#the man trap



Star Trek TOS AU where everything is the same except Kirk decided he liked the nickname “Plum” better than “Bones”

(also the series only lasted 20 episodes because Bones…er, Plum, couldn’t take it anymore and strangles Kirk and that’s what the episode “Court Martial” is actually about)

There’s a flying insect thing in this scene from The Man Trap.

You might have to watch the above clip a few times before you see it.

Here in slow motion.

After watching every Star Trek TOS episode a thousand times—give or take (except the three episodes De isn’t in), I started to notice off-the-wall things. See how De carried his medical kit with one loop around his finger? That’s all.

Shatner for Star Trek: The Man TrapShatner for Star Trek: The Man TrapShatner for Star Trek: The Man TrapShatner for Star Trek: The Man Trap

Shatner for Star Trek: The Man Trap

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