#the migrant experience


Grantaire whose native language isn’t French (first generation immigrant) and his French is really good, but he slips back to his native when he’s tired or when he swears and also during sex, so Enjolras would hear a string of words in a completely different language and just nod and go “I think Grantaire just stubbed his toe”.

Enjolras and Grantaire lying in bed after sex with R trying to teach him some things and Enjolras is extremely bad at languages and keeps fucking up and they laugh and tease and it’s their little inside joke.

Enjolras who decides he’s going to surprise Grantaire and learns a sentence to say, but between him putting it on Google Translate and his horrible, horrible accent, he whispers it in his ear and Grantaire just pauses, frowns for a minute, and then laughs for fourty minutes straight.

Just immigrant!R and bad-at-languages!Enj <3
