#the orville



I’m rewatching The Orville, and I’ve forgotten how freaking GOOD this show is. It’s been off the air so long that I feel like it’s been looked over, but with the new season coming out in June, I really hope more people give it a chance and watch it so we can get a season 4

Six fanarts challenge thingy

» After seeing my good friend @janus-cadet getting into this challenge, and since I’ve been missing doing people’s requests (but don’t have plenty of free time on my hands rn), I’ll put that out instead

You guys know the drill : the first six people to give me the name of a character to draw will have it done in this very -not for long I hope- blank sheet

I won’t be drawing characters that I don’t know, though, so here’s a list of my fandoms :

× Sci-fi :


Star Wars

Star Trek

The Orville

× Musicals :

Mozart l'Opéra Rock



Dr Horrible’s Sing Along Blog

Sweeney Todd

× Games :


Resident Evil (mostly 2, 3, 7 and 8)

AFK Arena

Death Stranding

DC Comics (the Arkham games series)

× Others (movies/shows/manga) :

MCU (mostly the shows, recently— and Dr Strange. Always Dr Strange)

BBC Sherlock

Fantastic Beasts

Black Butler

Markiplier’s universe (maybe)

I hope I’ll have six different requests, that would be fun! Actually, you know what? I’ll take only the first per fandom, if there’s more than one

elizajaneface: @macfarlaneseth “Come play on The Orville” he said, “It will be FUN” he said… #TheOrville #Season3

A happy refrain.Or I need to put some content in the Orville tag, because Claire and Isaac are to cu

A happy refrain.

Or I need to put some content in the Orville tag, because Claire and Isaac are to cute for this earth.

Post link


combine your first real fandom with your current one to create a terrible, terrible au

Star Trek TOS and the Orville?  I’d bet my last dollar that ST exists as a franchise in the Orville universe so I’m looking at a “simulator” accident here (a virtual Captain Kirk tries to take over the ship?)

 Penny Johnson Jerald during the THE ORVILLE panel at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday October 6, 2017 Penny Johnson Jerald during the THE ORVILLE panel at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday October 6, 2017 Penny Johnson Jerald during the THE ORVILLE panel at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday October 6, 2017 Penny Johnson Jerald during the THE ORVILLE panel at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday October 6, 2017 Penny Johnson Jerald during the THE ORVILLE panel at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday October 6, 2017 Penny Johnson Jerald during the THE ORVILLE panel at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday October 6, 2017

Penny Johnson Jerald during the THE ORVILLE panel at Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday October 6, 2017 in New York City

Post link




Me, before binge watching The Orville (a fool) : I dunno, the trailer doesn’t look great and Seth McFarlane has made some questionable content that I often don’t like so this show will probably be bad and dumb.

Me, after binge watching The Orville (an intellectual):

Fuck it. I’m right and I should say it.

the way Dr. Janice Lee created a way accelerate time within a quantum bubble & was killed off within 10 minutes of her intro and every subsequent mention of the technology is credited to her male boss Dr. Aronov

ive been salty about that

I didn’t catch that, but that’s way too realistic for a society that is supposed to have moved beyond that level of sexist and xenophobic.

And partial good news: in New Horizons, they added some non-white or Black minor characters. And for the bad news: they didn’t seem to have names, and they added a new white cast member. So, yeah. That.


Great suspense and tension, creepy opponent.

Nurse Park though

Damn they did NOT hold back on jumping into this new season of The Orville.

This is episode is super heavy.


I just caught up yesterday. Made me late for church and I had to stop halfway through episode 6, right when it was at the good part (where Issac made himself look human). Ended up starting the episode from the beginning after church just so I could have that build up before the reveal again, lol!

There are a number of reasons why I absolutely loved this episode and then one where I didn’t, but still, this episode was a huge hit with me and I will watch it over and over again squeeing my little heart out every time we get to see the actor who plays Issac. I said last night in a post about it on a nerd group on Facebook that that man with his eyes and his expressions could make me commit murder lofl! So flipping cute! In both ways! Which makes me feel very conflicted. I don’t know whether I want to mother him or…lol yeah other, not very motherly things ;D

Well as for what I liked about this episode: I have always loved the relationship between Claire and Issac. It was…smooth…easy? I don’t know how I’d want to describe it.I just felt like it had this wonderful flow. Two beings both intelligent and less likely to be prone to fits of drama. Claire is probably in my top 2 or 3 favorite characters for this show because of her smarts and wisdom.

I have enjoyed seeing these two characters interact. The help Issac gives Claire and the insight she give him is a wonderful give and take that we often don’t see in real life. Being a single mother myself makes this exchange between the two even more enjoyable for me. I would love nothing more than a good companion who could help me out when I just couldn’t seem to get it myself and then who also could talk with me about anything as well as keeping an eye out for my well-being. Just…a really great friend. I would do the same for them.

Aside from all that, like I mentioned above about seeing the actual actor, I loved that. Looks aside, I have thoroughly enjoyed him as Issac. I am a big fan of Doug Jones and Mark Jackson’s acting reminds me a lot of Jones. I will be going to see if I can find the few other things he has done because he is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. I need more from him! 

My favorite characters in Star Trek shows have almost always been the artificial lifeforms. Data was my favorite in The Next Generation. The EMH on Voyager was my 2nd favorite (Neelix has my heart for that show). I just really enjoy those characters who learn to be human. I mean, I loved the movie Bicentennial Man. I’m not exactly sure what it is about them I enjoy, though. It might be the basically child-like innocence they all seem to have, yet they’re perfectly capable of understanding adults and you don’t have to worry about treating them as you would a child. I imagine it would allow one to feel more at ease. At least it would me, anyway. 

And this brings me to what I didn’t care for in this episode. While I loved the episode overall and it has become my top episode (along with the episode where they discover a planet that phases in and out of their universe and the planet has advanced 700 years every time it comes back) I was a bit disappointed they ended it with Claire and Issac pursuing a romantic relationship.

I mentioned I was a single mom. Well this is a huge reason why this part bugged me. Even before I had a child I had to deal with men using me, thinking I was easy. I mean, come on, it’s universal knowledge that overweight women are easy! /sarcasm

I’ve been through so many men who didn’t find me attractive, they just stuck around for any length of time because they felt it would be easy to get sex from me. I’m glad I didn’t sleep with all of them, but it was bad enough that even just the thought of sleeping with someone starts a panic attack in me. Or hearing a man in a TV show or movie call a woman beautiful or something will do it, too. I get panicky and it just makes my skin crawl. I’ll never believe a man if he compliments me on my looks. Sex is the absolute last thing I want. I would much rather have a great companion.

That’s what Issac and Claire were to each other for a while. Just great friends. I loved it. The idea of someone who could talk with me and sought out my company or my thoughts and noticed things about me without me having to tell them…that’s like finding a unicorn! I enjoyed seeing a friendship like that. I felt that if that continued then this show would be a reminder that you don’t have to be nice to someone only when you like them. That you don’t have to form a romantic relationship when someone takes notice of you. Why do we feel that that is the only acceptable time to be kind to someone? It’s a big reason why I love the show Supernatural. The show has largely been about friendship and family. I know a lot of people want to see Dean and Castiel together (something I enjoy daydreaming about, but I am totally happy with them not getting together as well) but the deep friendship between them is wonderful to see.

So when Claire continued to want to make it more I was disappointed. I won’t not enjoy their relationship now, but it just would have been nice to see them realize they work better as friends and continue on that way. It wouldn’t have just been about the fact that we hardly ever get to see great friendships in our entertainment, though. It could have also shown us that we don’t have to hate our exes. Two people can split for perfectly good reasons, realizing they just didn’t work well together or that romance wasn’t something that worked for them, but they can remain friends in some capacity. I know we see that with Ed and Kelly, but having it somewhere else in the show would have been nice, too.

Maybe the show will take it in that direction someday. If it doesn’t I won’t be surprised or very upset. I’ll just feel like it was a missed opportunity. Also, like I said, I won’t not enjoy their relationship. I love a good love story and I am interested to see what the show does with it.

Seth MacFarlane always amazes me with his wit and insight. I love pretty much everything he does. He’s not been afraid to cross that invisible line. This show is just another example of how amazing he is at what he does. I know he’ll do that aspect of the show justice, no matter which way it goes. 

I know some may be thinking that ‘wit’ and Seth MacFarlane’s shows/movie shouldn’t necessarily go together, but you’d be surprised. Yes he throws in the potty humor and can be quite raunchy, but a lot of his jokes are much more than that. Hell, most jokes are more than that. I don’t know that I’ve ever heard of a comedian being an actual idiot. 

Anyway, my long, rambly, horribly thought out semi-review of my now favorite episode is done. 


my favourite show returned after a very long break and just went ahead and immediately said: please don’t kill yourself, okay? and I need to process this for a while


okay but isaac literally saying that he came to the logical conclusion that people would be better off without him based on pattern recognition was just…A Lot 

felt like Claire was giving methat pep talk and I ended up in tears

fun fact: the orville is a comfort show of mine, and isaac is a comfort character
