#the clones as



Rex- Skywalker trusts him, so that means we can too…. right?
Echo- Indifferent. I’m just here to do my futy
Fives- *slams on tinfoil hat* Where do I even fucking start.. Well for one, the guy is an alien. He isn’t even from Coruscant. 
Jesse- He isn’t a Pal or a Teen, not friendly 
Kix- LMFAO have you seen his wardrobe? How can someone from Naboo wear clothes that look like some old ladys curtains?
Tup- Terrible hairline. Maybe I should give him some tips and tricks. 
Dogma- He’s a politician of course I don’t like him
Hardcase- 0 stars. Will send him back to Amazon AND pay them to take him. Don’t need a refund
Coric- Concerned about his hygeine. every time he passes buy he smells like rotten eggs
Bly- The perfect ugly friend to take to a bar with you.
99- he sucks at seniors bingo night.
Cody- Wants me to execute order 6-something. I dunno I hung up before he could finish
Waxer/Boil- Not a grandfatherly figure for our children.
Wolffe- He reminds me of Old Daka the night sister *shudders*
Boost/Sinker- Lol bet we can get him to slip down an elevator shaft
Hunter- Senses something a bit… electrifying about the chancellor. 
Wrecker- fights the uge to throw him three systems over
Tech- knows he is a sith, he has done his research. blackmails the chancellor for science funding
Crosshair- Wants to set palps up on a date with professor umbridge  


Rex- A pile of dirt and grass from some hole that Hardcase dug to try and make an underground fort again
Echo- A mutated frog that was lost in the sewers of Coruscant
Fives- Rolled up putting green carpet from a mini golf place
Jesse- General Skywalkers pet
Kix- A fashion disaster. Green and brown robes dont go together psh
Tup- Bald Tooka cat with a skin condition
Dogma- extra large iguana
Hardcase- A pet that he should take home and hide under his bunk for a new pet
Coric- A tripping hazard
Bly- Something that should go work with the 501st instead of the 327th
99- Himself but with green paint all over his body
Cody- Crazy
Waxer/Boil- Oscar the Grouch
Wolffe- Trouble
Boost/Sinker- A booger
Hunter- One of Techs weird science experiments gone wrong
Wrecker- a hulk action figure. actually tried picking Yoda up to play with him. 
Tech- An opportunity for a science experiment to go wrong
Crosshair- The newest defective clone member of the bad batch (kamino labs get wild)


Lisa Frank everything crew: Fives, Hardcase, Cody, Wrecker

I live and breathe aeropostale, american eagle, and hollister fumes: Kix, Coric, Waxer/Boil, Crosshair

Horse Girl energy: Rex, Dogma, 99, Hunter

Anime is all that matters: Echo, Tup, Boost/Sinker, Tech

I don’t know what to classify it as but everything they own is pineapple patterns in neon colors: Jesse, Bly, Wolffe


Picture it, elementary school, 2002. You are watching the clock intensely. not because you can tell the time you just started kindergarten ffs, but just to build up the anticipation of the scene as you wait for your class’ turn to go to the library for the book fair. 50 cents jingles in your pocket as you anxiously await your chance to buy erasers that smell like artificial fruit and a poster of an elephant wearing glasses

Rex- The exhausted teacher who is pumped to drop off his class for a few minutes to shop while he beelines it for the staff room to get his 8th cup of coffee
Echo- The parent on shift in charge of helping kids find the books they want. Tries to push them away from captain underpants and toward the nat geo educational books
Fives- Buys the entire collection of Captain Underpants available anyways
Jesse- Constantly asks “How much is this one?” while looking directly at the price tag
Kix- The “Make it rain” kid. His parents send him with a $20. he buys the cheapest book possible, then treats the rest of his friends to chocolate scented pencils
Tup- the volunteer working the cash register. Is the change exact? Who knows!
Hardcase- Bought that elephant wearing glasses poster and nothing else.
Coric- Spends ten minutes deciding on a rainbow pen
Bly- buys one of every book mark to give to his girlfriends on the playground
99- The sweet little school librairian hyping every single kid up on their purchases because it makes them happy, so who cares what they buy?
Cody- Opens every book he is interested in and skims through the page. 
Waxer/Boil- UH team Junie b jones box set purchase club!!!
Wolffe- Spends his entire ass time at the animorphs books table. He would be obsessed and you cant tell me otherwise. 
Boost/Sinker- Attracted to shiny things, crow brains (only buys books with attached charms or toys)
Hunter- pocket full of the novelty scented erasers is all he needs.
Wrecker- Sticker books and those little toys you could buy whose eyes pop out of their head when you squeeze
Tech- Tries to refuse to buy anything because its “Not in his reading level”
 but eventually breaks down when he sees a really cool nat geo book on robots
Crosshair- Buys like three bendy pencils so him and his friends can whack each other with them in class later.
