#the creeper




“13 Nights THE CREEPER” © deviantArt user Grimbro, accessed at his page here

[Jeepers, it’s the Creeper!

April Fools, everyone. This week, we’ll be covering commissions from @glarnboudin, who requested a variety of monsters from different incarnations of Scooby-Doo. Honestly, I was kicking myself that I’d never thought to do Scooby-Doo monsters before: as a young child who loved monsters but was a huge coward, Scooby-Doo was an excellent training-wheels way for me to get my creature fix.

The Creeper is perhaps one of the most iconic monsters from the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? series. He regularly appears in spin-offs, reboots, even a State Farm commercial. I’ve seen him referred to as a take on Frankenstein’s Monster, but I think he’s more a melange of multiple hulking brute killers from B-horror movies. The name is derived from Rondo Hatton’s character from House of HorrorsandThe Brute Man, and I feel like his look owes more to Lon Chaney Jr. in Indestructible Man than it does to Frankenstein]


Spectral Creeper
This muscular humanoid is hunched over, with a dull, dead gaze and hands clenched. His skin tone is a gray-green, and he has clearly been dead for some time.

Spectral creepers are the reanimated corpses of cat burglars, pickpockets, and other non-violent thieves. Typically, a spectral creeper forms when one of these criminals dies with unfinished business—with a major heist planned, but not executed. If the creeper achieves this goal post-mortem, it continues with even bigger and bolder heists. A spectral creeper is never satisfied with the wealth they have, accumulating riches upon riches. A few creepers will even allow their treasures to be reclaimed just so they can steal them a second time.

A spectral creeper is most notable for its ability to pass through locked doors, solid walls. It can empty chests or lockboxes without opening them by reaching through their sides. They cannot do this endlessly, however. Most spectral creepers still carry thieves’ tools to help them disarm traps or open locks in case of emergencies or to assist their minions. Spectral creepers are also skilled in disguises, and may masquerade as the living in order to case a target or evade detection. Regardless of whether or not the spectral creeper was violent in life, all of them are willing to kill in pursuit of a mission. Their fists are heavy and their grip tight, but they still cannot resist rifling through the pockets of their victims even as they crush them.

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