#the core and the king


So the most interesting part of “The core and the King” for me, was the implications it has for the ending of the series.

So Anne and Sasha are going to level Newtopia it seems like.

Then after that, the fucking moon is somehow gonna drop and wipe out all life on the planet. Most likely as a final fuck you from Darcy to Anne.

Assuming this vision cannot be avoided, my guess is that the series is going to end with a return to Earth after all, as the Frogs, Newts, Olms, Axolotls and salamanders become surviving refugees from a dead planet.

The final symphony of the Amphibian Empire. The world that wiped out other worlds, now experienced the same happening to it.

So of all the things we learned in “The Core and The King”, probably the second most interesting to me is that it changes the context of Andrias previous(Rather inaccurate) flashback.

The scenes with Andrias, fully grown, the throne and the city pulsating with the power of the combined gems power rather than just heart, and his friends by his side as he sits the throne never happened.

But that doesn’t make this unimportant. It just changes the context from “What happened”, to “What Andrias WISHES had happened”.

Even now, a thousand years later, this is what Andrias dreams of, his greatest desire. Not conquest, but to just rule Amphibia with his friends at his side. The way it was meant to be. The way it SHOULD have been.

It is also a world that cannot be. No matter what he does, he cannot bring these two back to him.

It is very much in keeping with his character. Andrias is a man stuck in the past, which is why he’s so stuck on recreating the Amphibian Empire that was his birthright.

It is much, much easier to do that, than to face the fact that he lost Barrel, not due to betrayal, but his own shitty actions, which ultimately lead to his death.

Andrias does not have the stones to admit that whatever happened with Leaf, he and he alone, was the one who fucked up in his relationship with Barrel and got him killed.

Andrias refuses to take personal responsibility for his own actions and mistakes as a person, Instead, he shirks the blame, and throws himself into “Redeeming” himself by recreating the Amphibian Empire that he blames himself for the destruction of.

In that regard, he is the complete and total opposite of Anne, who after having made the worst decision of her life, refused to deny her share of the responsibility.

Andrias needed to learn to accept his own faults in how the trio disintegrated, and then move on from there. Instead, he is still stuck where he was a thousand years ago when Leaf’s betrayal was still fresh and raw.

Inside, he is still that teenager who in anger sent his remaining best friend to an assignment that lead to his death, and even now, all these years later he refuses to take responsibility for it.

Andrias needed to let go of the past, and embrace the future that was open to him. But he never did.

I love how we can tell just by looking at him in “the core and the King”, that Andrias upon seeing the Core’s actual personality is starting to realize that he’s made a horrible mistake at some point.

Like… This is the entity he effectively sold his soul to, and now that he sees it in action, he’s as unimpressed with it, as Darcy was with him at the end of “Little Froggy Christmas”.

However in the end, he still makes the choice to continue on this path, even when he has the absolute golden opportunity to kill the core and take his place as the only leader as the Core is rebooting.

Instead he decides to commit himself to this terrible path even more by burning his picture from happier days.

Wonder how things are going back at the castle?

Guess you’ll find out when you watch #Amphibia’s “The Core and the King” on 4/16!

Written by Todd McClintock, Directed by Roxann Cole, and Boarded by Danny Ducker and I!

damn so amphibia is like the greatest show

here it is, the prince of darkness itself

here it is, the prince of darkness itself

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