#the enchantress

EVERYTHING became better when shared with the right friend.

EVERYTHING became better when shared with the right friend.

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Deep down we BOTH know exactly what is happening…the only difference is that you are COMPLETE

Deep down we BOTH know exactly what is happening…the only difference is that you are COMPLETELY HELPLESS to resist it…

The mind is My playground…and I am deep inside YOURS.

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“A Little Enchanting…”

Copic marker sketch of The Enchantress!


beatonna: When I was signing books in Frankfurt, someone asked me to draw The Enchantress, and I had


When I was signing books in Frankfurt, someone asked me to draw The Enchantress, and I had never heard of her, so he produced a picture, and I asked questions about her while I drew. It turns out I think she is pretty great. 


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The Enchantress in Adventure Comics Vol. 38 No. 419, May 1972

The Enchantress in Adventure Comics Vol. 38 No. 419, May 1972

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Act IV Day 3 of A Day in the Life of TchaikovsKYLO Ren is here! Only two acts left!!

Rey has a freaky vision of her dark (and very confident) self! Meanwhile, Kylo has his time-sensitive orders from Ovaltine. Rey already rejected him yet again but he can’t give up! Will he be able to convince her? Will she finally accept her darkness and join him? Watch our favorite stubborn dyad soulmates fight it out over the most dramatic music EVER! 

The rest of the series is here along with the Tchaikovsky playlists. This video is dedicated to @pandoraspocksao3 @blackeyedlilyand@maryloki3000 many thanks for all the patience, love, and support <3

Sylvie theory!!!

Sylvie is lying when she says that she doesn’t remember her family. She can remember bits and pieces but it just so happens it’s very little to no information on her background. It’s little to no information that Loki can use to figure out what her true motives are. While Loki told her enough for a tactical advantage as she stated.
Sylvie actually probably hates Frigga !! The line “ Are you sure she’s your mother” after Loki finishes telling her the fond memories he had of Frigga. As if indicating that the experience was not the same probably at all. It would explain why Sylvie is not as skilled as Loki when it comes to magic. Frigga taught Loki how to do magic.
“No. You and your father cast large shadows. I had hoped that by sharing my gifts with Loki that he could find some sun for himself.” FRIGGA
Or when Loki says that he’s adopted and spoiler for her. She says I knew. They told me they didn’t tell you. Pay attention to her body language and facial experience. As if remembering a bad memory something that doesn’t make her feel good. Frigga had always referred to herself as Lokis mother. Telling him Asgard was his home. They were his family. She never once referred to Loki as adopted. Loki was spared when eventually being hauled back to Asgard to answer for his crimes because of Frigga.
Slyvie obviously doesn’t feel the same way about Frigga that Loki does. We know that Loki would love to stop his mother’s death but I’m not getting that vibe from Sylvie. I think her and Lokis bottom lines are as far away from each other as it can possibly be. I don’t think Sylvie is as attached to the Odin, Frigga, and or Thor in the way that Loki is. I felt like She said they never told you as if wow that was never used as a weapon against you kind of way. Like disbelief that there is a reality where the family could be kind to her. She comes off extremely as a loner. Only appearing to trust herself. She is constantly alert. She reads what is going on in the room when Loki just wants to be the center of attention. The line I never have my back to the door is quite different as Loki is just like whatever and it makes no sense with another door being behind you kind of shaking off what she says as if it’s not something he would think about doing. But she wants to keep her focus on the main door so she is not surprised. She has probably spent her life having to protect herself, overly prove herself, teach herself while growing up in a cold and unkind family environment. While Sylvie has that same narcissist vibe that Loki has. It feels more like her weapon of choice to protect herself from being hurt.

Ya like ok your ship kissed, but did they canonically fuck under an ouija board table?

I think not. Hehehehe

The first wrinkles had appeared on Hekate’s face: creases on her high forehead, almost invisible against her black skin. She frowned and the lines deepened. “Do you know the greatest gift a parent can give to a child?” she asked, looking around the room.

No one answered.

“Independence. To allow them go out into the world and make their own decisions, travel their own paths.”


“You are the storyteller, the Bard?”

Shakespeare nodded. “I was once. A long time ago.”

“Tell me, then, storyteller- what is the greatest mistake a parent can make?” she asked.

“To believe that your children will be just like you.”

Hekate nodded.
