#the cuphead show


I’m thinking so much about table read of the pitchfork episode right now, but since it isn’t officially out yet I’m gonna put those thoughts under the cut

What gets me about this episode is just how simple the conflict between the bros was set up to be. Cuphead wants to be a bit more independent from Mugman, but ends up hurting his feelings with the way he communicates this, and ultimately makes it up to him by blowing stuff up together and making that Mt. Mugmore sculpture (which is still the cutest thing ever, okay).

But I think that conflict is going be exacerbated significantly now that Mugman’s been captured by the Devil. I mean, think about the last thing Cuphead said before that happened:

“There’s nothing you can take away from me that I care about.”

Probably a result of him putting up a brave/unflappable front in the face of danger, because obviously Cuphead cares about many things, but imagine how Mugman must feel. If he felt like he wasn’t being appreciated at the start of the episode, then he must really be going through it by the end.

Sure, he (hopefully) saw the instant regret on Cuphead’s face from the elevator, but words still hurt and it’s not like he was given a chance to apologize.

And once Cuphead realizes that was the last thing he said before Mugman got captured?? Can you imagine the guilt??? The guy’s already had nightmares about this exact scenario, someone give him a break

I don’t know how much it’ll affect episodes outside this mini-arc, but I can’t help but feel like Cuphead’s going to be rethinking how he treats his brother. Not that he ever really treated him badly - I personally think they’re very sweet! But he can be a bit thoughtless and tends to rope Mugman into stuff against his will, and I think the severity of the situation is going to make him overblow those problems in his mind.

It’d also be arguably the first time that him messing around with the Devil and acting blasé about the danger he poses actually has notable consequences, which I for one can’t wait to see him deal with because denial has kinda been his whole strategy until now.

I’m not expecting like… genre-changing levels of angst here, but I think you could fit at least most of this in while still having the sequence of events be wacky and fun. The writers have actually done a great job of this so far (the sweater two-parter comes to mind), so I’m really looking forward to seeing how this arc goes!

It’s y’all’s pathetic dice man

He used to be such a huge favorite of mine back in the day, so this is for 2019 me who couldn’t draw men (I love and draw other cuphead characters too, but this is a Dice art dump for now I suppose)

He’s so shaped and fun to draw

Guess who’s gonna appear next!

Guess who’s gonna appear next!


THE CUPHEAD SHOW! New Episodes | Official Teaser | Netflix

New episodes of The Cuphead Show! will stream on Netflix on August 19, 2022.


THE CUPHEAD SHOW! New Episodes | Official Teaser | Netflix

New episodes of The Cuphead Show! will stream on Netflix on August 19, 2022.

AUGUST 19TH!!!!!!!!!



He is the young Duke of Cheesecake, brother of Baroness Von Bon Bon, Count Orozuz and the triplets Marquis Cheesecakes. Unlike his sisters, he is like his brother Orozuz, Ben is very kind, he likes to share sweets with others, he has a very relaxed personality, he does things calmly even though he takes his time Ben likes to do things quiet with patience. Ben is an expert in silver knife swordsmanship but his favorite weapon is a blueberry bazooka.

Art © Dayi Perez Satanakia

Ben Blueberry Chessecake © Witchcraf-Toon

Cuphead “Dancing with the Death” (au)


They are triplet marquise sisters from Cheesecake, sisters to Baroness Von bon bon and Count Orozuz. They are capricious, conceited, vain and perfect in everything, they like to be admired by everyone, they are athletic and know how to use fencing with silver knives, all three are perfectly synchronized.

Art © Dayi Perez Satanakia

The Cheesecakes Girls © Witchcraf-Toon

Cuphead “Dancing with the Death ” (au)
