

The Academy - Family vs. Friends - Book 3

While I’m trying to write Academy 5 and wrapping up on the rewrite of book 3, I wanted to share some exciting news.

First, Book 3 is a big book. Like double the size of the first book. Book two and three were originally planned to be a single book, but the story got really big, and there was no way I could fit it all in one book.

That said, and while I know I just released book two less than a month ago, I still foresee the release of book three happening no later than the end of the summer.

This will be a really big push to get this out the door, because there’s a lot that goes into formatting, cover art and some background set up for publishing. 

So if you were wondering when to expect it, you can set your calendars. For more specific updates when I figure out when the release date will be, do sign up for the newsletter. Sometimes GoodReads or Tumblr notices can get lost in the shuffle. With an email (and I promise to only email when it comes to releases and important book details) it goes right to your inbox and you’ll be sure not to miss it.

Other Book Releases

I know waiting for books in a series to release can be a pain. Some people have looked at Smoking Gun, the first title I’ve ever released.

Smoking Gun is soon to get a makeover. It is getting a new cover and a fresh edit. (I haven’t looked at it closely in a long time.)

The re-release is slated to be soon. It will also stay 99 cents, but ONLY for about a week. After that point, the price will rise to $3.99.

If you’d like to get the re-release, I’ll let you know when it is happening. I am pretty sure it’ll be within the next week.

While it isn’t The Academy, it’s still a very funny, new adult mystery romance story based in Charleston, where the Academy boys are located.

Also, coming soon after that in mid-June is…

Spice God

This is a contemporary fantasy book about Melody, who runs into an Aztec spice god, Tonac. 

Yes, there’s mystery.

Yes, there’s adventure.

Yes, there’s awkward. I tend to write a lot of awkward.

This has been whispered about, because I keep planning a release and I keep putting it off. (Blame Gabriel.) (He’s distracting.) (He also hides my hair clips.)

I am planning some major promotional things happening for this book. For your continued support, I’d like to ask that those interested: If you would like an Advanced Readers Copy, please contact me! clstone at arcatopublishing.com

Anyone can ask for this. I don’t care if you’re a regular reviewer, or if you just want something extra to read.

In exchange, I will ask that you review the title on Amazon. ARCs are being released via email around June 1st. I will provide a further link June 15th (slated to be the release date) via email on the upload. 

I’ll ask that if you’ve read the book, to please leave a review. Reviews are A BIG DEAL. It helps me and it helps other readers figure out if they want the book or not.

With that said:

The Boys Need Your Help!

If you’re reading this far, I’m going to assume you’re interested in supporting the boys and the continuance of The Academy series.

I love the boys. Right now, I’m gearing up to do heavy promotions of the series during the summer for the planned release of Academy 3.

If you’ve loved the series so far and want to show further support, there’s a couple of things that you can do.

1. Review! Click this to review on Amazon.

2. Start a discussion! Under the same Amazon web page for the series, there’s also a section where you can start talking about the book below. If you have questions, love a particular guy, want to talk about anything, please, please talk there. :)

3. Share the book! Pass it to a friend. I don’t mind. Seriously. I love the guys, and the more support we can get, it just make the series better.

And if you have Shelfari, the boys are there, too! Help me fill in the details. We can create a great page working together.

So thanks again for the ongoing support, sign up for the newsletter, review, and keep an eye out for updates.

C. L. Stone

PS Luke says hi.
