#mc the arcana


MC, Pointing: May I sit there?

Muriel: that’s my lap.

MC: That doesn’t answer my question, Muriel.

MC: Asra, I’m sad.

Asra: *holds out arms for a hug* it’s going to be ok

Lucio: Nadia, I’m sad.

Nadia, nodding:mood.

Asra, leaving: Remember, only call in case of emergency.

Asra, accepting call one minute later: what is it?

MC: there’s a emergency.


MC: I miss you.

MC: Is something burning?

Asra: Just my love for you.


MC: Asra, the toaster is on fire.

Portia: any sign of trouble just give us the signal and we’ll come in fast.

MC: what’s the signal?

Julian: me screaming.

Julian: don’t go to the kitchen.


Julian: I saw a spider.

MC: well, did you kill it?

Julian: it has 8 arms, and I only have 2. It’s not fair!

MC: three words. Say them and I’m yours.

Lucio: three words.


Julian: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.

Asra: I witnessed the dumb stuff.

Portia: I recorded the dumb stuff.

MC: I joined in on the dumb stuff.


i remembered why i dont line or color any of my drawings but take a Juniper

a few fun facts about my apprentice, Juniper!!


  • Her most defining characteristic is her ability to light up any room just by being there. Her joy is infectious.
  • She’s naturally a very vibrant person and is usually just this big magnet for attention.
  • Sometimes she acts out on purpose, just to get a reaction out of somebody.
  • A total diva. Whiny and prone to complaining.
  • When offended she becomes snippy very quickly.
  • It’s hard for her to be upset and get away with it. She wears worry all over her face.
  • A little bit of a rabble-rousing troublemaker.
  • Very extroverted
  • She’s a street performer as well as a magician! She loves to sing and dance.
  • No one can rile up a crowd quite like Juniper
  • Dog person!
  • She loves colorful jewlery. Anything gaudy and glamourous just seems to call her name.
  • Financially irresponsible
  • Pumpkin bread enthusiast

Hey Arcana Fans!!!

My name is Anastasia (ahhna-stay-sha), but you can call me Anya too!! I’ve had this blog for YEARS and I haven’t done anything with it at all. I figured there’s no time like the present, and decided to start a writing blog!!

I will do…

  • Main Six x MC
  • Courtiers x MC
  • Headcanons
  • Imagines
  • I’ll even write about your MC specifically if you tell me a bit about them!

I will not do…

  • Character x Character
  • NSFW / Smut

For now, that’s all I can really think of. This will be updated if I think of anything else!! Thank you so much!!

hello hello yo yo yo what’s poppin aha so like— i love the arcana. i love it to death. and i was wondering if anyone would want to rp with me. i was going to use my mc, plus any character of ur choice for YOUR mc. like a tit for tit kinda thing you know. so yeah!! lmk if you’re interested!! message me on discord!!

literate or semi literate would be best!! thank you!!

