#the green grace



Galazza Galare

The Green Grace is a major player among the Ghiscari nobility. She’s described as over 80 years old, with thinning skin, but still retaining her grace and piercing green eyes. I wish I could show her veiled as she is in canon, but that’s beyond Artbreeder afaik!

I think this is the last of Dany’s courtiers that I’ll be posting for a bit. If you have any characters from the Essos narrative you want me to work on, drop me an ask or a message! I have a couple minor characters from Tyrion’s POV where it intersects that I hope to post, like Penny and Sweets, but again, let me know if there’s someone in particular you want to see me try my hand at.

amuelia: asoiaf + old characters, in their youth and nowmaester aemon targaryen, brynden rivers/blooamuelia: asoiaf + old characters, in their youth and nowmaester aemon targaryen, brynden rivers/blooamuelia: asoiaf + old characters, in their youth and nowmaester aemon targaryen, brynden rivers/blooamuelia: asoiaf + old characters, in their youth and nowmaester aemon targaryen, brynden rivers/blooamuelia: asoiaf + old characters, in their youth and nowmaester aemon targaryen, brynden rivers/blooamuelia: asoiaf + old characters, in their youth and nowmaester aemon targaryen, brynden rivers/blooamuelia: asoiaf + old characters, in their youth and nowmaester aemon targaryen, brynden rivers/bloo


asoiaf + old characters, in their youth and now

maester aemon targaryen, brynden rivers/bloodraven, galazza galare (the green grace), old nan, olenna tyrell, maester pycelle, walder frey

Small headcanon for galazza: the books describe white graces who are young girls, implying that it is custom that graces start from a young age; so i assume galazza also was a grace since a young age, and that graces change colors through their education. Further she is the only green grace in meereen (likely the highest ranking grace), implying that she probably had a different color in her youth before she took the position (unless she was chosen/groomed for the position early, but the books for example also dont mention her having any sort of apprentice dressed in green despite her old age). Galazza also has attendants called the “Pink Graces”, so i chose to dress her young version in pink as well; my thought was that maybe the pink graces receive a special education due to their closeness to the green grace (similar to jon being chosen as lord commander mormont’s steward to groom him for command).

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Galazza Galare

The Green Grace is a major player among the Ghiscari nobility. She’s described as over 80 years old, with thinning skin, but still retaining her grace and piercing green eyes. I wish I could show her veiled as she is in canon, but that’s beyond Artbreeder afaik!

I think this is the last of Dany’s courtiers that I’ll be posting for a bit. If you have any characters from the Essos narrative you want me to work on, drop me an ask or a message! I have a couple minor characters from Tyrion’s POV where it intersects that I hope to post, like Penny and Sweets, but again, let me know if there’s someone in particular you want to see me try my hand at.
