#the gaang in a galaxy far far away


I don’t even understand how I’ve become so obsessed with this crossover idea (thanks again @magic-owl )…but as you can see I’ve made a whole poster…

Part 5 of my atla/sw crossover series.


All because I couldn’t resist putting them all together and adding their AP-PA light freighter and M0-M0 droid.

Part 3 of my atla/sw crossover series.


The Gaang in a galaxy far far away, inspired by some tags from @magic-owl on my previous atla/sw crossover a while back suggesting a post-Jedi-Purge Gaang AU.

Part 2 of my atla/sw crossover series.


Young padawan Aang rushes back in the heat of the Jedi purge to find his temple in flames.

Part 7 (?) of my atla/sw crossover series.

