#the romantic relationships in the fandom are fun too



James Potter and Sirius Black: A Friendship for the Ages

  • James adopted Sirius right away. They were randomly in the same train car together and James tells Sirius that he ‘thought he seemed alright’ and Sirius immediately decided that he was also adopting James.
  • Like really, he goes from 'my whole family has been in Slytherin’ to 'Maybe I’ll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you’ve got the choice?’ in the time it takes James to say 'Blimey, and I thought you seemed alright.’
  • And then s/ape insinuates that James is dumb and that’s why he’d want to be in Gryffindor, Sirius stands up for James with a quip, and the mutual adoption is solidified.
  • I think that Sirius looked to James for approval a lot
  • The family that he came from didn’t set any good examples for him, so when he saw James speak out against voldemort’s ideas and laws that were coming about because of those ideas, when he saw James stand up for muggle born students and shut down kids who said stupid shit in his presence about muggle borns, Sirius was forced to reckon with a lot of shit that he had been brought up to believe
  • I don’t think that was easy for him, bc when we meet Sirius, he was resigned to be in Slytherin. He jumped at the opportunity for something different, but he was in that first moment, resigned
  • And so I think he would slip up sometimes, he would say something and James would narrow his brows and look uncomfortable and Sirius would have to be like 'that’s wrong because James isn’t laughing’
  • mr. 'the world isn’t split into good people and death eaters’ believes that because he knows if he hadn’t met James on the train, there was a very good chance that he would have been in Slytherin, that he would have continued to try and be the son his parents wanted, and he might have become a death eater
  • I think the world was a little more black and white, right and wrong, for James, but his parents were so good, and he was so good, and it was easy for him to look at the world this way because he didn’t have to give anything up in order to do so
  • Sirius did have a lot to give up and grow away from, so he can recognize that people who do bad things are not entirely bad, he can recognize that good people who do good things are not entirely good. I think it was at Sirius’ insistence that James declined to use Dumbledore as a secret keeper, because he was much more likely to believe that Dumbledore’s motives weren’t pure, he was much more likely to question him
  • These two boys needed each other, they needed to test one another and push one another to grow and learn
  • James had an abundance of unconditional love showered on him for his entire life, and he was quick to hand it out to others
  • Sirius knew nothing but conditional love until he met James, he didn’t know how to give something and expect nothing in return until he spent years watching James do it
  • Until he made a giant error that almost ended with someone dead and their best friend in prison and James didn’t cut him out of his life. James still loved him even though he couldn’t have made a bigger mistake
  • I think they alternated back and forth between who was reeling who in, and who was egging who on
  • I think James dragged Sirius along behind him in cases of morality, Sirius stumbling all the while but doing his best to keep up
  • I think they always had projects that were meant to test them, to push them, to one up the last thing that they had accomplished (which can get tricky when you work out how to become animagi at 15)
  • I think that Sirius worried about James and Lily being together as a pure blood and a muggle born, after all, he was privy to the way that Voldemort’s supporters spoke about such unions behind closed doors, but I don’t think he ever voiced those concerns because he knew how they would be met. He also knew that James knew already, that he knew and that he was willing to fight and so Sirius was willing to fight
  • I don’t think that there was anything that these boys were not willing to do for each other
  • They grew to be brothers, family, James shared his home and his parents with Sirius
  • He made Sirius his son’s godfather
  • These two boys with such bravado could be vulnerable around one another, they could tell each other when they were scared and promise to help each other, to do something about it
  • These boys were ride or die. They were with another another until the very end.