#the crab


I have NEVER seen a cancer-capricorn relationship between two people. They might be opposites but they truly don’t even attract each other? Or it might just be me, anways…

The traits they both share is: good advice. They can give advice about everything, you need help? Go to a Cancer or Capricorn, but Cancer might have some trouble with seeing things more emotionally and Capricorn would look to it more objective. They are both prone to dark moods (doesn’t have to be in a bad way). Let’s don’t forget their leader qualities such as Aries & Libra. 

Spotting differences between these two is very easy. Cancer people rather stay home and Capricorns rather go outside and live some adventures with friends. Cancer people are more introverted (water infleunce) than Capricorns, while you can indeed find a introverted aura around a Capricorn but that has more to do with being detached about their emotions. About emotions, Cancer really just let everything go with the flow and Capricorns will keep everything inside of them. Capricorn is more focused on the logic of things while Cancer is more focused on the emotional side, so that makes Cancer a dreamer and Capricorn a doer. 
