#the arcana imagines


Asra and Portia tickle headcanons

:) possibly already did this awhile ago but…. What’s the harm of a (possible) part 2?

warnings: none!

-Asra Alzanar-

  • Cruel, absolutely devious, no mercy
  • Once you see a certain look in his eyes, you know you’re done for
  • The combination of him being very touchy, affectionate, and mischievous means that when you get caught in a tickle attack, you’re getting peppered in kisses, praises, and compliments (so it isn’t that bad tbh)
  • Cause I mean… being tickled can be torture at times, but it’s 100% worth fluttering neck kisses, Asra’s soft voice calling you angel, and his warm body pinning you down
  • The most random stuff can prompt a tickle attack — anything from a teasing comment, an escalated pillow attack, or seeing you looking a bit sad
  • He laughs just as much as you do because your smile and laughter just has that effect on him
  • Obviously he’ll stop if you tell him to or start swatting at his arms hard enough. He’ll lean back with smirk, nuzzling the top of your head as a little apology for annoying you
  • Faust does her best to join in on the fun, sometimes pretending to “protect” you or Asra from the other
  • Of course Asra will apologize profusely if he accidently hurts you and probably be a little embarrassed that his playing around got you hurt. If you have long hair, he’ll help brush it out if it got a little tangled :)
  • He doesn’t do tickle attacks too often, mainly because he wouldn’t want you to be wary of cuddle time (which Asra positively lives for) turning into tickle time
  • And a highly suggest pinning him down for revenge because he has the cutest laugh that his this slight edge/rasp to it that’s just *chef’s kiss*

-Portia Devorak-

  • Considering that she has Julian as older brother, Portia is well versed in the arts of surprise tickle attacks. This woman has literal strategies. Strategies. That’s what you’re up against here
  • She has small, wiggly hands that you just can’t escape, so the sooner you accept your fate, the better
  • This is pure, wicked mischief. It doesn’t matter if you’re bigger and stronger than Muriel, Portia will find a way to tickle you even if she has to launch herself at you in a tackle
  • She. Has. No. Fear.
  • And she just likes to see you laughing and smiling :) she could never tire of your laughter
  • The best way to get out of a tickle attack is to make some sort of bargain with her — offer her a dozen kisses, let her be the big spoon, let her cuddle with you while you work on your magic, etc. If it involves sweets or physical affection 10/10 it’ll work
  • Tickle wars often turn into a whole game between you, to the point that you’ve literally run through the gardens trying to evade her, both of you laughing and playfully screeching like kids. You’ll dive between the various bushes, thinking you’ve found a hiding place… only to have Portia pop her head in next to you saying, “Gotchya!”
  • And then prepare to laugh until your stomach hurts good luck
  • Sometimes you decide to combine your tickle powers against others and wreak havoc that way muahahahaha Julian is a frequent victim, poor doctor :(

Hey Arcana Fans!!!

My name is Anastasia (ahhna-stay-sha), but you can call me Anya too!! I’ve had this blog for YEARS and I haven’t done anything with it at all. I figured there’s no time like the present, and decided to start a writing blog!!

I will do…

  • Main Six x MC
  • Courtiers x MC
  • Headcanons
  • Imagines
  • I’ll even write about your MC specifically if you tell me a bit about them!

I will not do…

  • Character x Character
  • NSFW / Smut

For now, that’s all I can really think of. This will be updated if I think of anything else!! Thank you so much!!
