#the lord of the rings fic


anonymous asked: Can I request the reader and Kili having to talk about the fact that you’re human and won’t live nearly as long as him? :)
Written by: Anna
Pairing: Kili X OC
Notes: it’s kinda short, sorry about that, but I’ve been in a little bit of a writing slump, so hopefully cute, short little things like this will get me out of it!

You had been trying to avoid this for a while now, it was something that you never wanted to think about, but, as of lately, Kili had been increasingly persistent about it. So here you two were, sitting together in his room, neither of you wanting to actually start the conversation.

Kili cleared his throat as he started to twiddle his fingers, not meeting your gaze. “So… (y/n),” He began slowly, as if not entirely sure what to say.

“I know,” You said. “If we’re going to make this work we need to talk about it.”

He nodded almost solemnly, “It’s just, because you’re a human, you’re going to age faster than I am.”

You nodded in agreement, only wanting to pull the older dwarf into a hug at the moment and forget about this conversation as a whole, but you knew there was no way that was happening. “Well, you’re already older than me, so that’s good for us, but what does your age equate to in human years?” You inquired.

Kili gave a small shrug, looking up to meet your eyes. “I’m not really sure, dwarves normally live until we’re about 250 years old, well, that’s if we’re lucky, how long do humans live for?” He asked curiously, cocking his head to the side adorably.

250 years… that was much longer than you were ever going to live! “Well… One hundred years is considered lucky for a human, the average is about seventy five.” You mumbled.

The brown haired dwarf’s eyes widened as he furrowed his brow. “Seventy five?” He asked in disbelief. “That’s almost how old I am now…” The dwarf trailed off, turning his head down once more.

You gave a nod in agreement, “Yes, that’s my point. Kili, I love you, but I… I don’t know if this will work.” You choked, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.

Kili immediately noticed, and he sprung up from where he was sitting, moving next to you to and pulling you into his warm embrace. “(y/n), I promise you, everything’s going to be alright, we’ll figure something out.” He soothed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his chest.

You pushed your head into his body, wrapping your arms around his waist and snuggling into his side. “I love you.” You sniffled, closing your eyes.

His lips pressed against the top of your head. “I love you too, Miz Duzkak.” Kili mumbled into your hair.

Kili pulled away from you, holding you by the shoulders to look into your eyes. “Maybe… maybe we could talk to Thorin, he might know something, or Balin, even.” He said hopefully.

You laughed lightly at his enthusiasm. “Yes, hopefully.” You agreed, a small smile gracing your face.

The dwarf grinned, apparently happy with your agreement. “But not now, right now, I just want to be with you.” He murmured and a second later, he was pulling you closer to him once more, right onto his lap.

You curled yourself up on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck to get closer to him. “Thank you, Kili.” You whispered.

Kili kissed your head once more, moving one large hand into your hair to tangle his finger in the strands. “Anything for you, Miz Duzkak.”
