#the presidents

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is pictured here, giving one of his famous radio addresses to th

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is pictured here, giving one of his famous radio addresses to the American people. These speeches became popularly known as “fireside chats.” He would speak to the nation about his New Deal, unemployment, and U.S. involvement in World War II.

(Photo: Library of Congress)

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Iconic First Ladies of the United States1. As First Lady, Dolley Madison founded an orphanage for giIconic First Ladies of the United States1. As First Lady, Dolley Madison founded an orphanage for giIconic First Ladies of the United States1. As First Lady, Dolley Madison founded an orphanage for giIconic First Ladies of the United States1. As First Lady, Dolley Madison founded an orphanage for giIconic First Ladies of the United States1. As First Lady, Dolley Madison founded an orphanage for giIconic First Ladies of the United States1. As First Lady, Dolley Madison founded an orphanage for gi

Iconic First Ladies of the United States

1. As First Lady, Dolley Madison founded an orphanage for girls in Washington, D.C., and redecorated the White House to give it a more stately look. Check out our website on Mrs. Madison.

2.Eleanor Roosevelt was an early civil rights activist, insisting that New Deal benefits be extended to African Americans in an equal manner. Check out our website on Mrs. Roosevelt.

3.Jacqueline Kennedy renovated and refurbished the White House, while also extending support for the arts in America. Check out bios of Kennedy women here.

4. National beautification became Lady Bird Johnson’s cause of choice. She led efforts in improving physical conditions in Washington, D.C., in particular. Check out our website on Mrs. Johnson.

5.Rosalynn Carter sat in on Cabinet meetings (which was then unprecedented) and supported reform for mental health legislation and aiding senior citizens. Learn more about Mrs. Carter here.

6.Hillary Clinton headed the Task Force on National Health Care Reform and traveled to over 75 countries during her time as First Lady. Read our biography of Mrs. Clinton here.

(All photos via Library of Congress.)

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